Xavier Varela Barreiro, Xavier Gómez Guinovart (2006–2018) “pero”, inCorpus Xelmírez - Corpus lingüístico da Galicia medieval (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega
1936, V. I. Junus,Iƶoran Keelen Grammatikka[2], Leningrad: Riikin Ucebno-pedagogiceskoi Izdateljstva, page78:
Assiapaperit kirjutettaaperol, a ei krandoșșiil.
Documents are writwith a quill, and not a pencil.
1936, N. A. Iljin and V. I. Junus,Bukvari iƶoroin șkouluja vart, Leningrad: Riikin Ucebno-pedagogiceskoi Izdateljstva, page36:
Yhteiset meil ollaa riissat -perot, krantossit ja kirjat, veel i tetretit i kartat, stoolit, lavvat, sumat, partat, klaassan seinät, klaassan maa.
We have shared objects -quills, pencils and books, also notebooks and maps, chairs, benches, bags, desks, walls of the classroom and the floor of the classroom.
1) obsolete *) theaccusative corresponds with either thegenitive (sg) ornominative (pl) **) thecomitative is formed by adding the suffix-ka? or-kä? to thegenitive.
1) obsolete *) theaccusative corresponds with either thegenitive (sg) ornominative (pl) **) thecomitative is formed by adding the suffix-ka? or-kä? to thegenitive.
Fedor Tumansky (1790) “перо”, inОпытъ повѣствованїя о дѣянїях, положенїи, состоянїи и раздѣленїи Санкт-Петербургской губернїи [An experiment of an account of the acts, location, condition and division of the Saint Petersburg gubernia],Краткїй словарь ижерскаго, финскаго, эстонскаго, чюдскаго, и ямскаго нарѣчїя съ россїйскимъ переводомъ [A short dictionary of the Ingrian, Finnish, Estonian, Chud and Yamtian dialects with a Russian translation], page685
Ruben E. Nirvi (1971)Inkeroismurteiden Sanakirja, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, page399
1983, Elena Romero,Repertorio de noticias sobre el mundo teatral de los sefardíes orientales[3], Editorial CSIC - CSIC Press,→ISBN,page289:
Munchas obras de diferentes autores fueron escritas sobre este mismo suj́eto,pero aquea que nośotros empezamos la puḅlicación hoy es escrita por un maestro autor donde el material es recoǵido en los diversos tratados del Midráš.
Many works from different authors were written about this very subject,but what we are beginning with today is the publication written by an educational author where the material is recognised in various tracts from the Midrash.
“pero”, inCharlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879)A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
“pero”, inCharlton T. Lewis (1891)An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
"pero", in Charles du Fresne du Cange’sGlossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition with additions by D. P. Carpenterius, Adelungius and others, edited by Léopold Favre, 1883–1887)
pero inGaffiot, Félix (1934)Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
“pero”, inHarry Thurston Peck, editor (1898),Harper's Dictionary of Classical Antiquities, New York: Harper & Brothers
pero inRamminger, Johann (2016 July 16 (last accessed))Neulateinische Wortliste: Ein Wörterbuch des Lateinischen von Petrarca bis 1700[6], pre-publication website, 2005-2016
“pero”, inWilliam Smith, editor (1848),A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, London: John Murray
“pero”, inWilliam Smith et al., editor (1890),A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, London: William Wayte. G. E. Marindin
Xavier Varela Barreiro, Xavier Gómez Guinovart (2006–2018) “pero”, inCorpus Xelmírez - Corpus lingüístico da Galicia medieval (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega
Manuel Ferreiro (2014–2025) “pero”, inUniverso Cantigas. Edición crítica da poesía medieval galego-portuguesa (in Galician), A Coruña:University of A Coruña,→ISSN
Lo cual yo no niego,pero atrevime a ello pensando que me harías merced no segund quien la pedía, mas segund tú, que la haviés de dar
This I deny not,but I dared to do it thinking that you would forgive me, not because of who was asking for forgiveness, but because it is proper of you, who had to do it.
1540, João de Barros,Grammatica da Lingua Portuguesa, page13:
Nome próprio, ę aquelle que se nam póde atribuir a mais que a hũa só cousa:como este nome, Lisboa, por ser próprio desta çidade, e nam conuem a Roma: nẽ ô de Cęsar, a Cipiam,peró se dissęrmos çidade, que ę gęral nome a todas, em tam será comũ.
A proper name is that which cannot be attributed to more than one thing: like this name, Lisbon, for it is proper to this city, and doesn't suit Rome: neither Caesar's to Scipio,but if we say ‘city’, which is a general name for all of them, then it shall be [a] common [name].
even if(indicates that the preceding clause is true regardless of the following clause)
“pero”, inSlovníkový portál Jazykovedného ústavu Ľ. Štúra SAV [Dictionary portal of the Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics, Slovak Academy of Science] (in Slovak),https://slovnik.juls.savba.sk,2003–2025
Brewer, Forrest, Brewer, Jean G. (1962)Vocabulario mexicano de Tetelcingo, Morelos: Castellano-mexicano, mexicano-castellano (Serie de vocabularios indígenas Mariano Silva y Aceves; 8)[8] (in Spanish), México, D.F.: ElInstituto Lingüístico de Verano en coordinación con laSecretaría de Educación Pública a través de la Dirección General de Internados de Enseñanza Primaria y Educación Indígena, published1971, pages76, 176