Pepper has a stronger flavor when it is ground straight from amill.
The building housing such a grinding apparatus; also, any similar building that houses a similarlymaterial activity (such as weaving, fulling, dying, etc.); theplace of business comprising such a building and its outbuildings and grounds.
[…] for the Townsfolk will go to thymill, and grind their corn[…] at their own good pleasure; nor can I hinder them, since they are free men.
1880 January 1,The Locomotive, volume 1, number 1, Hartford, Conn.: The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection And Insurance Company, page 9:
On Sept. 9 a boiler exploded in Hanke's flouringmill,[…]
A machine used for expelling the juice, sap, etc., from vegetable tissues by pressure, or by pressure in combination with a grinding, or cutting process.
Once the billet gets through the 56-inchmill, it is ready for reheating.
The building complex housing such a plant; theplace of business comprising such buildings and their grounds.
My grandfather worked in amill. He operated machinery, did maintenance, and drove forklifts.
(figurative, usually derogatory) An establishment that handles a certain type of situation or procedure routinely, or produces large quantities of an item without much regard to quality.(The notion ofchurning out massive amountsindiscriminately underlies the figurative metaphor.)
[…] he is relieved from present responsibility to the Chicken, by the absence of that game head of poultry in the country, training (at Toots's cost) for his greatmill with the Larkey Boy.
1902 October 1,The Sydney Sportsman, page 5, column 6:
Themill lasted four rounds, when giddy little Ettie was declared the victress.
The name of the "white hope" against whom Billy was to go was sufficient to draw a fair house, and there were some there who had seen Billy in other fights and looked for a goodmill.
(die sinking) A hardened steelroller with a design in relief, used for imprinting a reversed copy of the design in a softer metal, such as copper.
They kept us in line by threatening to put us on themill twice as long if we complained.
1837, James Williams,A Narrative of Events Since the First of August, 1834, page 9:
Next morning they put me on the treadmill along with the others: At first, not knowing how to dance it, I cut all my shin with the steps; they did not flog me then —[…] They keep on putting her on themill for a week, and flog her every time[…]
In other words, get amill in your operating position by hook or crook and use it regularly. At the N.C.R. Radio Schools touch typing is taught at the same time code proficiency is advanced.
1986,Ham Radio Magazine, volume19, page66:
You can read it all right, but the pencil seems to be getting a little sluggish — better make a grab for a "mill."
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.
The deer and the pig and the nilghai weremilling round and round in a circle of eight or ten miles radius, while the Eaters of Flesh skirmished round its edge.
2021 July 8, Sheera Frenkel, Cecilia Kang, “Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg’s Partnership Did Not Survive Trump”, inThe New York Times[2],→ISSN:
As guestsmilled around them, he [Zuckerberg] described his goal of turning every person in the country with an internet connection into a Facebook user.
Ortheris said nothing for a while. Then he unslung his belt, heavy with the badges of half a dozen regiments that his own had lain with, and handed it over to Mulvaney. "I'm too little for tomill you, Mulvaney," said he, "an' you've strook me before; but you can take an' cut me in two with this 'ere if you like."
1611,Thomas Middleton, “The Roaring Girl”, in Arthur Henry Bullen, editor,The Works of Thomas Middleton[3], volume 4, published1885, act 5, scene 1, pages128–129:
Ben mort, shall you and I heave a bough,mill a ken, or nip a bung, and then we'll couch a hogshead under the ruffmans, and there you shall wap with me, and I'll niggle with you.
And why not?—You would think little of peaching and hanging him for this Scotch affair.—Rat me, one might havemilled the Bank of England, and less noise about it.
(collectible card games) Discarding a card from one's deck.
2018 October 14, Jay Castello, “Pro Hearthstone player burns key card with perfect comedic timing”, inRock Paper Shotgun[5]:
he’s had some fairly infamousmills in other events. Back in 2017’s Spring Championships, he burned the crucial Archmage Antonidas
(collectible card games) A strategy centered on depleting the opponent's deck.
2018 June 16, Wavelength, “Efficient Off-Meta Decks Spotlight”, inFade2Karma[6], archived fromthe original on28 November 2021:
Kingsane[sic – meaningKingsbane] Rogue will forever have a negative connotation attached to it because it began as amill deck, andmill is one of the most tilt-inducing strategies in fantasy card games.
2018 September 24, Collin MacGregor, “Top 10 Guilds of Ravnica Commander Cards in Magic The Gathering”, inheavy.[7]:
Great formill, control, or even Voltron decks, Mnemonic Betrayal is a fantastic addition regardless of your strategy.
↑1.01.1Lighter, Jonathan (1972) “The Slang of the American Expeditionary Forces in Europe, 1917-1919: An Historical Glossary”, inAmerican Speech[1], volume47, number1/2, pages78–79