Ang. Belieue me on mine Honor, My words expreſſe my purpoſe. Iſa. Ha? Little honor, to be much beleeu'd, And moſtpernitious purpoſe: Seeming, ſeeming. I will proclaime theeAngelo, looke for't.
[…]her health also having suffered by the change, she immediately, when told of Douglas's projected departure from India, felt the strongest desire to accompany him; and to which Colonel Melbourne the more readily consented, having with reluctance yielded to her request of quitting England, willing as he had been to sacrifice the enjoyment of her society rather than that she should submit to the disadvantages attendant upon a residence in a clime usually found sopernicious to the female constitution.
Puritanism no longer employs the thumbscrew and lash; but it still has a mostpernicious hold on the minds and feelings of the American people.
2017 March 22, Jacob Kastrenakes, “Medium launches memberships for $5 per month”, inThe Verge[1]:
In January, the company laid off a third of its staff and renounced ads as apernicious influence on the world, without mentioning that Google and Facebook are so good at ads there’s hardly room for anyone else to compete.
2019 July 9, Toni Bentley, “What Do the Sex Lives of ‘Three Women’ Tell Us About Female Desire?”, inNew York Times[2]:
A man has always been a woman’s best excuse to avoid her destiny; that a man is her destiny is one of patriarchy’s mostpernicious tenets. What a scam.