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See also:Reader


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FromMiddle Englishreder,redar,redere,redare, fromOld Englishrēdere,rǣdere(a reader; scholar; diviner), fromProto-West Germanic*rādāri, equivalent toread +‎-er. Cognate withSaterland FrisianRäider(advisor),Dutchrader(advisor),GermanRater(advisor).





reader (pluralreaders)

  1. A person whoreads.
    an earlyreader,a talentedreader
  2. A person whoreads a publication.
    10,000 weeklyreaders
    • 2018 July 13, Jaime Marie Davis, “How photographers have captured skateboarding through generations”, inCNN[1]:
      In its May 1965 issue, Life magazine condemned skateboards as a “menace to limb and even to life,” and cautionedreaders about riders who “take over the paths made for peaceful strollers.”
  3. A person whorecites literary works, usually to an audience.
  4. Aproofreader.
    Synonyms:proofreader,printer's reader
  5. A person employed by apublisher to read works submitted for publication and determine their merits.
    Synonyms:publisher's reader,first reader
  6. A position attached toaristocracy, or to thewealthy, with the task of reading aloud, often in a foreignlanguage.
  7. (chiefly British) Auniversitylecturer ranking below aprofessor.
  8. Anydevice that reads something.
    a cardreader,a microfilmreader
    • 2019 June 27, Jack Schofield, “What’s the best cheap tablet or e-reader for PDF files?”, inThe Guardian[3]:
      The reMarkable PDFreader is really targeted at the digital writing market, rather than the digital reading market, though most serious e-readers support pens for annotations and signatures.
  9. Abook ofexercises to accompany atextbook.
  10. Anelementary textbook for those learning to read, especially forforeign languages.
    Appletons’ SchoolReaders
  11. Aliteraryanthology.
    • 1981 December 1, Thomas Hopkinson, “Streetboy Dreams; The Boy Harlequin and Other Stories (review)”, inGay Community News, volume12, number20, page10:
      A good bedtimereader should entertain and delight, and that's what I find in Girard Kent'sThe Boy Harleqin[sic]and Other Stories.
  12. Alay orminorcleric who readslessons in achurchservice.
  13. (advertising) A newspaperadvertisement designed to look like a news article rather than a commercial solicitation.
    Synonym:reading notice
  14. (in theplural)Reading glasses.
  15. (slang, gambling, in theplural)Markedplaying cards used bycheaters.
    • 1961, United States. Congress. Senate. Government Operations,Gambling and Organized Crime, Parts 1, 2, 3. 87-1, page286:
      LUMINOUSREADERS—Marked cards that can be read only through tinted glasses.
    • 1991, John Bowyer Bell, Barton Whaley,Cheating and Deception, page185:
      Of the 150,000,000 decks of cards sold each year in America, Scarne estimates that 1 percent get marked at some point. Yet, as he discovered in his 1972 gambling survey, only 2 percent of average players have any idea of how to detect these "readers."
  16. (obsolete, slang) Awallet orpocketbook.
    • 1846, George William MacArthur Reynolds,The Mysteries of London, page60:
      [] Q was a Queer-screen, that served as a blind; / R was aReader, with flimsies well lined;[]
  17. AtEton College, a lesson for which pupils are sent back to their separate schoolhouses.

Derived terms



person who reads a publication
person who recites literary works, usually to an audience
person employed by a publisher to read works and determine their merits
any device that reads something
a book of exercises to accompany a textbook
an elementary textbook for those learning to read, especially for foreign languages
a literary anthology


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