1951, State Farm Life Insurance Company,Life Agents Handbook,page62:
(Of course, if an insured dies during the grace period, the unpaid annualpremium or instalment thereof ispast due and thereforeis deducted from the death benefit.)
1986, Michael P. Claudon,World Debt Crisis: International Lending on Trial, page184:
Notice that thesepremia would exist even in a world of risk-neutral lenders if there were identifiable classes of nonrepaying borrowers.
1999,Missouri Law Review, volume64, page770:
When a process of proverse selection has run its course, a disproportionate number of high-risk insureds will remain in the former classification, which will prompt an increase in thepremiums charged in order to cover the higher losses.
Pusat Informasi Harga Pangan Strategis Nasional mencatat rata-rata harga gula pasir kualitaspremium (per kg) harian di pasar modern di beberapa provinsi telah menyentuh angka Rp 14,33 ribu per kg.[1] ―The National Strategic Food Price Information Center noted that the average daily price ofpremium quality granulated sugar (per kg) in modern markets in several provinces has reach the figure of Rp. 14.33 thousand per kg.
Bensin dengan merekPremium (RON 88) yang dijual PT Pertamina (Persero) dan Revvo 89 (RON 89) yang dijual PT Vivo Energy Indonesia tidak boleh lagi dijual mulai tahun depan. ―Gasoline of Pertamina'sPremium and Vivo's Revvo 89 cannot be sold from next year.
Pemerintah batal menghapuskan Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) jenis bensin dengan nilai oktan (RON) 88 aliasPremium dari pasaran.[2] ―Government cancel the abolishment of fuel (BBM) with an octane rating (RON) of 88 or Premium from the market.
2021 April 23, Iñigo Domínguez, “La Superliga o la obsesión ‘premium’”, inEl País[2], retrieved2022-03-21:
Nos domina hace tiempo una obsesiónpremium, de sentirnos en el lado caro de la historia.
We have long been dominated by apremium obsession, of feeling on the expensive side of history.
2022 February 25, Jorge Morla, “¿Quién controlará la publicidad en el metaverso?”, inEl País[3]:
¿Y cuántas quejas de usuarios hay por el reciente aumento de anuncios en Youtube[sic] (aumento que se puede combatir suscribiéndose a la versiónpremium de la plataforma)?
According toRoyal Spanish Academy (RAE) prescriptions, unadapted foreign words should be written in italics in a text printed in roman type, and vice versa, and in quotation marks in a manuscript text or when italics are not available. In practice, this RAE prescription is not always followed.