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WOTD – 24 January 2023


Theknuckles oftwofists fromleft toright can be used as a mnemonic(noun sense 1) for thenumber ofdays in eachmonth of theGregorian calendar. Each knucklerepresents a 31-day month, while aspace between knuckles represents a 30-day (or, in the case ofFebruary, 28- or 29-day) month.

Etymology 1


Borrowed fromLate Latinmnemonicus or itsetymonAncient Greekμνημονῐκός(mnēmonĭkós,pertaining to memory or remembrance, memorial) +English-ic(suffix meaning ‘of or pertaining to’ forming adjectives).Mνημονῐκός(Mnēmonĭkós) is derived fromμνήμων(mnḗmōn,mindful, remembering) +-ῐκός(-ĭkós,suffix meaning ‘of or pertaining to’ forming adjectives); whileμνήμων(mnḗmōn) is fromμνάομαι(mnáomai,to be mindful, remember) (fromProto-Indo-European*men-(to mind; to think)) +-μων(-mōn,suffix forming adjectives andagent nouns).[1]




mnemonic (notcomparable)

  1. Especially of aseries ofideas,letters,words, etc.:intended tohelp inremembering.
  2. Of or relating tomnemonics(thestudy oftechniques for remembering anything moreeasily).
  3. Of or relating tomemory.
Alternative forms
Derived terms
Related terms
especially of a series of ideas, letters, words, etc.: intended to help in remembering
of or relating to mnemonics
of or relating to memory

Etymology 2


Noun sense 1 (“something used to help in remembering a thing”) is borrowed fromLatinmnēmonicum(something used to help in remembering a thing), fromAncient Greekμνημονικόν(mnēmonikón,something used to help in remembering a thing), a noun use of theneuter form ofμνημονῐκός(mnēmonĭkós,adjective): seeetymology 1. Noun sense 3 (“synonym of mnemonics”) is borrowed fromLate Latinmnemonica, a noun use of thefeminine form ofmnemonicus: see etymology 1.[1]




mnemonic (pluralmnemonics)


Richard of York gave battle in vain” and “Roy G. Biv” are mnemonics to aid in remembering the colours of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

  1. Something (especially aseries ofideas,letters,words, etc.)used tohelp inremembering athing; amemoryaid.
    • 2003, Alex Kimbell, chapter 3, inThe Unbridgeable Divide: A Love Story, Market Harborough, Leicestershire: Matador,→ISBN, section I,page54:
      Mr Avery was a great believer inmnemonics; he had one for every possible aspect of flying – which was as good a way as any for student pilots to familiarise themselves with their new environment, but unless used on a daily basis could also be dangerous, for there were so many of them.
  2. (computing) Thehuman-readable,textualform of anassembly languageinstruction, not includingoperands.
  3. (obsolete)Synonym ofmnemonics(thestudy oftechniques for remembering anything moreeasily)
Derived terms
something used to help in remembering a thing
human-readable, textual form of an assembly language instruction, not including operands
See also
  • crib(collection of quotes or references for use in speaking, for assembling a written document, or as an aid to a project of some sort)


  1. 1.01.1mnemonic,n. andadj.”, inOED OnlinePaid subscription required, Oxford:Oxford University Press, March 2022;mnemonic,n. andadj.”, inLexico,;Oxford University Press,2019–2022.

Further reading

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