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Etymology 1


FromMiddle Englishprik,prikke, fromOld Englishprica,pricu(a sharp point, minute mark, spot, dot, small portion, prick), fromProto-West Germanic*prikō,*priku, fromProto-Germanic*prikô,*prikō(a prick, point), of uncertain origin, perhaps fromProto-Indo-European*breyǵ-(to scrape, scratch, rub, prickle, chap).

Cognate withWest Frisianprik(small hole),West Frisianprikke(penis),Dutchprik(point, small stick", also "penis),Danishprik(dot),Icelandicprik(dot, small stick).



prick (pluralpricks)

  1. A smallhole orperforation, caused bypiercing.[from 10th c.]
  2. Anindentation or smallmark made with a pointed object.[from 10th c.]
  3. (obsolete) Adot or other diacritical mark used in writing; apoint.[10th–18th c.]
  4. (obsolete) A tinyparticle; a small amount of something; ajot.[10th–18th c.]
  5. A small pointed object.[from 10th c.]
  6. The experience or feeling of being pierced or punctured by a small, sharp object.[from 13th c.]
    I felt a sharpprick as the nurse took a sample of blood.
  7. A feeling ofremorse.
    • 1768–1777,Abraham Tucker,The Light of Nature Pursued
      thepricks of conscience
  8. (slang, vulgar) Thepenis.[from 16th c.]
    • 1977 December 10, Arnold W. Klassen, “Looking For Alternatives: A New Political Analysis”, inGay Community News, volume 5, number23, page13:
      Patriarchal attitudes have made a society where men rule and women obey, where "you'd-better-know-your-place-boy," where gay men actually play husband-and-wife (my lover and I did it for four years, until it became intolerable), where kingprick lays down the law.
  9. (slang, derogatory) Someone (especially a male) who is unpleasant, rude or annoying.[from 16th c.]
  10. (now historical) A small roll of yarn or tobacco.[from 17th c.]
  11. Thefootprint of ahare.
  12. (obsolete) A point or mark on thedial, noting the hour.
  13. (obsolete) The point on atarget at which anarcher aims; themark; thepin.
Derived terms
small pointed object
feeling of being pierced or punctured
(slang) a penis
an annoying person

Etymology 2


FromMiddle Englishprikken, fromOld Englishprician,priccan(to prick), fromProto-Germanic*prikōną,*prikjaną(to pierce, prick), of uncertain origin; perhaps fromProto-Indo-European*breyǵ-(to scrape, scratch, rub, prickle, chap). Cognate with dialectalEnglishpritch,Dutchprikken(to prick, sting),Middle High Germanpfrecken(to prick),Swedishpricka(to dot, prick), and possibly toLithuanianįbrėžti(to scrape, scratch, carve, inscribe, strike).



prick (third-person singular simple presentpricks,present participlepricking,simple past and past participlepricked)

  1. (transitive) Topierce orpuncture slightly.[from 11th c.]
    John hardly felt the needleprick his arm when the adept nurse drew blood.
    1. (farriery) To drive anail into (a horse's foot), so as to causelameness.
    2. (transitive, hunting) Toshoot without killing.
      • 1871, Robert Smith Surtees,Jorrocks's jaunts and jollities, page48:
        They had shot at old Tom, the hare, too, but he is still alive; at least Ipricked him yesterday morn across the path into the turnip field.
  2. (transitive) To form by piercing or puncturing.
    toprick holes in paper
    toprick a pattern for embroidery
    toprick the notes of a musical composition
    • 1782,William Cowper, “On the Receipt of my Mother’s Picture out of Norfolk”, inPoems, London: [] J[oseph] Johnson, [],→OCLC:
      When, playing with thy vestute's tissued flowers,
      The violet, the pink, and jessamine,
      Ipricked them into paper with a pit
  3. (obsolete) To mark or denote by a puncture; to designate by pricking; to choose; to mark.
  4. (transitive, chiefly nautical) To mark the surface of (something) with pricks ordots; especially, to trace a ship’s course on (a chart).[from 16th c.]
  5. (nautical, obsolete) To run a middle seam through the cloth of a sail.
  6. To fix by the point; to attach or hang by puncturing.
  7. (intransitive, dated) To be punctured; to suffer or feel a sharp pain, as by puncture.
    A sore fingerpricks.
  8. (ambitransitive) To make or become sharp; to erect into a point; to raise, as something pointed; said especially of the ears of an animal, such as a horse or dog; and usually followed byup.
    The dog's earspricked up at the sound of a whistle.
    • 1697,Virgil, “The Second Book of theGeorgics”, inJohn Dryden, transl.,The Works of Virgil: Containing His Pastorals, Georgics, and Æneis. [], London: [] Jacob Tonson, [],→OCLC:
      The courser [...]pricks up his ears.
  9. (horticulture)Usually in the formprick out: toplant (seeds or seedlings) in holes made in soil at regularintervals.
    • 2002 July 6,Carol Klein, “Coming up primroses”, inThe Daily Telegraph (Gardening)[1], archived fromthe original on15 February 2013:
      Seed should be sown thinly and evenly to enable seedlings to bepricked out without disturbing those that have just emerged. If there is space, seedlings should bepricked out individually, either into small pots or module trays.
    • 2005 October 22, Valerie Bourne, “Self-seeding”, inThe Daily Telegraph (Gardening)[2], archived fromthe original on24 November 2013:
      All three germinate well in pots and can bepricked out and potted on with no problems. [...] Grass seeds can be collected as the heads begin to break up. Sow them in late spring,prick out small bundles of seedlings into 7.5cm (3in) pots and transplant them in late May.
    • 2015 September 21, Helen Yemm, “How to manage hollyhocks [print version: Hollyhock and elder care, evil weevils, 12 September 2015, page 7]”, inThe Daily Telegraph (Gardening)[3], archived fromthe original on25 September 2015:
      Geoff might prefer to "take control": to collect seed and sow it next spring,pricking out a few of the best seedlings, growing them on in pots next summer before planting them out in the autumn.
  10. (transitive) Toincite,stimulate,goad.[from 13th c.]
  11. (intransitive, archaic) To urge one'shorse on; toride quickly.[from 14th c.]
    • 1590,Edmund Spenser, “Book III, Canto I”, inThe Faerie Queene. [], London: [] [John Wolfe] forWilliam Ponsonbie,→OCLC:
      At last, as through an open plaine they yode,
      They spide a knight that towards thempricked fayre [...].
    • 1667,John Milton, “Book II”, inParadise Lost. [], London: [] [Samuel Simmons], and are to be sold by Peter Parker [];[a]nd by Robert Boulter [];[a]nd Matthias Walker, [],→OCLC; republished asParadise Lost in Ten Books: [], London: Basil Montagu Pickering [],1873,→OCLC, lines527-538:
      Part, on the plain or in the air sublime, / Upon the wing or in swift race contend, / As at the Olympian games or Pythian fields; / Part curb their fiery steed, or shun the goal / With rapid wheel, or fronted brigads form : / As when, to warn proud cities, war appears / Waged in the trouble sky, and armies rush / To battle in the clouds; before each van /Prick forth the aery knights, and couch their spears / Till thickest legions close; with feats of arms / From either end of heaven the welkin burns.
    • 1874–1881, Robert Louis Stevenson,Virginibus Puerisque and Other Papers, London:C[harles] Kegan Paul & Co., [], published1881,→OCLC:
      Indeed, it is a memorable subject for consideration, with what unconcern and gaiety mankindpricks on along the Valley of the Shadow of Death.
  12. To affect with sharp pain; to sting, as with remorse.
  13. (transitive) To makeacidic orpungent.
  14. (intransitive) To becomesharp oracid; to turnsour, aswine.
  15. Toaim at apoint ormark.
  16. (obsolete, usually asprick up) todress oradorn; toprink.
Derived terms
to pierce
to urge, goad

Further reading






FromMiddle Low Germanpricken, fromOld Saxon*prikkian, from the verbProto-Germanic*prikjaną(to prick).






  1. on the dot,exactly,sharp
    vi träffasprick klockan sju
    we'll meet at seven o'clocksharp
  2. with carefulaim (in order to hit something)
    att skjutaprick
    to shoot at a mark / snipe
    De skötprick på en melon
    They used a melon as a target ("They shot with careful aim at a melon")



prick c

  1. adot, smallspot
    Sista bokstaven i det svenska alfabetet är "ö", det vill säga ett "o" med tvåprickar över.
    The last letter in the Swedish alphabet is "ö", that is, an "o" with twodots over it.
    att skjutaprickto shoot for a target
  2. amark, astain (in a record of good behavior)
    Han har haft körkort i 40 år och kört utanprickar
    He's had a driver's license for 40 years and has received zerodriving infractions
  3. aguy, person; especially about a particularly nice or funny one
    Det var en riktigt trevligprick, det där.
    That was a really niceguy, there.
  4. a floatingseamark in the form of a painted pole, possibly with cones, lights and reflectors
    Ser du ompricken därborta är en nord eller en ost?
    Can you see whether themark over there is a north mark or an east mark?

Usage notes

  • (guy, person): Mainly used in conjunction with the adjectivesrolig(funny) ortrevlig(nice), but also withruskig(frightful, nasty).
  • See alsopå pricken.


Declension ofprick

Derived terms


Related terms


See also



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