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See also:Pitcher


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Etymology 1

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Baseball pitcher Roger Clemens.

Frompitch +‎-er.



pitcher (pluralpitchers)

  1. One whopitches (in any sense) anything
    a tentpitcher
    apitcher of ideas
    a quoitspitcher
  2. (baseball, softball) Theplayer who delivers the ball to thebatter.
    • 2003, John E. Peterson,The Kansas City Athletics: A Baseball History: 1954–1967, Jefferson, NC:McFarland & Company,→ISBN, page210:
      A “pitchometer” was installed on the scoreboard to time the pitchers. According the baseball rules apitcher had to throw a pitch within 20 seconds after he received the ball from the catcher when there was nobody on base.
  3. (slang) Adrug dealer.
    • 2000, Michael Massing,The Fix, page67:
      To the residents of Spanish Harlem, thesepitchers embodied the drug trade at its most sinister; they were the dealers and pushers who were destroying their neighborhood.
  4. (obsolete, UK, slang) One who putscounterfeitmoney intocirculation.
    Synonym:snide pitcher
    • 1863, Blanchard Jerrold,Signals of Distress in Refuges and Homes of Charity (etc.), page 2:
      To discover[] how the honest poor are compelled to hob-and-nob with the “shofulpitcher” and the “gun,” it is necessary to visit the vast nursery-grounds of crime.
  5. (chiefly US, colloquial) Thetop partner in ahomosexualrelationship or penetrator in asexualencounter between two men.
  6. (obsolete) A sort ofcrowbar fordigging.[1]
  7. One who makes a pitch or proposal.
    Thepitcher of the new film stands to earn millions.
  8. (obsolete, UK, slang) A person who sells anything in the streets.
Derived terms
the player who throws the ball to the batter
gay dominant sex partnersee alsotop
Further reading

Etymology 2

Apitcher for pouring liquids.
Ant drinking from thepitcher (type of plant appendage) of aNepenthes rafflesiana.

FromMiddle Englishpicher, fromOld Frenchpichier,pechier(small jug),bichier (compare modernFrenchpichet), fromLate Latin orMedieval Latinpīcārium, alteration ofbīcārium, itself possibly frombacarium,bacar or fromAncient Greekβῖκος(bîkos).Doublet ofbeaker.



pitcher (pluralpitchers)

  1. A wide-mouthed, deepvessel for holdingliquids, with aspout or protrudinglip and ahandle; awater jug orjar with a largeear or handle.
    • 1846,Nathaniel Hawthorne, “The New Adam and Eve”, inMosses from an Old Manse:
      At length, in a refrigerator, Eve finds a glasspitcher of water, pure, cold, and bright as ever gushed from a fountain among the hills.
  2. (botany) Atubular orcuplikeappendage or expansion of the leaves of certain plants. Seepitcher plant.
Derived terms
A wide-mouthed, deep vessel for holding liquids
A tubular or cuplike appendage or expansion of the leaves of certain plants
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.
Translations to be checked

See also


Further reading


Etymology 3




pitcher (pluralpitchers)

  1. Pronunciation spelling ofpicture, representingdialectal English.
    • 1934, William Byron Mowery,Challenge of the North:
      She's purtier'n uhpitcher, son, but what in th' name o' thunderin' snakes c'n you do with 'er in this here country?
    • 2015, Stephen Gresham,Rockabye Baby:
      Nineteen sixty-nine, shore as hell, Clay Lawrence —that magazine had uhpitcher of ya—was uh All-American defensive back at the University of Missouri.
Derived terms


  1. ^pitcher”, inWebster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, Springfield, Mass.:G. & C. Merriam,1913,→OCLC.







FromOld Frenchpiquer(to pierce with the tip of a sword), fromVulgar Latinpīccare(to sting, strike), fromFrankish*pikkōn.




  1. toprick





Unadapted borrowing fromEnglishpitcher.





pitcher m (pluralpitchers)

  1. Alternative spelling ofpícher

Usage notes


According toRoyal Spanish Academy (RAE) prescriptions, unadapted foreign words should be written in italics in a text printed in roman type, and vice versa, and in quotation marks in a manuscript text or when italics are not available. In practice, this RAE prescription is not always followed.

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