FromAnglo-Normanpendaunt,[1]Middle Frenchpendant, noun use of adjective.
pendant (pluralpendants)
- (architecture) A supportingpost attached to the mainrafter.[from 14th c.]
- A piece ofjewellery which hangs down as an ornament, especially worn on a chain around theneck.[from 15th c.]
- The dangling part of anearring.[from 16th c.]
- (nautical) A shortrope hanging down, used to attach hooks fortackles; apennant.[from 15th c.]
- (fine arts) One of a pair; acounterpart.
One vase is thependant to the other vase.
- (US) The stem and ring of awatch, by which it is suspended.[2]
- Alamp hanging from the roof.
- An ornament of wood or of stone hanging downwards from a roof.
- A long narrowflag at the head of theprincipalmast in aroyalship.
- (obsolete) An appendix or addition, as to a book.
1828,Thomas Keightley,The Fairy Mythology:Many[…] have been pleased with this work and itspendant, the Tales and Popular Fictions.
- (obsolete, in theplural)Testicles.[15th–17th c.]
- (obsolete) Apendulum.
1644,Kenelm Digby,Two Treatises:apendant being brought up to any height by the force of a former motion downwards
a piece of jewellery hung from a chain worn around the neck
- Albanian:please add this translation if you can
- Arabic:عِقْد (ar) m(ʕiqd),قِلَادَة f(qilāda),مُعَلَّق(muʕallaq)
- Armenian:կախազարդ (hy)(kaxazard)
- Azerbaijani:please add this translation if you can
- Bulgarian:огърлица (bg) f(ogǎrlica)
- Catalan:penjoll (ca) m
- Chinese:
- Mandarin:吊墜 /吊坠 (zh)(diàozhuì),墜飾 /坠饰(zhuìshì),垂飾 /垂饰(chuíshì)
- Czech:přívěsek (cs) m,přívěšek m
- Danish:vedhæng (da) n
- Dutch:hanger (nl) m,hangertje (nl) n,bedel (nl) m,bedeltje (nl) n
- Esperanto:(pleaseverify)pendaĵo,medaliono,kolĉeno,breloko
- Estonian:please add this translation if you can
- Faroese:heingiprýði n
- Finnish:riipus (fi),vitja (fi)
- French:pendentif (fr) m
- Galician:please add this translation if you can
- Georgian:please add this translation if you can
- German:Anhänger (de) m
- Greek:μενταγιόν (el) n(mentagión)
- Gujarati:please add this translation if you can
- Hebrew:תליון (he) m(tilyón)
- Hindi:please add this translation if you can
- Hungarian:függő (hu)
- Icelandic:nisti n,men n,hálsmen (is) n
- Indonesian:liontin (id)
- Irish:siogairlín m
- Italian:ciondolo (it) m
- Japanese:ペンダント(pendanto),垂れ飾り(たれかざり, tarekazari)
- Khmer:បន្តោង (km)(bɑntaong)
- Korean:펜던트(pendeonteu)
- Latvian:kulons
- Lithuanian:please add this translation if you can
- Macedonian:приврзок m(privrzok),висулец m(visulec)
- Maori:whakarupe,tautau,taupiko
- Navajo:nazhahí
- Occitan:pendòrla f,pendilh m
- Polish:wisiorek (pl),wisior (pl),brelok (pl)
- Portuguese:pingente (pt) m
- Romanian:pandantiv (ro) n
- Russian:куло́н (ru) m(kulón),подве́ска (ru) f(podvéska),брело́к (ru) m(brelók)
- Scottish Gaelic:crochadan m
- Serbo-Croatian:
- Cyrillic:при́весак m,при́вјесак m
- Roman:prívesak m,prívjesak (sh) m
- Slovak:prívesok m
- Spanish:colgante (es) m,pendiente (es) m,dije (es) m
- Swahili:please add this translation if you can
- Tagalog:tawing
- Turkish:pandantif (tr),kolye (tr)
- Ukrainian:кулон m(kulon)
- Volapük:please add this translation if you can
- Yiddish:נאָכהענגערל n(nokhhengerl)
(nautical) short rope hanging down, used to attach hooks for tackles
FromFrenchpendant(“counterpart”), frompendre(“to hang”), fromLatinpendere(“to hang”).
- IPA(key): /panɡdanɡ/,[pʰɑŋˈd̥ɑŋ]
pendant c (singular definitependanten,plural indefinitependanter)
- counterpart
- match
- fellow
- companion
pendant (femininependante,masculine pluralpendants,feminine pluralpendantes)
- hanging
pendant m (pluralpendants)
- stone that dangles on earrings
- match,counterpart
- during,throughout, for the duration of
- presentparticiple ofpendre
Unadapted borrowing fromFrenchpendant.Doublet ofpendente.
pendant m (invariable)
- match (matching item)
- pendant (dangling earring)
- pendant in –Vocabolario Treccani on line, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana
- third-personpluralpresentactivesubjunctive ofpendō
Borrowed fromFrenchpendant.
pendant n (pluralpendante)
- match,counterpart
- pendant in Academia Română,Micul dicționar academic, ediția a II-a, Bucharest: Univers Enciclopedic, 2010.→ISBN
pendant (feminine singularpendant,pluralpendant,notcomparable)
- definite(free from any doubt)
- positive
Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Welsh.
All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.