FromLatinrecte(“rightly, correctly”).
recte (notcomparable)
- Usedparenthetically in averbatim quotation to correct an error in the source (comparesic, which notes an error without correcting it)
- 1924 December 31, Robert Dunlop and Geo. O'Brien,"An Unpublished Survey of the Plantation of Munster in 1622",The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Sixth Series, Vol. 14, No. 2 p.132:
- TheSeignory of Castleton, containing 200 (sic, queryrecte 12,000) acres
- 1972 T. P. O'Neill (ed.)Private Sessions of Second Dáil (Dublin)26 August 1921
- 1974 Edmund ColledgeTHE CAPGRAVE 'AUTOGRAPHS',Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society, Vol. 6, No. 3, p.142:
- Here is a list of errors not observed by the corrector.
- 193: and (recte 'as')
- 735: a quartere (add 'ȝеге')
- 796: noblel (recte 'noble' or 'nobel')
- 1527: him (recte 'hem')
- 2455: holid (?recte 'helid')
- Victor Mair,Recte!,Language Log, February 13, 2022
Borrowed fromLatinrēctus, ultimately fromProto-Indo-European*h₃reǵtós(“straightened, right”).
recte (femininerecta,masculine and feminine pluralrectes)
- straight(not crooked or bent)
- Synonym:dret
- Antonym:corb
- straight
Borrowed fromLatinrēctum.
recte m (pluralrectes)
- (anatomy)rectum
Fromrectus(“guided,keptstraight”) +-e(“-ly:formingadverbs”), fromregere(“toguide, tokeepstraight”).
rēctē (comparativerēctius,superlativerēctissimē)
- in anuprightposition,vertically
- Antonyms:oblique,transverse
- withouterror,accurately,correctly
- Antonyms:prave,falso,perperam
- withgoodreason,justifiably
- Antonyms:absurde,perperam
- inaccordance withtruth orfact,rightly
- Antonym:falso
- inaccordance with thelaw,legitimately,lawfully
- Synonyms:iure,legitime,ex lege
- Antonym:contra legem
- according to therules,correctly
- Antonyms:vitiose,mendose
- withequity,justly,fairly
- Synonyms:aeque,iuste
- Antonyms:inique,iniuste
- withmoralrectitude,rightly
- Synonym:honeste
- Antonym:turpiter
- properly,thoroughly,well
- Antonym:inepte
- vocativemasculinesingular ofrēctus
- Oxford Latin Dictionary
- “recte”, inCharlton T. Lewis (1891)An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
- recte inGaffiot, Félix (1934)Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
- Carl Meißner, Henry William Auden (1894)Latin Phrase-Book[1], London:Macmillan and Co.
- (ambiguous) you were right in...; you did right to..:recte, bene fecisti quod...
- (ambiguous) a good conscience:conscientia recta, recte facti (factorum), virtutis, bene actae vitae, rectae voluntatis
- (ambiguous) to congratulate oneself on one's clear conscience:conscientia recte factorum erigi
- (ambiguous) quite rightly:et recte (iure, merito)
- (ambiguous) quite rightly:et recte (iure) quidem
- (ambiguous) quite rightly:recte, iure id quidem
Borrowed fromLatinrecte.
- recte