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Alternative forms




FromMiddle Englishpremise, premisse, fromOld Frenchpremisse, fromMedieval Latinpremissa(set before) (premissa propositio(the proposition set before)), feminine past participle ofLatinpraemittere(to send or put before), fromprae-(before) +mittere(to send).

The sense "a piece of real estate" arose from the misinterpretation of the word by property owners while readingtitle deeds where the word was used with the legal sense.





premise (pluralpremises)

  1. Apropositionantecedentlysupposed orproved; something previouslystated orassumed as thebasis of furtherargument; acondition; asupposition.
  2. (logic) Any of the firstpropositions of asyllogism, from which theconclusion isdeduced.
    • 1667, attributed toRichard Allestree,The Causes of the Decay of Christian Piety. [], London: [] R. Norton for T. Garthwait, [],→OCLC:
      While thepremises stand firm, 'tis impossible to shake the conclusion.
  3. (usually in theplural, law) Matters previously stated or set forth; especially, that part in the beginning of a deed, the office of which is to express the grantor and grantee, and the land or thing granted or conveyed, and all that precedes thehabendum; the thing demised or granted.
  4. (usually in theplural) A piece ofreal estate; abuilding and itsadjuncts.
    trespass on another’spremises
    • 1899 September 27,The Daily Review (Peterborough, Ont., Canada), volume37, number72,page 1a:
      On thepremises is a beautiful lawn, well stocked with flowering shrubs; hard and soft water.
    • 1918,W[illiam] B[abington] Maxwell, chapter XIX, inThe Mirror and the Lamp, Indianapolis, Ind.:The Bobbs-Merrill Company,→OCLC:
      Nothing was too small to receive attention, if a supervising eye could suggest improvements likely to conduce to the common welfare. Mr. Gordon Burnage, for instance, personally visited dust-bins and backpremises, accompanied by a sort of village bailiff, going his round like a commanding officer doing billets.
  5. (authorship) The fundamental concept that drives the plot of afilm or otherstory.
    • 2021 September 15, Laura Martin, “How talent shows became TV's most bizarre programmes”, inBBC[1]:
      In 1949, the simplepremise of discovering ordinary people who have hidden, extraordinary talents came to prominence in the UK with Opportunity Knocks, which started out as a nationwide touring radio show, before moving onto TV in 1956.

Coordinate terms


Derived terms


Derived terms


Related terms



proposition antecedently supposed or proved
either of the first two propositions of a syllogism, from which the conclusion is deduced
matters previously stated or set forth
piece of real estate



premise (third-person singular simple presentpremises,present participlepremising,simple past and past participlepremised)

  1. Tostate orassume something as aproposition to anargument.
  2. To make a premise.
  3. To set forth beforehand, or as introductory to the main subject; to offer previously, as something to explain or aid in understanding what follows.
    • 1712 February 13 (Gregorian calendar), [Joseph Addison;Richard Steeleet al.], “SATURDAY, February 2, 1711–1712”, inThe Spectator, number291; republished inAlexander Chalmers, editor,The Spectator; a New Edition, [], volume III, New York, N.Y.:D[aniel] Appleton & Company,1853,→OCLC:
      Ipremise these particulars that the reader may know that I enter upon it as a very ungrateful task.
      The spelling has been modernized.
    • 1749,Henry Fielding,The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling:
      Havingpremised thus much, we will now detain those who like our bill of fare no longer from their diet, and shall proceed directly to serve up the first course of our history for their entertainment.
  4. To send before the time, or beforehand; hence, to cause to be before something else; to employ previously.












  1. dative/locativesingular ofpremisa






  1. third-personsingular past historic ofpremettere


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