FromDutcholie, fromMiddle Dutchōlie, fromOld Dutcholig, fromLatinoleum, fromAncient Greekἔλαιον(élaion).
olie (pluralolies)
FromOld Danisholiæ, borrowed viaMiddle Low Germanoli(e) fromLatinoleum(“olive oil”). CompareSwedisholja,GermanÖl,Dutcholie.Englishoil has gone throughFrenchhuile.
olie c (singular definiteolien,plural indefiniteolier)
common gender | singular | plural | ||
indefinite | definite | indefinite | definite | |
nominative | olie | olien | olier | olierne |
genitive | olies | oliens | oliers | oliernes |
FromMiddle Dutchōlie, fromOld Dutcholig, fromLatinoleum, fromAncient Greekἔλαιον(élaion).
See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
FromOld Dutcholig, fromLatinoleum, fromAncient Greekἔλαιον(élaion).
This noun needs aninflection-table template.
olieoblique singular, f (oblique pluralolies,nominative singularolie,nominative pluralolies)