1974,GB Edwards,The Book of Ebenezer Le Page, New York, published2007, page113:
He wasn't allowed to finish his training to go to France; but was sent to England on a Physical Training Course andpassed out First Class.
2022 July 13, “Stop & Examine”, inRAIL, number961, page71:
"She had asked at Paddington for a return to Lympstone on the Exmouth branch, where her son was due topass out as a Royal Marine that afternoon, at the local training camp. "Presumably, the booking clerk had misheard her and sold her a ticket to Leominster, and other helpful staff had unwittingly helped her on her way.
(by extension) To become proficient in a particular job or task.
2018,Rail, issue 857, July 18-July 31, article on Severn Bridge Junction signal box at Shrewsbury:
"It took me about a month topass out on this box," he adds. "It's easy to be daunted by all the levers and bell codes and Absolute Block, but it's all the usual rules of anywhere else. You can't just come up here from the street though, and I thought I'd never be able to work this SB[signal box], but you just get on with it until it becomes second nature."