Inherited fromMiddle Englishprocatour, contraction ofprocuratour; compareproxy.Doublet ofprocurator.
proctor (pluralproctors)
- (Canada,US, Philippines) Aperson whosupervisesstudents as they take anexamination, in the United States at the college/university level; often the department secretary, or a fellow/graduate student; an invigilator.
- Synonym:invigilator
- (UK) Anofficial at any of several olderuniversities.
- (British, law) Alegalpractitioner inecclesiastical and some othercourts.
- (obsolete) One appointed to collectalms for those who could not go out to beg for themselves, such aslepers and thebedridden.
- Aprocurator ormanager for another.
- A representative of theclergy inconvocation.
person who supervises students as they take an examination
Translations to be checked
proctor (third-person singular simple presentproctors,present participleproctoring,simple past and past participleproctored)
- (Canada,US, Philippines) to function as a proctor
- (transitive) tomanage as anattorney oragent
1817,Illinois Administrative Code:All examinations , including self - study examinations and retake examinations , shall beproctored by a representative of the approved sponsor