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FromFrenchpathologie, fromAncient Greekπάθος(páthos,disease) and-λογία(-logía,study of).





pathology (usuallyuncountable,pluralpathologies)

  1. The study of the nature ofdisease and its causes, processes, development, and consequences; now usually and especially in the clinical and academic medicine subsenses defined below.
    1. (clinical medicine) The clinical biomedical specialty that providesmicroscopy and otherlaboratory services toclinicians (e.g.,cytology,histology,cytopathology,histopathology,cytometry).
      The surgeon sent a specimen of the cyst to the hospital'spathology department for staining and analysis to determine its histologic subtype.
    2. (academic medicine) The academic biomedical specialty that advances the aspects of thebiomedical sciences that allow for those clinical applications and their advancements over time.
      Those three pioneering pathologists went on to become leaders in building thepathology departments at several universities.
    3. (biology, life sciences) Any of several interrelated scientific disciplines that advance the aspects of thelife sciences that allow for such technological applications and their advancements over time.
      the plantpathology and vertebratepathology programs of the university's biology department
  2. Pathosis: anydeviation from a healthy or normal structure or function;abnormality; illness or malformation.
    Some sort of renalpathology was suspected, but imaging and even biopsy found no discerniblepathology, glomerular or otherwise.
    Some sort of mental and socialpathology seemed to sweep over the discourse later that autumn.

Usage notes


Some house style guides for medical publications avoid the "illness" sense ofpathology(disease, state of ill health) and replace it withpathosis. The rationale is that the-ology form should be reserved for the "study of disease" sense and for the medical specialty that provides microscopy and other laboratory services (e.g.,cytology,histology) to clinicians. This rationale drives similar usage preferences aboutetiology ("cause" sense versus "study of causes" sense),methodology ("methods" sense versus "study of methods" sense), and other-ology words.

Not all such natural usage can be purged gracefully, but the goal is to reserve the-ology form to its "study" sense when practical. Not all publications bother with this prescription, because most physicians don't do so in their own speech (and the context makes clear the sense intended).

Another limitation is thatpathology(illness) has an adjectival form (pathologic), but the corresponding adjectival form ofpathosis (pathotic) is idiomatically missing from English (defective declension), sopathologic is obligate for both senses ("diseased" and "related to the study of disease"); this likely helps keep the "illness" sense ofpathology in natural use (as the readily retrieved noun counterpart topathologic in the "diseased" sense).

Derived terms


Related terms



branch of medicine
medical specialty

Further reading



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