1922, Onnie Warren Smith,The Book of the Pike, page187:
It would be exceedingly interesting to know if the hybrid would reproduce, a matter I deem exceedingly doubtful, for the chances are it would prove a "mule" (infertile).
1789,Erasmus Darwin,The Loves of the Plants, J. Johnson, page149:
Vegetablemules supply an irrefragable argument in favour of the sexual system of botany.
1837, William Herbert,Amaryllidaceæ: Preceded by an Attempt to Arrange the Monocotyledonous Orders, and Followed by a Treatise on Cross-bred Vegetables, and Supplement, page353:
The most extraordinarymule, however, that is asserted to have been produced on the Continent, is a cross between the cabbage and horse-radish, which Monsieur Sageret reports that he has obtained[…]
2006, “Gastroenterology: Esophageal Foreign Bodies”, in Steven E. Diaz,The Little Black Book of Emergency Medicine (Jones and Bartlett's Little Black Book Series), 2nd edition, Sudbury, MA:Jones and Bartlett Publishers,→ISBN, page101:
Cocaine packet ingestion (these patients referred to as “mules”) may warrant surgery, Golytely or expectant passage.
2007, Thomas G. Blacklock,Safe Zone: A Novel Approach to the Drug War, Xlibris Corporation,→ISBN, page44:
“Yeah, in Denver, we know about Uriarte's involvement in meth. Our Las Cruces office seized over six hundred pounds of methamphetamine from two of hismules last year.”
2007, David L. McClard,Verotopia Online: The MMORPG of the Century[1], Xlibris,→ISBN, page89:
He was in the middle of organizing his massive stash of rare and exquisite bounty, all kept safely in the inventory cache of amule, an entirely separate character which he paid a monthly fee to maintain exclusively for that purpose.
In heavier seas where a boat must sail a course dictated by waves, or where wave action makes power more important than pointing, themule will prove the faster sail.
There are many drug lords, each with his own corridor (think of it as a franchise of sorts) funneling narcotics into Texas. There are multifold methods of transport. The old, and still viable, way is to "mule" it across the Rio Grande in a small boat.
2004, William Glenn,The Sailor's Death:
Thornton was supposed tomule it back to the States from one of the ports he stopped in, give it to Maxwell and Ames, and get the second half of a quarter-million.
"mule", in Charles du Fresne du Cange’sGlossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition with additions by D. P. Carpenterius, Adelungius and others, edited by Léopold Favre, 1883–1887)
arhinarium (of an ungulate, like a cow, horse, or reindeer – the front of the upper lip, which is moist in cows and dry in horses and is usually either hairless or has a different type of hair compared to the rest of the muzzle)
(closer in tone, as "mule" is not a technical-sounding word) anose, amuzzle,tip of thesnout
Rudolf med rödamulen, hette en helt vanlig ren, som blivit kall ommulen, därav kom dess röda sken. Rudolf fick alltid höra: "Se, han har sitt dimljus på!" Att han blev led åt detta, är en sak man kan förstå. Men en mörk julaftonskväll, tomtefar han sa: "Vill du inte Rudolf, säg, med din mule lysa mig?" Allt sen den dagen renen, tomtens egen släde drar. Rudolf med rödamulen, lyser väg åt tomtefar.
Rudolf withthe rednose, was the name of a [completely] ordinary reindeer, who had gotten a coldnose [had become cold about/aroundthe nose], thence [thereof] came its red glow. Rudolf always got to hear: "Look, he has his fog light on!" That he got tired of this, is something one can understand. But one dark Christmas Eve night, Santa Claus, he said: "Don't you want to, Rudolf, say, with yournose, light my way [light me]?" Ever since that day the reindeer, Santa's own sleigh pulls. Rudolf withthe rednose, lights Santa Claus's way [lights way for Santa Claus].
På fyra ben går den som jag gillar allra bäst. Gillar, gillar, gillar allra mest. Jag sitter på hans rygg för det är min lilla häst. Är min lilla häst. Vad du är söt, min kära lilla ponny. Vad du är snäll, min kära lilla häst. Du säger ingenting, min kära lilla ponny, men du är den jag gillar bäst! Se pälsen den är svart liksom kappan på en präst. Kappan, kappan, kappan på en präst. Enmule mjuk som sammet, det har min lilla häst. Har min lilla häst. Vad du är ... [as before]. Min ponny vet så väl att på lördag är det fest. Lördag, lördag, lördag är det fest. En krubba full med havre, det får min lilla häst. Får min lilla häst. Vad du är ... [as before]. Av allting här i världen, jag önskar allra mest – önskar, önskar, önskar allra mest – att aldrig jag ska skiljas ifrån min lilla häst. Från min lilla häst. Vad du är söt ... [as before]
On four legs walks the one that I like the very most [best]. Like the, like the, like the very most. I sit on his back because it is my little horse. Is my little horse. How cute you are, my dear little pony. How kind you are, my dear little horse. You don't say anything [or, "you say nothing" – both are idiomatically expressed the same way], my dear little pony, but you're the one I like the most [best]! Look, the coat [fur] is black like the coat of [on] a priest. The coat, the coat, the coat of [on] a priest. Anose as soft as velvet, [that] has my little horse. Has my little horse. How cute you ... [as before]. My pony knows so well that on Saturday there is a party ["on Saturday there is party" – implies every Saturday here]. Saturday, Saturday, Saturday there is a party. A manger full of oats, [that] gets my little horse. Gets my little horse. How cute you ... [as before]. Out of everything [here] in the world, I wish the very most – wish the, wish the, wish the very most – that never I shall be parted from my little horse ["ska" usually doesn't match "shall" in tone, but the phrasing here is pretty literary anyway]. From my little horse. How cute you ... [as before]