instrumental indefinite ofpe Inherited fromOld Galician-Portuguese pez (13th century,Cantigas de Santa Maria ), fromLatin pix, picem .
IPA (key ) : ( standard ) /ˈpeθ/ [ˈpeθ] IPA (key ) : ( seseo ) /ˈpes/ [ˈpes]
pez m or f (plural peces )
pitch ,tar Synonym: piche pitch ,resin Synonyms: recina ,resina Ernesto Xosé González Seoane ,María Álvarez de la Granja ,Ana Isabel Boullón Agrelo (2006 –2022 ) “pez ”, inDicionario de Dicionarios do galego medieval (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega Xavier Varela Barreiro, Xavier Gómez Guinovart (2006 –2018 ) “pez ”, inCorpus Xelmírez - Corpus lingüístico da Galicia medieval (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega Antón Luís Santamarina Fernández , editor (2006 –2013 ), “pez ”, inDicionario de Dicionarios da lingua galega [Dictionary of Dictionaries of the Galician language ] (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega Antón Luís Santamarina Fernández ,Ernesto Xosé González Seoane ,María Álvarez de la Granja , editors (2003 –2018 ), “pez ”, inTesouro informatizado da lingua galega (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega Rosario Álvarez Blanco , editor (2014 –2024 ), “pez ”, inTesouro do léxico patrimonial galego e portugués (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega ,→ISSN FromProto-Iranian *pácu , fromProto-Indo-Iranian *páću , fromProto-Indo-European *péḱu .
pez m
sheep FromLatin picem , accusative ofpix .
pez f (usuallyuncountable )
pitch ,tar c. 1250 ,Alfonso X ,Lapidario ,53r :Et a tal uertud que ſi la ponẽ ſobre mill peſos depez faz los feruir por ſu p̃p̃dat biẽ como si estudieſſen a fuego. And its virtue is such that if it is put over a thousand weights ofpitch , it lights them due to its property, as if they were on fire. Inherited fromLatin piscem , fromProto-Indo-European *peysk- .
pez m (plural peces )
fish c. 1250 ,Alfonso X ,Lapidario ,56v :[…] ca alli a una laguna q̃ ſe tiene cõ la. en q̃ a unospeces tamannos como un palmo. ⁊ no an eſcama nĩguna. […] for in that place there is a pool in which there are largefish , the size of a handspan, and they have no scales whatsoever. Idem , f.92r.Et la eſtrella meridional de las dos que ſon en el uientre delpez poſtrimero en la figura de piſces a poder en eſta piedra […] And the northern start of the two that are on the belly of the lastfish in the figure of Pisces has power over this stone […] FromOld Galician-Portuguese pez , fromLatin picem , ultimately fromProto-Indo-European *pī́ts ( “ pitch; resin ” ) .Doublet ofpiche .
pez m (plural pezes )
pitch ( dark, extremely viscous material made by distilling tar ) Synonym: piche Inherited fromOld Spanish pez , fromLatin picem , fromProto-Indo-European *pī́ts ( “ pitch; resin ” ) .
pez f (plural peces )
pitch ,tar Synonym: brea pez Inherited fromOld Spanish pez , fromLatin piscem , fromProto-Indo-European *peysk- . Comparepeje ,Italian pesce ,Portuguese peixe ,Romanian pește .
pez m (plural peces )
fish ( especially while alive ) Synonym: peje ( informal ) idiot ,dimwit Synonyms: idiota ,zonzo The nounpez is used when referring to live fish, as opposed topescado , used to refer to a fish once it has been hooked, taken from the water, cooked, served as food, etc.