Greeks and other provincials who gained Roman citizenship kept their Greek names as cognomens, to which they added Romannomens and praenomens—usually those of the ones to whom they owed their citizenship.
1843,[John] Gardner Wilkinson,Modern Egypt and Thebes: Being a Description of Egypt; Including the Information Required for Travellers in That Country, volume II, London:John Murray,[…], page308:
The adytum is unsculptured, but two monoliths within it bear the name of Physcon and Cleopatra; and in the front chamber of the naos is that of the Ethiopian king “Ashar (Atar)-Amun*, the everliving,” who in some of hisnomens is called “the beloved of Isis.”
1906,E[rnest] A[lfred] Wallis Budge,Cook’s Handbook for Egypt and the Sûdân, 2nd edition, London: Tho[ma]s Cook & Son,[…]; Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd.,page189:
The following is a list of the prenomens andnomens of Egyptian kings which are of common occurrence, with transliterations into Roman letters.
2023, Wolfgang Denzer, Hinrich Kaiser, “Naming And Gaming: The Illicit Taxonomic Practice Of 'Nomenclatural harvesting' And How To Avoid It”, inJournal of Zoology, volume320, number 3, page161:
Over the decades and centuries, Linnaeus’s binominal system reached ever greater prominence as a standard to categorize and stabilize organismal biology, and it became necessary to trace taxon names, so that duplication and confusion could be addressed or avoided. As a consequence, different areas of biology developed 'codes' of nomenclature, according to which the availability of suchnomina could be governed.
Tum videbit, ad quem hoc pertinet, quot et quae partes orationis; quanquam de numero parum convenit. Veteres enim, quorum fuerunt Aristoteles quoque atque Theodectes, verba modo etnomina et convinctiones tradiderunt; videlicet quod in verbis vim sermonis, innominibus materiam (quia alterum est quod loquimur, alterum de quo loquimur)[…]
He, whom this matter shall concern, will then understand how many parts of speech there are and what they are, though as to their number, writers are by no means agreed. For the more ancient, among whom were Aristotle and Theodectes, said that there were only verbs,nouns, and convinctions, because, that is to say, they judged that the force of language was in verbs, and the matter of it innouns (since the one is what we speak, and the other that of which we speak)[…]
The Old Latin formnominus shows the rare genitive singular ending-us instead of the standard Classical Latin ending-is. This unique ending is poorly attested and largely exclusive to religious or legal documents.
“nomen”, inCharlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879)A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
“nomen”, inCharlton T. Lewis (1891)An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
"nomen", in Charles du Fresne du Cange’sGlossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition with additions by D. P. Carpenterius, Adelungius and others, edited by Léopold Favre, 1883–1887)
nomen inGaffiot, Félix (1934)Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
Carl Meißner, Henry William Auden (1894)Latin Phrase-Book[1], London:Macmillan and Co.
to think of a person with a grateful sense of his goodness:nomen alicuius grato animo prosequi
to win renown amongst posterity by some act:nomen suum posteritati aliqua re commendare, propagare, prodere
to immortalise one's name:memoriam nominis sui immortalitati tradere, mandare, commendare
nominally; really:verbo, nomine; re, re quidem vera
etymology (notetymologia):nominum interpretatio
to form, derive a word from... (used of the man who first creates the word):vocabulum,verbum, nomen ducere ab, ex...
the wordamicitia comes fromamare:nomen amicitiae (or simplyamicitia)dicitur ab amando
the wordcarere means..:vox, nomen carendi or simplycarere hoc significat (Tusc. 1. 36. 88)
the wordaemulatio is employed with two meanings, in a good and a bad sense:aemulatio dupliciter dicitur, ut et in laude et in vitio hoc nomen sit
money is outstanding, unpaid:pecunia in nominibusest
I have money owing me:pecuniam in nominibus habeo
to become a candidate:nomen profiteri or simplyprofiteri
to accuse, denounce a person:nomen alicuius deferre (apud praetorem) (Verr. 2. 38. 94)
(ambiguous) to enlist oneself:nomen (nomina) dare, profiteri
to fail to answer one's name:ad nomen non respondere (Liv. 7. 4)
(ambiguous) to give the etymological explanation of words:nomina enodare orverborum origines quaerere, indagare
(ambiguous) to book a debt:nomina facere orin tabulas referre
(ambiguous) to pay one's debts:nomina (cf. sect. XIII. 3)solvere, dissolvere, exsolvere