It was not until he heard a ring at the bell that he wondered how he should address her. Countess? That would seem like rubbing it in.Oh, well, it was n't really necessary to call people anything, if one used a little management.
1922 December,Harold Avery, “A Sixth Form Feud. A Public School Story.”, inThe Boy’s Own Paper, volume XLV, part 2, London: "Boy's Own Paper" Office,[…],→OCLC, chapter VII (Waylaid),page125:
"Oh well, it can't be helped," returned Teal. "We'll get him yet. By the way, walk down to the lecture with me this afternoon?"
1924 November, “Physical Diagnosis by Richard C. Cabot, M.D., Professor of Medicine in Harvard University, Formerly Chief of the West Medical Service at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Eighth Edition, Revised and Enlarged with Six Plates and 279 Figures in the Text. New York, William Wood and Company, MDCCCCXXIII. Price, $5.00.[book review]”, inThe Medical Herald and Physiotherapist: Incorporating The Medical Fortnightly & Laboratory News, St. Louis Clinique, General Practitioner and The Kansas City Medical Index-Lancet, volume XLIII, number11, Kansas City, Mo.: Medical Herald Pub. Co.,→OCLC,page265, column 2:
The meager X-ray facts are woefully inadequate and there is nothing upon modern roentgen-cardiography. And this book comes out of Boston where Holmes and George practice the art of roentgenology?Oh, well—Prophets without honor, etc.
1931, Edgar Caper, edited byPaul McPharlin,Lincoln and the Pig:[…] (Puppet Plays; 2), Detroit, Mich.,→OCLC,page 5:
I'll catch a tongue-thrashing, I warrant …Oh well, I guess I'll risk it. I'd feel unhappy all day if I didn't.
Hello? Hello? Is that zoo? … Well, nobody's talking baby talk. Well, I'm the man that called up about the leopard. You don't have to do anything about it. It's all been a mistake. Yes. Uh …Oh, well, stop them.