( international standards ) ISO 639-1 language code forPunjabi . Clipping ofpapa .
pa (plural pas )
( colloquial ) Father ,papa .Synonyms: da ( Irish ) ,dad ,daddy ,papa ,pater ,pappy ,pop ,poppy Coordinate term: ma ( colloquial ) Grandpa ,grandfather .Synonyms: grandpapa ,grandpappy ,grandpop ,grandpoppy ,pappy ,pop ,poppy ;big daddy ( dialectal ) Often capitalized when used to refer to a specific person; seePa . Hey, Pa, I'd like you to meet my friend Jamie.
Borrowed fromMaori pā .
pa (plural pas )
( New Zealand , now historical ) A fortifiedMaori settlement , especially of pre-European times.[from 19th c.] 2020 ,Sujit Sivasundaram ,Waves Across the South , William Collins, published2021 , page68 :Apa or Māori defence fortification appears at a height on the hill above the bay.
( New Zealand ) Any Maorivillage or settlement; akainga .[from 19th c.] FromDutch .
pa (plural pa's )
dad ,father FromProto-Albanian *apa , fromProto-Indo-European *h₂epó ( “ off, away ” ) . Cognate toMessapic [script needed] ( apa ,“ from, out of, by ” ) ,[ 1] Ancient Greek ἀπό ( apó ,“ away, off ” ) ,Sanskrit अप ( apá ) .
pa (+ accusative )
without ,minus not counting ,even without counting [ 2]
( before imperatives ) attenuates a command or suggestionPa më thuaj ―Tell me FromProto-Polynesian *fa , fromProto-Oceanic *pat , fromProto-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian *əpat , fromProto-Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian *əpat , fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *əpat , fromProto-Austronesian *Səpat .
four IPA (key ) : /ˈpa/ Rhymes:-a Syllabification:pa pa
for ,to ( expressing arecipient ) La zagala va crompar un regalo de nadalta yo. The girl bought a Christmas giftfor me. M'aganaría de fer un truco de machiapa vusaltros. I'd like to perform a magic trickfor you all. to ,in order to ,so ,for ( expressing theintended purpose of an action ) Estudio cada nueit sin descansarpa conseguir un treballo decent. I study every night tirelesslyso that I get a decent job. Saldré luegopa evitar el trafico. I am going to leave earlyto avoid traffic. by ,due ,due on ,due by ( expressing adeadline ) Necesito la tuya decisiónpa esta semana. I need your decisionby this week. Es vuestros treballos grupals sonta'l viernes. Your group projects aredue on Friday. for ( expressingcontrast from what is expected ) Pa estar un turista estadounidense, él ye prou respetuoso.For an American tourist, he is pretty respectful.for ,to ,in one's opinion ,as far as one isconcerned ( expressing anopinion ,perception orperspective ) Pa yo, las rosas bllancas son més bonicas que las royas.For me, the white roses are more beautiful than the red ones.Pa'l mio germano, la suya muller tien tota la razón.As far as my brotheris concerned , his wife is totally in the right.Vam treballarpa la mesma empresa encara que no al mesmo tiempo. We workedfor the same company but not at the same time. Ella treballópa Microsoft muitos anyos, pero agora treballapa Apple. She workedfor Microsoft for many years, but now she worksfor Apple. pa
liver Claire Bowern, Harold James Koch,Australian Languages: Classification and the Comparative Method (2004), page 411 CompareSpanish pa , a contracted form ofpara .
for The prepositionpa contracts top' before a word beginning witha- orha- :p'Asturies (for Asturias),p'haber (for to have) pa inan
kiss pa
small pa
when ,if Inherited fromOld Catalan pa (attested at least once aspan ), fromLatin pānis , possibly derived fromProto-Indo-European *peh₂- ( “ to graze, feed ” ) .
pa m (plural pans )
bread pá (Badlit spelling ᜉ )
( after an adjective ) marks that something is/was still the case when eventually it wouldn't be so ; isstill Antonym: na katong putipa ang balay when the housewas still colored white bag-opa ni nga teknolohiya this technologyis still brand new ( after verb in the inchoative[ 1] aspect ) indicates that the action is still ongoing ;still ( imperfect aspect ) Synonym: gihapon ni adtopa siya ―he isstill (in the process of) going ( + negator "wala " ) indicates that an action has not yet happened ;yet walapa siyani kaon ―he has notyet eaten ( after verb in the prospective aspect ) indicates obligation or requirement to do the action ;still have to mo adtopa siya ―hestill has to go ( + negator "dili " ) indicates that an an action will not be performed soon, but much later ;will not ...for now dilipa siyamo inom ―he wouldn't drink (alcohol)for now ( after an adjective, usually withmas ) used in expressing the comparative degree of adjectives ;more ,-er Murag (mas) taaspa ang punuan sa balay. ―The tree looks taller than the house. Mas gikapoypa ka nako. ―You are more tired than me. pa (Badlit spelling ᜉ )
( after pronouns or names ) indicates continuation in the performance of a task by the person as mentioned Antonym: na ikawpa ―it's still your turn si Tonyopa ―it's still Tonyo's turn ^ encompasses thecomplete andprogressive aspects: themi- ,nag- ,gi- form FromProto-Vietic *paː ; cognate withVietnamese ba .
three pā
( transitive ) Todye Andrews, J. Richard (2003 )Workbook for Introduction to Classical Nahuatl , revised edition, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, page244 Karttunen, Frances (1983 )An Analytical Dictionary of Nahuatl , Austin: University of Texas Press, page182 pa
head pa m (plural pa's ,diminutive paatje n )
pa ,dad → Papiamentu:pachi ( from the diminutive ) pa
pah FromOld Galician-Portuguese pera .
IPA (key ) : /pa/ Rhymes:-a Syllabification:pa pa
to ( indicates application of an adjective ) 2000 , Domingo Frades Gaspar,Vamus a falal: Notas pâ coñocel y platical en nosa fala , Editora regional da Extremadura, Theme I, Chapter 3: Radós:A radón mais grandipa defendela é que é nossa LENGUA MATERNA, a “primeira lengua que un indivíduu aprendi de maneira ínnconscienti duranti a sua infancia” i en ela han aprindiu a idel as primeiras palabras[ …] The greatest reasonto defend it is that it is our NATIVE LANGUAGE, the “first language that an individual learns in an unconscious manner during his infancy” and in it learned how to say his first words [ …] for ( directed at, intended to belong to or to be appropriate for ) 2000 , Domingo Frades Gaspar,Vamus a falal: Notas pâ coñocel y platical en nosa fala , Editora regional da Extremadura, Theme I, Chapter 4: ¿Guerras, moas?:Encontramus opinióspa tos os gustus. We found opinionsfor every taste. to ,towards ( indicates destination ) 2000 , Domingo Frades Gaspar,Vamus a falal: Notas pâ coñocel y platical en nosa fala , Editora regional da Extremadura, Theme IX, Chapter 4: ¿Fala transerrana?:I nos, inda hoxii, con autonomía i tó siguimus idendu: “Vopa Castilla”,[ …] And to this day we, with autonomy and everything, keep on saying: “I’ll goto Castille”, [ …] Valeš, Miroslav (2021 )Diccionariu de A Fala: lagarteiru, mañegu, valverdeñu (web) [1] , 2nd edition, Minde, Portugal: CIDLeS, published2022 ,→ISBN FromOld Galician-Portuguese paa , fromLatin pāla ( “ shovel, spade ” ) .
pa f (plural pas )
shovel ;spade ( tool for digging and moving material ) windmill blade the end of apaddle oroar with theblade ( anatomy , zootomy ) incisor Ernesto Xosé González Seoane ,María Álvarez de la Granja ,Ana Isabel Boullón Agrelo (2006 –2022 ) “paa ”, inDicionario de Dicionarios do galego medieval (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega Xavier Varela Barreiro, Xavier Gómez Guinovart (2006 –2018 ) “paa ”, inCorpus Xelmírez - Corpus lingüístico da Galicia medieval (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega Antón Luís Santamarina Fernández , editor (2006 –2013 ), “pa ”, inDicionario de Dicionarios da lingua galega [Dictionary of Dictionaries of the Galician language ] (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega Antón Luís Santamarina Fernández ,Ernesto Xosé González Seoane ,María Álvarez de la Granja , editors (2003 –2018 ), “pa ”, inTesouro informatizado da lingua galega (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega Rosario Álvarez Blanco , editor (2014 –2024 ), “pa ”, inTesouro do léxico patrimonial galego e portugués (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega ,→ISSN (Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
father pa
( cardinal number ) ten pá ( Nigeria )
towards Cognates includeSaxwe Gbe kpà ,Adja kpa ,Fon kpà
pà ( Nigeria )
tocut , specificallyhair Cognates includeSaxwe Gbe kpà ,Adja kpa ,Fon kpà
pà ( Nigeria )
topraise FromFrench pas .
not Double negatives ( ...janm orpa ...anyen ) are grammatically correct in Haitian Creole. pa
tofinish , (be brought to an)end Alexandre François,Pragmatic demotion and clause dependency: On two atypical subordinating strategies in the Lo-Toga and Hiw (Torres, Vanuatu) (2010), inClause Linking and Clause Hierarchy (edited by Isabelle Bril) For pronunciation and definitions of pa – see吧 . (This term is thepe̍h-ōe-jī form of 吧 ).
Thehiragana syllableぱ ( pa ) or thekatakana syllableパ ( pa ) inHepburn romanization. FromPortuguese para .
for to pa
in at on to into toward from during pa
arrow FromProto-Balto-Slavic *pa , fromProto-Indo-European *h₂pó . Balto-Slavic cognates includeLithuanian pa- ,Old Prussian pa- ,po- ,Proto-Slavic *po .
pa (with accusative or dative )
on along ietpa ceļu ―to walkalong the road to in through during pa naktīm ―during nightby pa pastu ―by postover pa radio ―over the radiopa (dual panai ,plural paliu )
he ,she Inherited fromFrench pas ( “ step, pace, footstep ” ) .
(a)step , (a)pace , (a)footstep (Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium . Particularly: “Probably inherited from French "papa" or similar.”) CompareLouisiana Creole Pa ( “ Brer ” ) .
(a)father , (a)dad Synonyms: pær ,pap ,papa ,papi ,pè ,pèr ,popa Inherited fromFrench pas ( “ not ” ) .
Most common adverb of negation in Louisiana Creole, typically translating into English asnot ,don't ,doesn't , etc. Çépa jist. ―It'snot fair. Topa ka trouvé mô shyin? ―You can't find my dog? pa
togive FromPortuguese para andpra . CompareKabuverdianu andPapiamentu pa .
to Iou muto querêpa vôs ―I love you very much (literally, “I very much loveto you ”)metê limampa tirâ amiz ―add lemonto remove the unpleasant flavour for águpa banhâ ―bathwater (literally, “waterfor bathing ”)sôpa iou ―onlyfor me passâ ioupa mentiroso ―to take mefor a liar towards ,into dâ ung'a tricadapa águ ―to jumpinto the water pa
Nonstandard spelling ofpā .Nonstandard spelling ofpá .Nonstandard spelling ofpà .Transcriptions of Mandarin into the Latin script often do not distinguish between the criticaltonal differences employed in the Mandarin language, using words such as this one without indication of
Alternative form ofpo pa
toweave FromProto-Numic *pa fromProto-Uto-Aztecan *pa .
water FromProto-Vietic *paː ; cognate withVietnamese ba .
three FromProto-Vietic *paː ; cognate withVietnamese ba .
three pa
not ( indicates negation ) From theProto-Indo-European root*upo- ( “ under, up ” ) .
under pa
under pa
Lamy spelling ofpá FromProto-Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian *əpat , fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *əpat , fromProto-Austronesian *Səpat .
four FromPortuguese para andSpanish para andKabuverdianu pa .
to for by Onomatopoeic .
( familiar ) bye pa inWielki słownik języka polskiego , Instytut Języka Polskiego PANpa in Polish dictionaries at PWNInherited fromProto-Austronesian *pa ( “ still, yet, til now, first (before doing something else) ” ) . Cognate withTagalog pa ( “ yet ” ) ,Mongondow -pa ( “ still ” ) .
IPA (key ) : /pa/
still ;Notiyuhpa siya. ―He'sstill sleeping. more yet ( with a negative ) first J. W. Lobel (2015 December) “Ponosakan: A Dying Language of Northeastern Sulawesi ”, inOceanic Linguistics , volume54 , number 2, University of Hawai'i Press,pages396–435 Syncopic form ofpara .
( colloquial ) Syncopic form ofpara Borrowed fromHungarian pá .
bye Synonym: la revedere pa
Alternative spelling ofpa' Common South Slavic; compareSlovene pa ,Bulgarian па ( pa ) . See alsopa- .
pa (Cyrillic spelling па )
(and)then Synonym: ȍndā prvo ću skočiti ja,pa ti ―I'll jump first, (and) then you učenjepa odmorpa zabava ―learning, then rest, then fun (and)so ,therefore Synonym: stȍgā Potrošio sam sav novac,pa sam se morao vratiti kući. ―I've spent all of my money, so I had to go back home. (withda ormàkar )even if ,even though ,although (withȉpāk ) (and, but)yet ,still bogat je,pa ipak usamljen ―he's rich, but still lonely (withda +i )even if pa (Cyrillic spelling па )
so ,so what Pa ? ―So what? ( for emphasis ) well ,so Pa dobro! ―All right, then! Pa što je s tobom? ―What's with you? Pa i ne baš ―Well, not exactly Pa što onda? ―So what? ( regional , for emphasis) even Pa i moja baba već zna da to nije istina! ―Even my grandma knows that that is not true! FromProto-Bantu *-páa .
-pá (infinitive kupá )
togive pa
water Móenòeng pe tue e tuepa . There are crocodiles in the water. Donohue, Mark.Rópu we te máwo pílang te: Skou dictionary draft. s.l. 80pp. (2002). FromSerbo-Croatian pa .
well ,so 2010 , Luigi Peca,La guerre à Acquaviva :Alorapa , ka biša gvera, ka pa je rivala kurta nasa ova gvera, mi, tuna žene aš ljuda, te ljuda veča… ka bihu veča zdrave – nò? mahu sa po hranit. Well then , during the war, when this war came close to us, we, all the women and men, the men (who were) more… who were healthier – you know? had to hide themselves.Breu, W., Mader Skender, M. B. & Piccoli, G. 2013.Oral texts in Molise Slavic (Italy): Acquaviva Collecroce. In Adamou, E., Breu, W., Drettas, G. & Scholze, L. (eds.). 2013. EuroSlav2010:Elektronische Datenbank bedrohter slavischer Varietäten in nichtslavophonen Ländern Europas – Base de données électronique de variétés slaves menacées dans des pays européens non slavophones . Konstanz: Universität / Paris: Lacito (Internet Publication). pa
and Jaz pa ti. ―Me and you. but Je dober, ne pa najbolši. ―He is good but not the best. so Zaspal je, pa je zamudil šolo. ―He overslept, so he was late for school. IPA (key ) : /ˈpa/ [ˈpa] Rhymes:-a Syllabification:pa pa m (plural pas )
( Latin America ) Clipping ofpapá :dad ;pop ;papa pa
Alternative form ofpa' Among the places this form is used is southern Arizona, per Anita Calneh Post,Southern Arizona Spanish phonology (1934), page 36: "The commonest loss of intervocalic r in southern Arizona is in para, which is always pa ..." pa
Romanization of𒉺 ( pa ) FromProto-Bantu *-páa .
-pa (no plain infinitive )
togive to (someone)Nimewapa kitabu. ―I havegiven them a book. Nijawapa kitabu. ―I have not yetgiven them a book. Conjugation of-pa (obligatory object concord) Subjunctive -pe Negative -pi
Object concord Indicative positive Singular Plural 1st person -ni pa -tu pa 2nd person -ku pa -wa pa/-ku peni/-wa peni 3rd person m-wa(I/II) -m pa -wa pa other classes — Reflexive -ji pa Subjunctive Singular Plural 1st person -ni pe -tu pe 2nd person -ku pe -wa pe 3rd person m-wa(I/II) -m pe -wa pe other classes — Reflexive -ji pe Indicative negative Singular Plural 1st person -ni pi -tu pi 2nd person -ku pi -wa pi 3rd person m-wa(I/II) -m pi -wa pi other classes — Reflexive -ji pi
Some forms not commonly seen in modern Standard Swahili are absent from the table. SeeAppendix:Swahili verbs for more information.
See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
pa class(XVI) inflected form of-a Inherited fromProto-Austronesian *pa ( “ still, yet, til now, first (before doing something else) ” ) . Cognate withCebuano pa ( “ id ” ) ,Malagasy fa ( “ for, but, therefore, because, that ” ) .
pa (Baybayin spelling ᜉ )
yet Hindipa niya binuhay ang sinaing. He hasn't turned the rice cooker onyet . still ;eventually ;in the future Buhaypa ang bintilador; bakit hindi mo 'to pinatay? The fan isstill on; why didn't you turn it off? in addition ,too in the past even Influenced by Baybayin characterᜉ ( pa ) .
pa (Baybayin spelling ᜉ )
the name of theLatin-script letterP /p , in theAbakada alphabet Synonyms: ( in the Filipino alphabet ) pi ,( in the Abecedario ) pe pa (Baybayin spelling ᜉ )
( informal , familiar , childish ) Clipping ofpapa .Synonyms: papa ,ama ,tatay ,itay ,tay ,tatang Coordinate term: ma “pa ”, inPambansang Diksiyonaryo | , Manila,2018 FromProto-Vietic *paː ; cognate withVietnamese ba ,Muong pa .
three FromProto-Sino-Tibetan *pʷak .
pig Jackson T. S. Sun,Typology of Generic-Person Making in Tshobdun Rgyalrong (2014) pa m (plural pas )
father FromProto-Celtic *kʷid , fromProto-Indo-European *kʷid (compare*kʷis ); compareLatin quid ,Old Irish cid , ModernIrish cad ,Cornish py ,pe .
( interrogative, archaic ) what pa
which Synonym: pwy The usage ofpa as an interrogative has been rendered obsolete by the modern wordbeth , which derives from the phrasepa beth ( literally“ what thing ” ) . pa as a determiner tends to be replaced bypwy in Southern
( transitive , withta- ) torequest ,ask for tapa ampong te ni ―Iask youfor forgiveness pa
Alternative form ofpapa ( “ female ” ) Clemens Voorhoeve (1982 )The Makian languages and their neighbours [2] , Pacific linguistics James Collins (1982 )Further Notes Towards a West Makian Vocabulary [3] , Pacific linguistics pa
friend Erika Sandman (2016 )A Grammar of Wutun [4] , University of Helsinki (PhD),→ISBN pa
Aphetic form ofapaa 1867 ,GLOSSARY OF THE DIALECT OF FORTH AND BARGY , page60 :Pa ooree;Pa cawl.Upon each other;Upon the horse.1867 ,GLOSSARY OF THE DIALECT OF FORTH AND BARGY , page69 :1867 ,GLOSSARY OF THE DIALECT OF FORTH AND BARGY , page78 :A wuf ispa varreen. The gad ison the headland. Jacob Poole (d. 1827) (before 1828) William Barnes, editor,A Glossary, With some Pieces of Verse, of the old Dialect of the English Colony in the Baronies of Forth and Bargy, County of Wexford, Ireland , London: J. Russell Smith, published1867 ,page60 Proposed to be derived fromProto-Yoruboid *kpa , possibly aDoublet ofkú
( transitive ) tokill Ẹ fẹ́pa mí ni!? You want tokill me!? ( transitive ) tomurder Ópa ìyàwó ẹ̀. Hemurdered his wife. ( transitive ) toexecute ( transitive ) toswitch off , toturn off Má gbàgbé láti máapa tẹlifíṣọ̀n. Don't forget toturn off the television. ( transitive ) toextinguish A dúpẹ́ pé wọ́npa iná kó tó jó odindi ilé tán pátá. Thankfully the fire wasextinguished before it burnt the whole house down. ( transitive ) tostop , toterminate Wọ́npa ìlù. Theystopped the drumming. ( transitive ) topain , tokill Yéè! Ẹsẹ̀ yìí fẹ́pa mí o! Ouch! My feet arekilling me! ( transitive ) todisturb Ebi ńpa mí. Hunger isdisturbing me. (I am hungry) ( transitive ) tointoxicate Ọtí ńpa wọ́n. Alchohol isintoxicating them. (They are drunk) ( transitive ) toopen , tosmash open, tothresh Ẹ bá mipa obì yìí. Help meopen this kola nut. Ópa ọkà. Hethreshed the corn. ( transitive ) tohatch Adìyẹ mi tipa ọmọ My hen'shatched chicks pa
( transitive ) totell , toconvey Irọ́ l'o ńpa o! ―You'retelling a lie! pariwo ( “ to make noise ” ) parọ́ ( “ to tell a lie ” ) pidán ( “ to practice magic ” ) pọfọ̀ ( “ to recite an incantation ” ) pàlọ́ ( “ to tell a riddle, to tell a folk story ” ) pàrokò ( “ to convey an aroko ” ) pàrọwà ( “ to entreat ” ) pàṣẹ ( “ to command ” ) pète ( “ to scheme ” ) pìtàn ( “ to tell a story, to narrate history ” ) pògèdè ( “ to recite an incantation ” ) pòṣé ( “ to kiss teeth ” ) pòwe ( “ to tell a proverb ” ) Compare withIgbo kpa
( transitive ) torub Mo máa ń fi òrípa ọwọ́ mi ―I use shea butter tomoisturize my hands ( transitive ) toscorch , todrench , tobeat usually in relation to weatherÒjò ńpa mí. ―Rain isdrenching me. Òjò ńpa òrùlé. ―The rain isbeating the roof. Oòrùn ńpa mí. ―The sun isbeating me. pa
togain , tomake toearn ( money ) Wọn kì ípa owó látinú iṣẹ́ yìí. ―They don'tmake money from doing such work. Ọbẹ̀ tó dùn, owó lópa á ―A delicious stew; money is whatearnt it pa
to be in astate , defined by a following adverbÒkunpa rọ́rọ́. ―The seais calm. pa
to betight Mo dè épa ―I screwed ittight pá
to bebald Ópá lórí. ―He's bald on the head. (He is bald) FromProto-Indo-European *pṓds ( “ foot ” ) , cognates includeSanskrit पद् ( pád ) ,Latin pes (French pied ),German Fuß ,English foot .
( anatomy ) leg ,foot FromProto-Kuki-Chin *paa , fromProto-Sino-Tibetan *pa . Cognates includeChinese 爸 ( bà ) andTibetan པ་ཕ ( pa pha ) .
father grandfather Perhaps related to Etymology 1.
cousin Lukram Himmat Singh (2013 )A Descriptive Grammar of Zou , Canchipur: Manipur University, page60