hoot owl ,barred owl The barred owl (Strix varia), also known as the northern barred owl, striped owl or, more informally, hoot owl, is a North American large species of owl.[ 1] Barred owl on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
Borrowed fromDutch opa .
grandfather ,grandpa Opa su mati di Ambong.Grandpa died in Ambon.oma ( “ grandmother, grandma ” ) nene ( “ grandmother, grandma ” ) D. Takaria, C. Pieter (1998 )Kamus Bahasa Melayu Ambon-Indonesia [1] , Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa (Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
opa inan
desire offer ,offering “opa ”, inEuskaltzaindiaren Hiztegia [Dictionary of the Basque Academy ] (in Basque),Euskaltzaindia [Royal Academy of the Basque Language ] “opa ”, inOrotariko Euskal Hiztegia [General Basque Dictionary ],Euskaltzaindia ,1987–2005 Cognate withGerman Opa .
opa m (plural opa's ,diminutive opaatje n )
granddad ,grandpa ,pops Synonyms: bompa ,grootvader ( colloquial ) any old manSkepi Creole Dutch:opai Sranan Tongo:owpa → Ambonese Malay:opa → Papiamentu:opa Fromopo +-a .
opa (accusative singular opan ,plural opaj ,accusative plural opajn )
joint ,shared ,mutual ( done or held by multiple entities together ) Oni ne povas nomi doktrino tiunopan duonfrenezon. Thisjoint half-madness cannot be called a doctrine. This word is not to be used in the sense of "single," "individual," or "isolated." It means the opposite. Seeunuopa ,aparta , andindividua .
Onomatopoeic, or either related toEnglish up .
opa !
up !19th c , traditional, D. Blanco (ed.),A poesía popular en Galicia 1745-1885. Recopilación, estudio e edición crítica (vol. II), page 153:O que se casa con vellas / non sei qué gracia lles topa / cando se sentan: «Ai» / cando se erguen: «Opa » The one that marries an old woman, I don't know what charm he finds, when she sits down is «Ouch!», when she gets up is «Up !» Synonym: upa 14th century. Unknown.
opa f (plural opas )
( usually in theplural ) a type ofcape used by members of theclergy 1414 , Clarinda de Azevedo Maia (ed.),História do galego-português. Estado linguístico da Galiza e do Noroeste de Portugal do século XII ao século XVI (com referência á situação do galego moderno) . Coimbra: I.N.I.C., page 102:mando a Rodrigo Afonſo, clerigo, meu criado, as mjñasopas griſes forradas de ſarga vermella I send to Rodrigo Afonso, my servant, my greycapes [which are] lined in red serge Synonym: balandrán Ernesto Xosé González Seoane ,María Álvarez de la Granja ,Ana Isabel Boullón Agrelo (2006 –2022 ) “opa ”, inDicionario de Dicionarios do galego medieval (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega Xavier Varela Barreiro, Xavier Gómez Guinovart (2006 –2018 ) “opas ”, inCorpus Xelmírez - Corpus lingüístico da Galicia medieval (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega Antón Luís Santamarina Fernández , editor (2006 –2013 ), “opa ”, inDicionario de Dicionarios da lingua galega [Dictionary of Dictionaries of the Galician language ] (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega Antón Luís Santamarina Fernández ,Ernesto Xosé González Seoane ,María Álvarez de la Granja , editors (2003 –2018 ), “opa ”, inTesouro informatizado da lingua galega (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega (Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
tosuck opa
all opà (plural opà lẹ )( Nigeria )
vow opa
indefinite genitive plural ofop opà f (plural opos ) stress pattern 1
ulcer opa
hop (aboutjumping ) Unknown.
oops ( acknowledging a minor mistake ) Synonym: ops Opa! Desculpa, foi sem querer.Oops! Sorry, it was an accident.hey ( protest or reprimand ) Opa , calma aí! Não precisa ofender!Hey , calm down! No need to offend!hey ( informal greeting ) Opa! Eaí, tudo bem?Hey! What's up?Unknown.
opa f (plural opas )
a type ofcape used by members of theclergy Synonym: balandrau ( Brazil , colloquial ) carousal ( noisy feast or social gathering ) Synonyms: farra ,folia ,pândega ( Brazil , colloquial ) bad company ( Brazil ) yellow lapacho (Handroanthus serratifolius )Synonym: ipê-do-cerrado FromGerman Opa ( “ grandpa ” ) .
opa m (plural opas ,feminine oma ,feminine plural omas )
( South Brazil , familiar ) grandpa Synonym: avô “opa ”, inDicio – Dicionário Online de Português (in Portuguese), Porto: 7Graus,2009 –2025 “opa ”, inDicionário inFormal (in Portuguese),2006 –2025 “opa ”, inDicionário infopédia da Língua Portuguesa (in Portuguese), Porto: Porto Editora,2003 –2025 “opa ”, inMichaelis Dicionário Brasileiro da Língua Portuguesa (in Portuguese), São Paulo: Editora Melhoramentos,2015 –2025 “opa ”, inDicionário Priberam da Língua Portuguesa (in Portuguese), Lisbon: Priberam,2008 –2025 Borrowed fromLow Prussian Ap .
opa m animal (female equivalent opôwo or opka ,diminutive opk ,related adjective opôwy or opjy or opskjy ,possessive adjective opó )
monkey ,ape ( primate ) IPA (key ) : /ˈopa/ [ˈo.pa] Rhymes:-opa Syllabification:o‧pa Borrowed fromQuechua upa .
opa m or f (masculine and feminine plural opas )
( offensive , colloquial , Rioplatense , Bolivia ) stupid opa m or f by sense (plural opas )
( offensive , colloquial , Paraguay , Bolivia , Rioplatense , rustic in Peru ) afool , astupid personUnknown.
( Rioplatense ) expression indicating surprise opa f (plural opas )
( business ) acronym ofoferta pública de adquisición ( “ takeover bid ” ) .opa (plural opalar )
older sister opa
( anatomy ) thigh