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See also:Rise,ríse,andříše


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Etymology 1


FromMiddle Englishrisen, fromOld Englishrīsan, fromProto-West Germanic*rīsan, fromProto-Germanic*rīsaną, fromProto-Indo-European*h₁rey-(to rise, arise). According to Kroonen (2013), fromProto-Indo-European*h₃er-(to stir, rise). See alsoraise.


Cognate withWest Frisianrize,Saterland Frisianriese(to arise),Dutchrijzen(to rise, ascend, lift),German Low Germanriesen(to rise; arise),German dialectalreisen(to fall),Norwegian Nynorskrisa(to rise),Icelandicrísa(to rise). Related also toGermanreisen(to travel, fare),Dutchreizen(to travel),Danishrejse(to travel),Swedishresa(to travel). Non-Germanic cognates include Albanianrris(I raise, grow) and Russianрост(rost,growth).



rise (third-person singular simple presentrises,present participlerising,simple pastroseor(nonstandard)rised,past participlerisenor(nonstandard)rised)

  1. (intransitive) To move, or appear to move, physically upwards relative to the ground.
    1. To move upwards.
      We watched the balloonrise.
    2. To grow upward; to attain a certain height.
      This elm treerises to a height of seventy feet.
    3. To slope upward.
      The pathrises as you approach the foot of the hill.
    4. (of acelestial body) To appear to move upwards from behind thehorizon of aplanet as a result of the planet's rotation.
      • [1898],J[ohn] Meade Falkner,Moonfleet, London; Toronto, Ont.:Jonathan Cape, published1934,→OCLC:
        And still the hours passed, and at last I knew by the glimmer of light in the tomb above that the sun hadrisen again, and a maddening thirst had hold of me. And then I thought of all the barrels piled up in the vault and of the liquor that they held; and stuck not because 'twas spirit, for I would scarce have paused to sate that thirst even with molten lead.
      The sun wasrising in the East.
    5. To become erect; to assume an upright position.
      torise from a chair or from a fall
    6. To leave one's bed; toget up.
      • 1965, “Colours”, performed byDonovan:
        Yellow is the colour of my true love's hair,
        In the morning, when werise
    7. (figurative) To beresurrected.
      herose from the grave;   he isrisen!
    8. (figurative) To terminate an official sitting; to adjourn.
      The committeerose after agreeing to the report.
  2. (intransitive) To increase in value or standing.
    1. To attain a higherstatus.
    2. Of a quantity, price, etc., toincrease.
      • 2013 July 6, “The rise of smart beta”, inThe Economist, volume408, number8843, page68:
        Investors face a quandary. Cash offers a return of virtually zero in many developed countries; government-bond yields may haverisen in recent weeks but they are still unattractive. Equities have suffered two big bear markets since 2000 and are wobbling again. It is hardly surprising that pension funds, insurers and endowments are searching for new sources of return.
    3. To become more and more dignified or forcible; to increase in interest or power; said of style, thought, or discourse.
      torise in force of expression; torise in eloquence;   a storyrises in interest.
      • 1897 December (indicated as1898),Winston Churchill, chapter VIII, inThe Celebrity: An Episode, New York, N.Y.:The Macmillan Company; London:Macmillan & Co., Ltd.,→OCLC:
        The humor of my proposition appealed more strongly to Miss Trevor than I had looked for, and from that time forward she became her old self again;[]. Our table in the dining-room became again the abode of scintillating wit and caustic repartee, Farrar bracing up to his old standard, and the demand for seats in the vicinityrose to an animated competition.
    4. To ascend on a musical scale; to take a higher pitch.
      torise a tone or semitone
  3. Tobegin, todevelop; to beinitiated.
    1. To becomeactive,effective oroperational, especially inresponse to anexternal orinternalstimulus.
      torise to the occasion
      Thus far, my intellect has been able torise sufficiently to meet every academic challenge that I have encountered.
      As Patrick continued to goad me, I felt my temperrising towards the limits of my self control.
      • 2011 December 16, Denis Campbell, “Hospital staff 'lack skills to cope with dementia patients'”, inGuardian[1]:
        Professor Peter Crome, chair of the audit's steering group, said the report "provides further concrete evidence that the care of patients with dementia in hospital is in need of a radical shake-up". While a few hospitals hadrisen to the challenge of improving patients' experiences, many have not, he said. The report recommends that all staff receive basic dementia awareness training, and staffing levels should be maintained to help such patients.
    2. Todevelop, tocome about orintensify.
      Ashunger anddespondency became more intense, adeterminationrose within me to find a way of getting off the desert island.
    3. To swell or puff up in the process offermentation; to become light.
      Has that doughrisen yet?
    4. (of a river) To have its source (in a particular place).
      • 1802 December 1, “Interesting description of the Montanna Real”, inThe Monthly magazine, or, British register, Number 94 (Number 5 of Volume 14),page 396:
        The majestic Marannon, or Amazon River,rises out of the Lake Launcocha, situated in the province of Tarma, in 10° 14ʹ south latitude, and ten leagues to the north of Pasco.
    5. To become perceptible to the senses, other than sight.
      a noiserose on the air;   odourrises from the flower
    6. To become agitated, opposed, or hostile; to go to war; to take up arms; to rebel.
      • 1667,John Milton, “Book II”, inParadise Lost. [], London: [] [Samuel Simmons], and are to be sold by Peter Parker [];[a]nd by Robert Boulter [];[a]nd Matthias Walker, [],→OCLC; republished asParadise Lost in Ten Books: [], London: Basil Montagu Pickering [],1873,→OCLC:
        At our heels all hell shouldrise
        With blackest insurrection.
      • 1712 (date written),Alexander Pope, “Messiah. A Sacred Eclogue, in Imitation ofVirgil’sPollio.”, inThe Works of Alexander Pope Esq. [], volume I, London: [] J[ohn] and P[aul] Knapton, H. Lintot,J[acob] and R[ichard] Tonson, and S. Draper, published1751,→OCLC,page40:
        No more ſhall nation againſt nationriſe, / Nor ardent vvarriours meet vvith hateful eyes,[]
    7. To come to mind; to be suggested; to occur.
  4. (transitive) To go up; to ascend; to climb.
    torise a hill
  5. (transitive) To cause to go up or ascend.
    torise a fish, or cause it to come to the surface of the water
    torise a ship, or bring it above the horizon by approaching it
  6. (obsolete) To retire; to give up a siege.
    • 1603,Richard Knolles,The Generall Historie of the Turkes, [], London: [] Adam Islip,→OCLC:
      He,[]rising with small honour from Gunza,[]was gone.
  7. To come; to offer itself.
  8. (printing, dated) To be lifted, or capable of being lifted, from theimposing stone without dropping any of thetype; said of aform.
Coordinate terms
Derived terms
to move upwards
of a celestial body: to appear to move from behind the horizon
to assume an upright position after lying down or sittingseeget up
to leave one's bed; to get upseeget up
to be resurrected
of a quantity, etc: to increase
of a dough, etc: to swell or puff up in the process of fermentation
to have its source
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.
Translations to be checked



rise (pluralrises)

  1. The process of or an action or instance of movingupwards or becoming greater.
    Therise of the tide.
    There was arise of nearly two degrees since yesterday.
    Exercise is usually accompanied by a temporaryrise in blood pressure.
  2. The process of or an action or instance of coming to prominence.
    Therise of the working class.
    Therise of the printing press.
    Therise of the feminists.
  3. (chiefly UK, also Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa) Anincrease in aquantity,price, etc.
  4. (UK, Ireland, Australia, rest of Commonwealth, sometimes Canada)Ellipsis ofpay rise: anincrease inwage orsalary.
    The governor just gave me arise of two pound six.
  5. The amount ofmaterial extending fromwaist tocrotch in a pair oftrousers orshorts.
    Therise of his pants was so low that his tailbone was exposed.
  6. Thefront of adiaper.
  7. (Sussex) A smallhill;used chiefly in place names.
  8. An area of terrain that tends upward away from the viewer, such that it conceals the region behind it; aslope.
    • 2019 November 21, Samanth Subramanian, “How our home delivery habit reshaped the world”, inThe Guardian[2]:
      the land rolls gently, so that, upon cresting a lowrise or passing a copse of wind turbines, you suddenly spot a lot full of lorries or a complex of gigantic sheds.
    • 1884 December 10,Mark Twain [pseudonym; Samuel Langhorne Clemens], “Chapter VII”, inThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: (Tom Sawyer’s Comrade) [], London:Chatto & Windus, [],→OCLC:
      I went along up the bank with one eye out for pap and t'other one out for what therise might fetch along.
  9. (informal) A very noticeable visible or audiblereaction of a person or group.
    Making fun of their football team is one sure way to get arise from a crowd.
    She really got arise from the audience when she donned a wig and talked like the president.
  10. (architecture) Theheight of anarch or astep.
    As therise, i.e. height, of the arch decreases, the outward thrust increases.
    Each step had arise of 170 mm and agoing of 250 mm.
Derived terms
action of moving upwards
increase (in a quantity, price, etc)
area of terrain that rises upward
pay riseseepay rise
height of an arch

Etymology 2


FromMiddle Englishris,rys, fromOld Englishhrīs, fromProto-Germanic*hrīsą(twig; shoot). More atrice.



rise (pluralrises)

  1. Alternative form ofrice(twig)
Derived terms
Related terms


  1. ^rise”, inMerriam-Webster Online Dictionary, Springfield, Mass.:Merriam-Webster, 1996–present.
  2. ^George Philip Krapp,The Pronunciation of Standard English in America (1919), page 119







FromOld Norserisi, fromProto-Germanic*risiz..





rise c (singular definiterisen,plural indefiniteriser)

  1. (Norsemythology) Agiant.


Declension ofrise


See also









  1. first/third-personsingularimperfectsubjunctive ofrir




  • IPA(key): /ˈri.ze/,(traditional)/ˈ[1]
  • Rhymes:-ize,(traditional)-ise
  • Hyphenation:rì‧se

Etymology 1





  1. third-personsingular past historic ofridere

Etymology 2





  1. feminineplural ofriso


  1. ^riso inLuciano Canepari,Dizionario di Pronuncia Italiana (DiPI)








  1. vocativemasculinesingular ofrīsus

Norwegian Bokmål


Etymology 1


FromOld Norserisi. Cognate withGermanRiese(giant).



rise m (definite singularrisen,indefinite pluralriser,definite pluralrisene)

  1. mountaintroll.
  2. jotun (jötunn).

Etymology 2


From the nounris(spanking, whipping).



rise (present tenseriser,past tenseriste,past participlerist)

  1. tospank


  • “rise” inThe Bokmål Dictionary.
  • rise” inThe Ordnett Dictionary

Norwegian Nynorsk




Etymology 1


FromOld Norserisi, fromProto-Germanic*risiz.



rise m (definite singularrisen,indefinite pluralrisar,definite pluralrisane)

  1. agiant,jotun
Alternative forms

Etymology 2


FromOld Norserísa.



rise (present tenseris,past tensereis,past participlerise,present participlerisande,imperativeris)

  1. e-infinitive and split infinitive form ofrisa

Etymology 3




rise (present tenserisar,past tenserisa,past participlerisa,passive infinitiverisast,present participlerisande,imperativerise/ris)

  1. e-infinitive and split infinitive form ofrisa



Old English



  • IPA(key): /ˈriː.se/,[ˈriː.ze]
  • IPA(key): /ˈ,[ˈri.ze]




  1. inflection ofrīsan:
    1. first-personsingularpresentindicative
    2. singularpresentsubjunctive




  1. inflection ofrīsan:
    1. second-personsingularpreteriteindicative
    2. singularpreteritesubjunctive





rise (Cyrillic spellingрисе)

  1. vocativesingular ofris





FromLatinrisus, fromAncient Greekὄρυζα(óruza).




  1. rice
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