Ananglicisation ofquere, an obsolete variant form ofLatinquaere, second-person singular present active imperative ofquaerō(“seek, look for; ask”). Cognate withFrenchquérir,Italianchiedere,Portuguesequerer,Romaniancere, andSpanishquerer. Comparequestion.
query (pluralqueries)
- Aquestion, aninquiry(US), anenquiry(UK).
The teacher answered the student’squery concerning biosynthesis.
1910,Emerson Hough, “The Gateway, and Some Who Passed”, inThe Purchase Price: Or The Cause of Compromise, Indianapolis, Ind.:The Bobbs-Merrill Company,→OCLC,page29:Carried somehow, somewhither, for some reason, on these surging floods, were these travelers, of errand not wholly obvious to their fellows, yet of such sort as to call intoquery alike the nature of their errand and their own relations.
- Aquestion mark.
1886, Skeat,Address of the President to the Philological Society, Great Britain:His Glossary has ‘bouchen, to stop people's mouths,’; but this is followed by aquery, to show that it was but a guess. I have shown, from the MSS. and other sources, that it should be bonched, i.e. bunched, bumped, knocked, smote.
1973,Oliver Sacks,Awakenings:She had written in her diary: "I don'tthink I am in a concentration-camp??????", thequeries growing larger and more numerous till they covered the entire page[…]
2006, Pip, “Re: Royal Enfield motorbike - why would anyone buy one?”, (Usenet):I refer you to your line above, where you use aquery and a bang together.
- (computing, databases) A set ofinstructions passed to adatabase.
The database admin switched onquery logging for debugging purposes.
- (publishing)Short forquery letter.
2006, Michael Larsen,How to Get a Literary Agent[1], Sourcebooks Inc., page46:Although many agents accept emailqueries, check to see if they prefer mailed query letters.
question or inquiry
- Bulgarian:въпро́с (bg) m(vǎprós)
- Chinese:
- Mandarin:質問 /质问 (zh)(zhìwèn),問題 /问题 (zh)(wèntí)
- Czech:dotaz (cs) m
- Danish:spørgsmål (da),forespørgsel
- Dutch:vraag (nl) f,verzoek (nl) n
- Esperanto:pridemando
- Estonian:päring
- Finnish:kysymys (fi),kysely (fi),tiedustelu (fi)
- French:question (fr) f
- Georgian:კითხვა(ḳitxva),შეკითხვა(šeḳitxva)
- German:Frage (de) f
- Greek:
- Ancient Greek:ἐρώτημα n(erṓtēma)
- Hungarian:kérdés (hu)
- Interlingua:inquisition
- Italian:interrogativo (it) m,domanda (it) f,quesito (it) m,richiesta (it) f
- Japanese:質問 (ja)(しつもん, shitsumon)
- Korean:질문(質問) (ko)(jilmun)
- Norwegian:
- Bokmål:spørsmål (no) n,forespørsel (no) m
- Polish:pytanie (pl) n
- Portuguese:pergunta (pt) f
- Russian:запро́с (ru) m(zaprós),вопро́с (ru) m(voprós)
- Serbo-Croatian:
- Cyrillic:у̀пит m
- Roman:ùpit (sh) m
- Spanish:consulta (es) f,pregunta (es),interrogante (es) f
- Swedish:fråga (sv) c
- Turkish:sorgulama (tr)
- Ukrainian:запита́ння (uk) n(zapytánnja)
computing: set of instructions passed to a database
query (third-person singular simple presentqueries,present participlequerying,simple past and past participlequeried)
- (intransitive) To ask a question.
- (transitive) Toask,inquire.
1997 August 16, PRINCESSPK, “Re: Opinions wanted for magazine article”, inalt.showbiz.gossip[2] (Usenet):I tried that once in an AOL thing called "The Arena", I can't remember who the celebrity was, but I posed some divinely thoughtful, inspired, well-crafted question, and they chose one, instead, thatquerried her favourite colour, quelle banel.
- (transitive) Toquestion or call into doubt.
- (computing, databases) To pass a set ofinstructions to adatabase toretrieve information from it.
1999, Luciano Floridi,Philosophy and computing: an introduction, page104:Linked tables can be accessed,queried, combined and reorganised much more flexibly and in a number of ways that may not be immediately predictable when the database is under construction.
- (transitive, Internet) To send a private message to (a user onIRC).
2000, Phantom, “Re: Uhm.. hi... I guess...”, (Usenet):He parted the channel saying "SHUTUP!"... so Iqueried him, asking if there was something I could do.. maybe talk...
2000, Robert Erdec, “Re: Help; mIRC32; unable to resolve server”, inalt.irc.mirc (Usenet):if you know someone who is in the channel, you canquery them and ask for the key.
- (intransitive, publishing) To send out aquery letter.
computing: search database