FromOld Frenchopportun, fromLatinopportunus.
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opportune (comparativemoreopportune,superlativemostopportune)
- Suitable for someparticularpurpose.
This would be anopportune spot for a picnic.
2005, Michael Weinberger,A Message from Jakie, page150:I staggered to anopportune wall and continued to wail from the deepest, hurtingest, sweetest little abandoned place I could imagine. Finally, I dragged my weary body to my seat and finished my conversation with God.
- At aconvenient oradvantageoustime.
Theopportune arrival of the bus cut short the boring conversation.
2007 February 20,Chris Chibnall,Life on Mars,Season 2, Episode 2:Sam Tyler: Well, our first priority is to make sure the thieves don't strike again. It'll be tricky, 'cause these sorts of gangs rarely have just one target on the go. They've usually researched half a dozen possibilities, waiting for the mostopportune circumstances on any of them.
Harry Woolf: He knows his onions, this lad, eh?
Gene Hunt: Oh, he's a right littlesmart-arse. So, what do you suggest,Buddha?
- Bulgarian:подходящ (bg)(podhodjašt)
- Catalan:oportú (ca)
- Danish:passende,opportun
- Dutch:passend (nl),geschikt (nl)
- Esperanto:konvena,oportuna (eo)
- German:geeignet (de),passend (de)
- Hungarian:időszerű (hu)
- Icelandic:heppilegur (is)
- Italian:opportuno (it),adatto (it),appropriato (it)
- Japanese:適切 (ja) (てきせつ,tekisetsu)
- Portuguese:adequado (pt) m,apropriado (pt) m,conveniente (pt) m orf
- Romanian:oportun (ro) m orn,potrivit (ro) m orn,adecvat (ro) m orn
- Russian:подходящий (ru)(podxodjaščij)
- Spanish:oportuno (es),apropiado (es)
- Swedish:lämplig (sv)
- Turkish:uygun (tr)
- Ukrainian:доре́чний(doréčnyj),підходя́щий(pidxodjáščyj)
- Volapük:pötik (vo)
- definite ofopportun
- plural ofopportun
- femininesingular ofopportun
opportune f pl
- feminineplural ofopportuno
opportūnē (comparativeopportūnius,superlativeopportūnissimē)
- favourably;seasonably;opportunely
- vocativemasculinesingular ofopportūnus
- “opportune”, inCharlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879)A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
- “opportune”, inCharlton T. Lewis (1891)An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
- opportune inGaffiot, Félix (1934)Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.