FromMiddle English overall ,overal , fromOld English ofer eall ,ofer ealle ( “ over all ” ) , equivalent toover +all . CompareSaterland Frisian oural ,uural ( “ everywhere ” ) ,West Frisian oeral ( “ everywhere ” ) ,Dutch overal ( “ everywhere ” ) ,German Low German overall ,överall ( “ everywhere; all over ” ) ,German überall ( “ all over; everywhere ” ) ,Danish overalt ( “ everywhere ” ) ,Swedish överallt ( “ everywhere; overall ” ) .
overall (comparative moreoverall ,superlative mostoverall )
All-encompassing ,all around .1949 , W. Keith Hancock, Margaret M. Gowing,British War Economy :We believe also that a controlled economy cannot be understood without someoverall view of the controlling institutions: hence our short studies — shorter by far than the original drafts — of the central administration.
Bulgarian:общ (bg) ( obšt ) ,всеобхватен (bg) ( vseobhvaten ) Chinese:Mandarin:全面的 (zh) ( quánmiàn de ) ,綜合的 / 综合的 (zh) ( zōnghé de ) Czech:celkový (cs) m Dutch:globaal (nl) Finnish:kokonais- (fi) ( stem ofkokonainen , in compounds ) ,kokonaisvaltainen (fi) ,kaikenkattava French:global (fr) ,total (fr) German:Gesamt- (de) Hungarian:átfogó (hu) ,teljes (hu) ,össz- (hu) Italian:complessivo (it) ,globale (it) ,generale (it) Malayalam:മൊത്തത്തിലുള്ള ( mottattiluḷḷa ) Norwegian:Bokmål:helhetlig Occitan:total (oc) ,global (oc) ,general (oc) ,complet (oc) Portuguese:abrangente (pt) ,geral (pt) Russian:о́бщий (ru) ( óbščij ) ,всео́бщий (ru) ( vseóbščij ) ,по́лный (ru) ( pólnyj ) ,всеобъе́млющий (ru) ( vseobʺjémljuščij ) Spanish:total (es) ,completo (es) ,general (es) ,global (es) ,comprensivo (es) ,holístico (es) Swedish:övergripande (sv) Ukrainian:зага́льний (uk) ( zahálʹnyj ) ,по́вний ( póvnyj ) ,всеося́жний ( vseosjážnyj )
overall (notcomparable )
Generally; with everything considered.Overall , there is not enough evidence to form a clear conclusion.
Azerbaijani:ümumilikdə ,ümumiyyətlə ,ümumiyyətcə ,ümumiliklə ,ümumən Bulgarian:изобщо (bg) ( izobšto ) Chinese:Mandarin:總地來說 / 总地来说 ( zǒng de láishuō ) ,大體上 / 大体上 (zh) ( dàtǐshang ) ,大致 (zh) ( dàzhì ) Dutch:globaal (nl) Finnish:kaiken kaikkiaan (fi) ,ylipäänsä (fi) French:en général (fr) ,globalement (fr) Galician:en xeral German:insgesamt (de) ,alles zusammengenommen Hungarian:összesen (hu) Interlingua:supertoto Italian:tutto sommato (it) ,in generale ,complessivamente (it) ,nell'insieme Malayalam:മൊത്തത്തിൽ ( mottattil ) Portuguese:em geral Russian:в це́лом (ru) ( v célom ) ,в о́бщем и це́лом (ru) ( v óbščem i célom ) ,по́лностью (ru) ( pólnostʹju ) Spanish:en general ,globalmente (es) ,comprensivamente ,holísticamente ,resumidamente ,al fin y al cabo ,a fin de cuentas (es) Tagalog:sa kabuoan ,sa pangkalahatan Ukrainian:загало́м ( zahalóm ) ,в ціло́му (uk) ( v cilómu )
overall (plural overalls )
( British ) Agarment worn over otherclothing toprotect it; acoverall orboiler suit . A garment, for manual labor or forcasual wear , often made of a single piece of fabric, with long legs and abib upper, supported from the shoulders with straps, and having several large pockets and loops for carrying tools.( in theplural , US ) A garment, worn for manual labor, with an integral covering extending to the chest, supported by straps.protective garment worn over clothing
Bulgarian:прести́лка f ( prestílka ) ,рабо́тен комбинезо́н m ( rabóten kombinezón ) Chinese:Mandarin:吊帶 工裝褲 / 吊带 工装裤 ( diàodài gōngzhuāngkù ) ,工裝褲 / 工装裤 (zh) ( gōngzhuāngkù ) ,吊帶褲 / 吊带裤 ( diàodàikù ) Dutch:overall (nl) m Esperanto:supertuto Finnish:haalarit (fi) pl French:blouse (fr) f ,combinaison (fr) ,salopette (fr) f German:Overall (de) m ,Latzhose (de) f Italian:blusa (it) f ,tuta (it) dalavoro (it) Japanese:オーバーオール ( ōbāōru ) Korean:멜빵바지 ( melppangbaji ) ,오버롤즈 ( obeoroljeu ) Mongolian:Cyrillic:халаад (mn) ( xalaad ) Norwegian:Bokmål:snekkerbukse m or f ,overall m Polish:kombinezon (pl) m Portuguese:macacão (pt) ,jardineira (pt) f Russian:комбинезо́н (ru) m ( kombinezón ) Spanish:braga (es) f ,mono (es) m ,overol (es) m ,sobretodo (es) m ,overalls m ( Latin America ) Swahili:surupwenye (sw) Swedish:overall (sv) c Ukrainian:спецо́дяг m ( specódjah ) ,комбінезо́н m ( kombinezón ) Vietnamese:quần yếm
a garment, worn for manual labor, with an integral covering extending to the chest, supported by straps
—see overalls “overall ”, inWebster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary , Springfield, Mass.:G. & C. Merriam ,1913 ,→OCLC . William Dwight Whitney ,Benjamin E[li] Smith , editors (1911 ), “overall ”, inThe Century Dictionary [ … ] , New York, N.Y.:The Century Co. ,→OCLC .Borrowed fromEnglish overall , fromover +all .
IPA (key ) : /ɔvɛˈroːl/ ,/ɔvɛˈral/ ,/ʊvɛˈroːl/ ,/ʊvɛˈral/ overall c