(Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
similar toFromLatin pro ( “ in favour of, on behalf of ” ) .
agreeing with;supporting ;favouring 2020 September 6, “Hong Kong police arrest 289 at protests over election delay”, inThe Washington Post ,Associated Press [1] ,→ISSN ,→OCLC , archived fromthe original on2023-04-19 , Asia & Pacific[2] :Police said that 289 people had been arrested, mostly for unlawful assembly. One woman was arrested in the Kowloon district of Yau Ma Tei on charges of assault and spreadingpro- independence slogans, the police department said on its Facebook page. It said such slogans are illegal under a newly enacted national security law.
substituting forprefix meaning supporting or favouring
FromLatin pro- ( “ forward direction, forward movement ” ) .
forward movement FromAncient Greek πρό ( pró ,“ before ” ) .
earlier ;prior ( biology ) precursor (molecule)Coordinate term: prepro- rudimentary in front of “pro- ”, inOneLook Dictionary Search . “pro- ”, inMerriam-Webster Online Dictionary , Springfield, Mass.:Merriam-Webster , 1996–present. John A. Simpson andEdmund S. C. Weiner , editors (1989 ), “pro- ”, inThe Oxford English Dictionary , 2nd edition, Oxford:Clarendon Press ,→ISBN . -- lists many derived termsJohn A. Simpson andEdmund S. C. Weiner , editors (1989 ), “pro- ”, inThe Oxford English Dictionary , 2nd edition, Oxford:Clarendon Press ,→ISBN . -- lists many derived termspro-
through forms aperfective verb and makes the verbtransitive , the direct object is related tomoney ortime pro- + pít ( “ to drink ” ) → propít ( “ to spend sth on drinking ” ) pro- + bulet → probulet pro- + podnikat → propodnikat pro- + večírkovat → provečírkovat (pro- +imperfective base +se ) +direction forms aperfective verb and changes the sense ofmotion from literal to fictive pro- + zdravit → prozdravit se pro- + rvát → prorvat se pro- + kouřit → prokouřit se pro- + žvanit → prožvanit se pro-/prů- inSlovník afixů užívaných v češtině , 2017pro-
pro- Borrowed fromLatin prō ( “ in front of ” ) .
pro- FromProto-Italic *pro- , fromProto-Indo-European *pro- . Synchronically served as the prefix counterpart to the prepositionprō .
pro- prō- prō- orpro-
forward direction, forward movementprō- +clīvus +-is →prōclīvis prōd- + eō → prōdeō prō- + gradior → prōgredior downward and forwardmovement prō- +flīgō +-ō →prōflīgō prō- + terō → prōterō action directed forwardor infront prō- + pugnō → prōpugnō prō- + tegō → prōtegō prominence prō- + *mineō → prōmineō prō- + pendeō → prōpendeō ( prefixed to verbs of utterance ) inplace of, onbehalf ofprō- + clāmō → prōclāmō prō- + loquor → prōloquor bringing intobeing ,forth ,or into theopen prō- + creō → prōcreō prō- + gignō → prōgignō prō- + *olēs → prōlēs prō- + emō → prōmō ( temporally ) prior ,fore- pro- + avus → proavus prō- + rogō → prōrogō prō- + videō → prōvideō advantage prō- + cūrō → prōcūrō prō- + faciō → prōficiō prō(d)- + sum → prōsum Learned borrowing fromLatin prō- .
IPA (key ) : /prɔ/ Rhymes:-ɔ Syllabification:[please specify syllabification manually] pro-
pro- pro- in Polish dictionaries at PWNFromProto-Slavic *pro- .
Forms perfective verbs with the following meanings: movingthrough pro- + sẹ́vati ( “ to radiate ” ) → prosẹ́vati ( “ to shine through ” ) CategorySlovene terms prefixed with pro- not found