2013, Crispin Latymer,Where the Ocean Meets the Sky, page48:
Standing and moving to under one of the lights by thenav station I could see a dark blue-red mark across the right side of my rib cage. Prodding gently I realised I had just cracked or broken one or more ribs.
Reduced form ofnavaid fromnevaid (both still attested in Latvian dialects), originally the negative form ofvaid(“to be located, to be”). (G. F. Stenders, in his 1774 grammar, mentions undernevaid the reduced formsneva,nava and evennav' with an apostrophe.) This form replaced an earlierneir,neira (fromir,ira); compareLithuaniannėrà. Forms ofvaid are occasionally attested in folk tales and songs;A. Bīlenšteins once heard its infinitive formvaist. It was probably an old perfect form, fromProto-Indo-European*weyd-(“to see, to know”) (“to see (around, where one is)” > “to find oneself, to be located, to be”);cf.Lithuanianvaidalas(“apparition, ghost”).[1]