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Alternative forms


Etymology 1


FromMiddle Englishpeesful,pesful,paisful,pesefull, equivalent topeace +‎-ful.


  • IPA(key): /ˈpiːsfəl/
  • Audio(US):(file)
  • Hyphenation:peace‧ful



peaceful (comparativemorepeacefulorpeacefullerorpeacefuler,superlativemostpeacefulorpeacefullestorpeacefulest)

  1. Not atwar; notdisturbed bystrife orturmoil.
    peaceful protest
    • 2013 July 20, “Old soldiers?”, inThe Economist, volume408, number8845:
      Whether modern, industrial man is less or more warlike than his hunter-gatherer ancestors is impossible to determine.[]One thing that is true, though, is that murder rates have fallen over the centuries, as policing has spread and the routine carrying of weapons has diminished. Modern society may not have done anything about war. But peace is a lot morepeaceful.
  2. Inclined topeace.
    Synonyms:dovish,irenic,pacate,peaceable,pacific,pacifistic,roolie;see alsoThesaurus:peaceable
    Antonyms:belligerent,violent;see alsoThesaurus:quarrelsome
  3. Motionless andcalm.
    Synonyms:tranquil,placid,still,quiet;see alsoThesaurus:calm
    • 1980,AA Book of British Villages, Drive Publications Ltd, page 220, aboutHanmer, Wales:
      Attractive cottages look out on a scene sopeaceful that lapping wavelets, stirred by the breeze, are often the loudest sound to be heard.
Derived terms
not at war or disturbed by strife or turmoil
inclined to peace; peaceable
motionless and calm; placid
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See also

Etymology 2


Derived from the derogatory termreligion of peace, which is used against Islam itself for its association with violent attacks by Islamic extremists, and alleged support and lack of condemnation against them by certain Muslim communities.



peaceful (pluralpeacefuls)

  1. (India, Islam, Islamophobic, Internetslang, offensive) aMuslim; especially a violent member of a radical Islamist group.
    • 2021, Raghu Karnad,The Wire[1]:
      They only have to use a bit of code to name those people; nowadays they call them “peacefuls”. A smirking euphemism is all it takes to sail through Twitter’s filter, and keep the hate-speech flowing.

See also

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