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From earlierpatten,paterne, fromMiddle Englishpatron(patron; example), fromOld Frenchpatron, fromMedieval Latinpatrōnus(patron).Doublet ofpadrone,patron,Patronus, andpatroon.





pattern (pluralpatterns)

  1. Model, example.
    1. Something from which acopy is made; amodel oroutline.[from 14th c.]
      • 1923 June 18, ‘President Wilson’,Time:
        There is no reason why all colleges and universities should be cut to the samepattern.
    2. Someone or something seen as anexample to beimitated; anexemplar.[from 15th c.]
      • 1793 March 19,Hester Piozzi,Thraliana:
        Well! the King of France died pardoning & pitying all those who had tortured his Soul & Body, a greatPattern for us all.
      • 1852 March –1853 September,Charles Dickens,Bleak House, London:Bradbury and Evans, [], published1853,→OCLC:
        I write this to repeat most earnestly for myself all that she said to you and to let you know how sure I am that you will sooner or later find our cousin John apattern of truth, sincerity, and goodness, when you will deeply, deeply grieve to have done him (without intending it) so much wrong.
      • 1946, Bertrand Russell,History of Western Philosophy,I.16:
        The Platonic Socrates was apattern to subsequent philosophers for many ages.
    3. (now rare) Acopy.[from 15th c.]
    4. (now only numismatics) Asample; of coins, an example which wasstruck but neverminted.[from 16th c.]
    5. A representativeexample.[from 16th c.]
    6. (US) Thematerial needed to make a piece of clothing.[from 17th c.]
    7. (textiles) The paper or cardboardtemplate from which the parts of agarment aretraced ontofabric prior to cutting out and assembling.
    8. (metalworking, dated) A full-sized model around which a mould of sand is made, to receive the melted metal. It is usually made of wood and in several parts, so as to be removed from the mould without damage.
      • 1944 November and December, A Former Pupil, “Some Memories of Crewe Works—II”, inRailway Magazine, page341:
        From this point those who became pupils went on to a further series of shops, usually commencing with thepattern shop.[] However, some of us did make quite reasonablepatterns and had the satisfaction of seeing castings produced from them but, sad to say, many of these efforts were used as firewood after they had left the shop.
      • 2022 December 14, Robin Leleux, “A royal occasion as heritage projects honoured: Kettering”, inRAIL, number972, page56:
        But instead, the distinctive ironwork and glass platform awnings have been carefully refurbished, while making them compatible with the overhead wiring. Kettering's island Platform 2/3 is especially noteworthy. Although it dates from 1879, when the station was enlarged to four platforms, the same original (1857)patterns for the delicate cast-ironwork seem to have been used -[].
    9. (computing) Atextstring containingwildcards, used formatching.
      There were no files matching thepattern*.txt.
    10. (software engineering, in compounds) Adesign pattern.
  2. Coherent or decorative arrangement.
    1. Adesign,motif ordecoration, especially formed from regular repeated elements.[from 16th c.]
      Synonym:(when formed from regular repeated elements)tessellation
      • 2003, Valentino, ‘Is there a future in fashion's past?’,Time, 5 Feb 2003:
        On my way to work the other day, I stopped at a church in Rome and saw a painting of the Madonna. The subtlepattern of blues and golds in the embroidery of her dress was so amazing that I used it to design a new evening dress for my haute couture.
    2. A naturally-occurring orrandom arrangement of shapes, colours etc. which have a regular or decorative effect.[from 19th c.]
      • 2011 June 19, Rachel Cooke,The Observer:
        He lifted the entire joint or fowl up into the air, speared on a carving fork, and sliced pieces off it so that they fell on the plate below in perfectly organisedpatterns.
    3. The givenspread,range etc. ofshot fired from agun.[from 19th c.]
    4. A particularsequence ofevents,facts etc. which can be understood, used to predict the future, or seen to have amathematical,geometric,statistical etc. relationship.[from 19th c.]
      • 1980 October 6, ‘Shifting Targets’,Time:
        The three killings pointed to an ugly new shift in the enduringpattern of violence in Northern Ireland: the mostly Protestant Ulster police, or those suspected of affiliation with them, have become more prominent targets for the I.R.A. than the British troops.
      • 2003 August 14, Kate Hudson,The Guardian:
        Look again at how the US and its allies behaved then, and thepattern is unmistakable.
    5. (linguistics) Anintelligiblearrangement in a given area of language.
    6. (computing, music) A sequence ofnotes,percussion etc. in atrackermodule, usable once or many times within thesong.
      • 2008, Karen Collins,Game Sound, page59:
        Pattern 10 is open in figure 3.9, showing the 64 notes in thepattern (eachpattern in this song has 64 beats).
      • 2017, Gerard Goggin, Mark McLelland,The Routledge Companion to Global Internet Histories, page444:
        A MOD file contains a number of short audio samples, and instructions or a “pattern” for how and when those samples are to be played.
    7. (cellular automata) Aconfiguration ofcells in a cellular automaton universe.
      Hyponyms:breeder,eater,Garden of Eden,gun,methuselah,oscillator,puffer,rake,reflector,replicator,sawtooth,spacefiller,spaceship,spark,still life
      • 1989 May 6, Alan Hensel, “Looking for Life Newsletter”, incomp.theory.cell-automata[1] (Usenet):
        For example, at one point it claims that in order to view apattern capable of reproduction and evolution, one would need a computer with a screen the size of the solar system, and thepattern would be so sparse anyway as to be almost unobservable.
      • 2010 March 20, Adam Goucher, “What is CA for?”, incomp.theory.cell-automata[2] (Usenet):
        The state of thepattern after 1.25 * 10^12 generations is here:
      • 2022 February 11, Mateon1, “Game of Life with real 8 neighbors”, incomp.theory.cell-automata[3] (Usenet):
        The isotropy means allpatterns behave the same regardless of orientation in space, they can be flipped or rotated without changing their behavior.
    8. (MLE) Anyarrangement oragreement, or way ofconductingbusiness.
      • 2023 June 18, “100mph Freestyle x3”,Clavish (lyrics)‎[4],2:44:
        I got so much of it, my cousins think I've got apattern withCeline
        And that I'm lyin', when I say that I do no get it for free
  3. (Singapore, informal) A wont or habit to cause an annoyance or bother; to stir up trouble
    This guy alwayschut pattern like badminton.
  4. (Ireland, Roman Catholicism) Thedevotions thattake place within aparish on thefeast day of thepatron saint of that parish.


The terms below need to be checked and allocated to the definitions (senses) of the headword above. Each term should appear in the sense for which it is appropriate. For synonyms and antonyms you may use the templates{{syn|en|...}} or{{ant|en|...}}.



Derived terms



that from which a copy is made
motif or decoration
intelligible arrangement which has a mathematical, geometric, statistical etc. relationship
the paper or cardboard template from which the parts of a garment are traced onto fabric prior to cutting out
devotions that take place on the feast day of a patron saint
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.
Translations to be checked



pattern (third-person singular simple presentpatterns,present participlepatterning,simple past and past participlepatterned)

  1. To apply a pattern.
  2. To make or design (anything) by, from, or after, something that serves as a pattern; to copy; to model; to imitate.
    • 1634,T[homas] H[erbert],A Relation of Some Yeares Trauaile, Begunne Anno 1626. into Afrique and the Greater Asia, [], London: [] William Stansby, and Jacob Bloome,→OCLC:
      [A temple]patterned[] from that which Adam reared in Paradise.
  3. To follow an example.
  4. To fit into a pattern.
  5. (transitive) To serve as an example for.
  6. (hunting, transitive) Toobserve an animal closely over time in order todiscern itshabitual movements andbehaviours.
  7. (MLE) Toarrange, toorganise, tofix.
    • 2022 June 2, Gabrielle Wood, 21:20 from the start, in Teddy Nygh, director,PRU (1), episode 2 (TV), spoken by Malachi (Billy Myagi):
      MALACHI: Are you two fucking mad? Listen, you need topattern up, you know?
    1. To assault.
      • 2017 November 1, “No Hook”, performed by CGM:
        Pattern gang, who theypatterning? Pull up, skrr, have them panicking.
      • 2020 October 31, “The Rule of Six” (track 2), inDay of the Dead, performed by Block 6:
        Batteries already included, man just shoot it. Trying topattern your bruces (all of them).
      • 2021, “Gang Bus (Original)”, performed by S13(CGE):
        YS just crashed that corn and I swear man's eardrum started rattling (Mad ting). Touch jail when the gang startspatterning.
    2. To teach someone a lesson.
      • 2015 December 25, “BlukuByeByeBye” (track 3), inRap vs Grime, performed by Chip:
        The system can't pattern me out or pattern me down, I'llpattern these clowns. They tried block my path, I built my own. Ya dun know, better start patterning now.
      • 2021 June 25, “Twx Txne”, performed by Scarlxrd:
        Let mepattern these boys on time.
      • 2022, “R U Dumb”, performed by Lancey Foux:
        And I can't lie, I'm really disgusted. I gave 'em my swag, they ain't doing it right. Imapattern these kids like Ofsted (Chyeah).
      • 2024 January 18, “Switch”, performed by Rvchet:
        Slap him up topattern him.
    3. To have sex with.
      • 2019, “Yapping (Cheating on wifey demo)”, performed by Krept & Konan:
        Pretty girls wanna beat, wannapattern.
      • 2019 June 20, “Persian”, performed by ZieZie:
        My gal so fine,pattern her. Sorry, little nigga, better pattern up.
      • 2021 June 7, “Council Boy”, performed by Alista Marq:
        Don't do dates and I don't like coffee. If she's a 10 I'llpattern her properly.
      • 2021 August 17, “London Scammer”, performed by Tanks & Tarm:
        I see it, I want it, I click it. Nights in the bando, Pyrex whippin'.Pattern your bitch 'cause she's likin' my pictures.
      • 2023 October 19, “On a flight” (track 10), inTicket To The Moon, performed by Nafe Smallz:
        I call her the passionate topper. I book out the suite and shepattern me proper.
    4. To arrange the sale or supply of something, especially illegal drugs.
      • 2019 June 21, “Maddest of the Maddest Remix”, performed by Burner:
        You know man'spatterned, man's still slanging. Pack just vanished, all raw, no magic.
      • 2020 February 20, “Before The Lick”, performed by Kenzo Str8drop:
        Bro thinks I'm booky, cah I ain't tryna sell him shit. Gotta peb this brick, on the next one I'llpattern him.
      • 2023 October 19, “Top 2” (track 13), inChapter 16, performed by Clavish:
        Twenty pound each for the laces but Tae canpattern me three for fifty. Step with my chain out, everyone shifty.
    5. To do or perform an activity
      • 2019 March 1, “Venom” (track 5), inGREY Area (Japan exclusive), performed by Little Simz:
        Oh, you mad? Then come at me, you prick. Make a move, betterpattern it quick.
      • 2019 March 22, “Mosh Pit” (track 10), inDrillers x Trappers II, performed by OFB:
        Me and bro trynapattern this grow. We ain't editin' pictures but I'm still croppin'.
      • 2021 June 30, “Rumba”, performed by Jordy Mankoto:
        My girl wannapattern her hair and nails. So I took her down to Camberwell.




apply a pattern



pattern (notcomparable)

  1. Of or in accordance with a usual pattern, ortype;model;ideal.
    • 1838 (date written),L[etitia] E[lizabeth] L[andon], chapter I, inLady Anne Granard; or, Keeping up Appearances. [], volume I, London:Henry Colburn, [], published1842,→OCLC,pages168-169:
      "Not to me," interrupted his sister. "I will have no straw-bonneted, gingham-gownedpattern wives in my acquaintance. I shall make a point of cutting you."
    • 1861, Anthony Trollope,Framley Parsonage:
      The parish duty was better attended to, and perhaps domestic duties also. At such period he was apattern parson and apattern husband, atoning to his own conscience for past shortcomings by present zeal.




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