FromOld Norsemunu(“would”),muna(“to remember”), fromProto-Germanic*munaną(“to think, remember”), cognate withOld Saxonmunan,Gothic𐌼𐌿𐌽𐌰𐌽(munan). In older Danish, the present tense wasmon in the singular andmonne in the plural, whereas the past tense wasmonde. These forms have all coalesced in modern Danish.
monne (present tense and past tensemonne,no other forms are used)
- (dated)might(with an infinitive)
- 2002, Kirsten Boas, in: Kristeligt Dagblad /
Men samtidig må vi, der har døjet under dens forfærdelige systemer, prøve at forsone os med vores absurde skæbne, hvor lidelsesfuldt det endmonne være.- Yet, at the same time, we who have suffered under its terrible systems must try to reconcile with our absurd destiny, how ever painful itmight be.
- 1814, N.F.S. Grundtvig,Skjaldelivet (in:Poetiske Skrifter, vol. 3, 1882, p. 17):
- Hvimon sig selv han saa lidet forstaa? | Hvoreftermonne han lede?
- Howmight he understand himself so little? Whatmight he be looking for?
- 1674, Thomas Kingo,Morgensang (=Den danske salmebog, no. 743) /
- Men om min Food gaar vild og sigmon støde | Da vend, o Gud, mig om.
- But if my foot goes astray andmight get hurt, turn me around, o God.
monne f
- plural ofmonna
- Alternative form ofman(“man, person”)
- Alternative form ofman(“one, you”)
FromOld Norsemuna, from the nounmonn m orn (Old Norsemunr).
monne (present tensemonner,past tensemonnaormonnet,past participlemonnaormonnet)
- tocontribute,help
- togrow,heal,proceed
FromOld Norsemunu.
monne (present tensemon,past tensemonne)
- (obsolete, archaic)will, expresses future tense
- (obsolete, archaic)could, expresses uncertainty or possibility
- “monne” inThe Bokmål Dictionary.
- “monne” inDet Norske Akademis ordbok (NAOB).
FromOld Norsemuna, from the nounmonn m (Old Norsemunr).
monne (present tensemonnar,past tensemonna,past participlemonna,passive infinitivemonnast,present participlemonnande,imperativemonne/monn)
- tohelp,contribute
- togrow,heal,proceed
- This is a split infinitive verb.
monne m (pluralmonnes)
- world