Related topraestolor(“to expect, wait for”). According to Pokorny, from the verb*praestōd-ārī, which is formed from the ablative singular*praistōd(“ready, available”). Steinbauer (1989: 255) supports this derivation. However, the idea ofpraesto coming from an ablative singular form is quite unique in Latin word formation.
Livingston (2004: 65-66) offers an alternative explanation, analyzingpraestōlāre as a compound of the originally directive adverbpraesto(“to the ready”) and-lare, potentially related to-ulare(“to wander”) as inambulare.
In either case, the first element is the prefixprae- and the second fromProto-Italic*stōlo-, fromProto-Indo-European*stel-(“to place, put”), similar tolocus.[1]
praestō (notcomparable)
- at hand,ready,present,here
- Synonyms:parātus,prōmptus
- serviceable,helpful
- (withsum) to be at hand, attend, wait upon, serve, aid, be helpful
Fromprae- +stō.
praestō (present infinitivepraestāre,perfect activepraestitīorpraestāvī,supinepraestātumorpraestitum);first conjugation
- to bepreferable,better,coupled withquam
c. 52BCE,
Julius Caesar,
Commentarii de Bello GallicoVII.10:
- Praestare visum est tamen omnis difficultates perpeti, quam tanta contumelia accepta omnium suorum voluntates alienare
- However it seemedbetter to endure any hardship than to alienate the affections of all his allies, by submitting to such an insult
c. 52BCE,
Julius Caesar,
Commentarii de Bello GallicoVII.17:
- Praestare omnes perferre acerbitates, quam non civibus Romanis, quiCenabi perfidia Gallorum interissent, parentarent
- Itwas better to sustain any hardship than to not avenge the Roman citizens who perished at Genabum by the perfidy of the Gauls
- to beoutstanding, beexceeding in something, toexcel,stand out, besuperior, todistinguish oneself, beexcellent,distinguished,admirable
- Synonyms:excellere,praecellere,antecellere
- toprovide,supply,offer,bestow
- toexhibit, toshow
- Synonyms:praebeō,ostendō,ostentō,expōnō,prōpōnō,prōdō,acclārō,indicō,prōferō,prōtrahō,fateor,profiteor,vulgō,coarguō,gerō
- (reflexive) toprove (oneself), toshow (oneself)
- (Late Latin, Medieval Latin) tolend,loan
- Perfect forms likepraestāvī are found post-Classically.
indicative | singular | plural |
first | second | third | first | second | third |
active | present | praestō | praestās | praestat | praestāmus | praestātis | praestant |
imperfect | praestābam | praestābās | praestābat | praestābāmus | praestābātis | praestābant |
future | praestābō | praestābis | praestābit | praestābimus | praestābitis | praestābunt |
perfect | praestitī, praestāvī | praestitistī, praestāvistī | praestitit, praestāvit | praestitimus, praestāvimus | praestitistis, praestāvistis | praestitērunt, praestitēre, praestāvērunt, praestāvēre |
pluperfect | praestiteram, praestāveram | praestiterās, praestāverās | praestiterat, praestāverat | praestiterāmus, praestāverāmus | praestiterātis, praestāverātis | praestiterant, praestāverant |
future perfect | praestiterō, praestāverō | praestiteris, praestāveris | praestiterit, praestāverit | praestiterimus, praestāverimus | praestiteritis, praestāveritis | praestiterint, praestāverint |
passive | present | praestor | praestāris, praestāre | praestātur | praestāmur | praestāminī | praestantur |
imperfect | praestābar | praestābāris, praestābāre | praestābātur | praestābāmur | praestābāminī | praestābantur |
future | praestābor | praestāberis, praestābere | praestābitur | praestābimur | praestābiminī | praestābuntur |
perfect | praestātus orpraestitus + present active indicative ofsum |
pluperfect | praestātus orpraestitus + imperfect active indicative ofsum |
future perfect | praestātus orpraestitus + future active indicative ofsum |
subjunctive | singular | plural |
first | second | third | first | second | third |
active | present | praestem | praestēs | praestet | praestēmus | praestētis | praestent |
imperfect | praestārem | praestārēs | praestāret | praestārēmus | praestārētis | praestārent |
perfect | praestiterim, praestāverim | praestiterīs, praestāverīs | praestiterit, praestāverit | praestiterīmus, praestāverīmus | praestiterītis, praestāverītis | praestiterint, praestāverint |
pluperfect | praestitissem, praestāvissem | praestitissēs, praestāvissēs | praestitisset, praestāvisset | praestitissēmus, praestāvissēmus | praestitissētis, praestāvissētis | praestitissent, praestāvissent |
passive | present | praester | praestēris, praestēre | praestētur | praestēmur | praestēminī | praestentur |
imperfect | praestārer | praestārēris, praestārēre | praestārētur | praestārēmur | praestārēminī | praestārentur |
perfect | praestātus orpraestitus + present active subjunctive ofsum |
pluperfect | praestātus orpraestitus + imperfect active subjunctive ofsum |
imperative | singular | plural |
first | second | third | first | second | third |
active | present | — | praestā | — | — | praestāte | — |
future | — | praestātō | praestātō | — | praestātōte | praestantō |
passive | present | — | praestāre | — | — | praestāminī | — |
future | — | praestātor | praestātor | — | — | praestantor |
non-finite forms | infinitive | participle |
active | passive | active | passive |
present | praestāre | praestārī | praestāns | — |
future | praestātūrumesse, praestitūrumesse | praestātumīrī, praestitumīrī | praestātūrus, praestitūrus | praestandus |
perfect | praestitisse, praestāvisse | praestātumesse, praestitumesse | — | praestātus, praestitus |
future perfect | — | praestātumfore, praestitumfore | — | — |
perfect potential | praestātūrumfuisse, praestitūrumfuisse | — | — | — |
verbal nouns | gerund | supine |
genitive | dative | accusative | ablative | accusative | ablative |
praestandī | praestandō | praestandum | praestandō | praestātum, praestitum | praestātū, praestitū |
- “praesto”, inCharlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879)A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
- “praesto”, inCharlton T. Lewis (1891)An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
- praesto inEnrico Olivetti, editor (2003-2025),Dizionario Latino, Olivetti Media Communication
- "praesto", in Charles du Fresne du Cange’sGlossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition with additions by D. P. Carpenterius, Adelungius and others, edited by Léopold Favre, 1883–1887)
- praesto inGaffiot, Félix (1934)Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
- Carl Meißner, Henry William Auden (1894)Latin Phrase-Book[1], London:Macmillan and Co.
- to show kindness to..:benevolentiam alicui praestare, in aliquem conferre
- to keep faith with a person, keep one's word:fidem praestare alicui
- to fulfil a promise:fidem (promissum) praestare
- to be answerable for a person, a thing:praestare aliquem, aliquid, de aliqua re or Acc. c. Inf.
- to do one's duty:officium suum facere, servare, colere, tueri, exsequi, praestare
- praesto inRamminger, Johann (2016 July 16 (last accessed))Neulateinische Wortliste: Ein Wörterbuch des Lateinischen von Petrarca bis 1700[2], pre-publication website, 2005-2016
- ^De Vaan, Michiel (2008) “praestelo”, inEtymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 7), Leiden, Boston: Brill,→ISBN,page486}