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FromMiddle Englishquenchen, fromOld Englishcwenċan, fromProto-Germanic*kwankijaną.





quench (third-person singular simple presentquenches,present participlequenching,simple pastquenched,past participlequenchedor(obsolete)quent)

  1. (transitive) Tosatisfy, especially a literal or figurativethirst.
    The libraryquenched her thirst for knowledge.
  2. (transitive) Toextinguish orput out (as a fire or light).
    • 1798, Francisco de Quevedo, anonymous translator,Fortune in Her Wits, and the Hour of All Men[1], volume 3, Edinburgh, translation ofLa fortuna con seso, y La hora de todos (in Spanish),pages130–131:
      [] others ſaying, the fire would ceaſe as ſoon as it had vent, uncovered a great part of the houſe, breaking down the roofs, and destroying all that ſtood in their way. None of them went about toquench the fire, but all were employed in pulling down the houſe, []
  3. (transitive, metallurgy) Tocool rapidly bydirectcontact withliquidcoolant, as a blacksmith quenching hot iron.
    The swordsmithquenched the sword in an oil bath so that it wouldn't shatter.
  4. (transitive, chemistry) Toterminate or greatlydiminish(achemical reaction) bydestroying ordeforming the remainingreagents.
  5. (transitive, physics) To rapidly change the parameters of aphysical system.
    • 2018, P. Bleicker and G. S. Uhrig, “Strong quenches in the one-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard model”, inPhysical Review A[2], volume98,→DOI, page 1:
      A suitable method to prepare a system out of equilibrium in order to study the ensuing dynamics is toquench the system, i.e., to change its parameters abruptly.
  6. (transitive, physics) To rapidly terminate the operation of asuperconductingelectromagnet by causing part or all of the magnet'swindings to enter the normal,resistive state.
    If someone is pinned against the MRI magnet by a ferromagnetic object, you may need toquench the magnet in order to free them.
    • 2015 May 15, Derek Lowe, “Quenching NMRs, Accidentally and On Purpose”, inIn the Pipeline[3], archived fromthe original on20 November 2022:
      These knobs are generally mounted behind a cover of some sort, to prevent someone from leaning up against them or putting a philodendron on top of them, because (1) that aforementioned geyser can represent thousands to tens of thousands of dollars of helium these days, and (2)quenching is Not Good for the integrity of the magnet, and in the worse[sic] case you might find yourself with a lot of high-quality scrap metal.

Derived terms



to satisfy thirst
to extinguish or put out
to cool rapidly by immersion
chemistry: to terminate a reaction



quench (pluralquenches)

  1. The act of quenching something; the fact of being quenched.
    • 1965 [1949], Saul Bellow,The Adventures of Augie March[4], New York: Random House, Inc., page495:
      Then theMacManus [i.e. a ship] went down. The suddenquench of the white light was how I knew it.
  2. (physics) Theabnormaltermination of operation of asuperconductingmagnet, occurring when part of the superconductingcoil enters the normal (resistive) state.
    • 2019 June 13, Steve Rentz, “What Is an MRI Quench?”, inBlock Imaging[5], archived fromthe original on20 November 2022:
      There are two main types ofquenches, and both are triggered by the red button. A customer of ours actually pushed his once, out of curiosity. And no, he was not 7 years old. This button is primarily for safety purposes. In some rare cases, clear signage is ignored and metal objects like mop buckets, oxygen tanks, etc. get sucked into the bore of the MRI. These are very difficult to remove while the magnet is at field. And, if a patient is somehow pinned inside, an emergency push of thequench button can be a lifesaver. The button artificially heats the magnet and starts the chain reaction described above.
  3. (physics) A rapid change of the parameters of aphysical system.
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