Frompenta-(“five”) +-choron(“4-dimensional solid”), fromAncient Greekπέντε(pénte,“five”) andχῶρος(khôros,“room”).
pentachoron (pluralpentachoronsorpentachora)
- (mathematics) Afour-dimensional object analogous to atetrahedron, constructed out of five tetrahedra.
2008, George Musser,The Complete Idiot's Guide to String Theory,page174:A triangle becomes a tetrahedron (a type of pyramid), then apentachoron (ahyperpyramid).
2008, Prabhakar Guptaet al.,Design and Analysis of Algorithms,page356:Geometrically,K3 relates to a triangle,K4 a tetrahedron,K5 apentachoron, etc.
2013, Caspar Henderson,The Book of Barely Imagined Beings,page 7:The tetrahedron is a 3-simplex whose 4-simplex analog is thepentachoron, a four-dimensional body which can be orphographically[sic] projected onto a quincrux (as well as a pentagram and other shapes).