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See also:Mill





Etymology 1


FromMiddle Englishmylne,mille, fromOld Englishmylen, fromProto-West Germanic*mulīnu(mill), fromLate Latinmolīna,molīnum,molīnus(mill), fromLatinmolō(grind, mill,verb), closely allied toProto-Germanic*muljaną(to crush, grind) (seeEnglishmillstone). Perhaps cognate withMilne(a surname).Doublet ofmoline,moulin, andblin.



mill (pluralmills)

  1. Agrindingapparatus for substances such asgrains,seeds, etc.
    Hyponym:pepper mill
    Pepper has a stronger flavor when it is ground straight from amill.
  2. The building housing such a grinding apparatus; also, any similar building that houses a similarlymaterial activity (such as weaving, fulling, dying, etc.); theplace of business comprising such a building and its outbuildings and grounds.
    Hyponyms:flour mill,grist mill;fulling mill,cotton mill;water mill,windmill
    My great-grandfather worked in amill. He filled the flour sacks and then carried and loaded them.
    • 1843 April,Thomas Carlyle, chapter XV, inPast and Present, American edition, Boston, Mass.:Charles C[offin] Little andJames Brown, published1843,→OCLC, book II (The Ancient Monk),page112:
      [] for the Townsfolk will go to thymill, and grind their corn[] at their own good pleasure; nor can I hinder them, since they are free men.
    • 1880 January 1,The Locomotive, volume 1, number 1, Hartford, Conn.: The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection And Insurance Company, page 9:
      On Sept. 9 a boiler exploded in Hanke's flouringmill,[]
  3. A machine used for expelling the juice, sap, etc., from vegetable tissues by pressure, or by pressure in combination with a grinding, or cutting process.
    a cidermill; a canemill
  4. A machine for grinding and polishing.
    a lapidarymill
  5. Amilling machine formachining of solidmetal, wood, or plastic.
    Hypernym:machine tool
    Several machinists were busy operating the lathes,mills, and drill presses on the shop floor.
  6. Amilling cutter used on such a machine.
    Hyponyms:endmill;moreat Wikipedia
    After the drilling and tapping operations, we come in with amill and do some contouring.
  7. A manufacturingplant for paper, steel, textiles, flooring, and some other kinds of materials.
    Hyponyms:paper mill,steel mill
    Once the billet gets through the 56-inchmill, it is ready for reheating.
  8. The building complex housing such a plant; theplace of business comprising such buildings and their grounds.
    My grandfather worked in amill. He operated machinery, did maintenance, and drove forklifts.
  9. (figurative, usually derogatory) An establishment that handles a certain type of situation or procedure routinely, or produces large quantities of an item without much regard to quality.(The notion ofchurning out massive amountsindiscriminately underlies the figurative metaphor.)
    Hyponyms:divorce mill,puppy mill,content mill
    Those shysters selling the purebreds are running quite amill over there, eh?
  10. (figurative, derogatory) Aninstitution or pseudo-institutional business awardingcredentials (such asdiplomas,degrees,certificates, orcertifications) of eitherdubious value orfraudulent nature; one sellingessays or otherdocuments for the buyers (usually students) to fraudulentlypass off as their own.
    Hyponyms:diploma mill,accreditation mill,ordination mill;essay mill,paper mill
    Those shysters cranking out the "IT training certificates" are running quite amill over there, eh?
  11. (informal) Anengine.
    Under the hood is amill that you and I can't afford — a nitrous-blown hemi with custom heads.
  12. (informal, archaic) A boxing match orfistfight.
    They were betting big on a greatmill, but they didn't realize that the fix was in.
    • 1846 October 1 –1848 April 1,Charles Dickens,Dombey and Son, London:Bradbury and Evans, [], published1848,→OCLC:
      [] he is relieved from present responsibility to the Chicken, by the absence of that game head of poultry in the country, training (at Toots's cost) for his greatmill with the Larkey Boy.
    • 1902 October 1,The Sydney Sportsman, page 5, column 6:
      Themill lasted four rounds, when giddy little Ettie was declared the victress.
    • 1914 October –1916 July,Edgar Rice Burroughs,The Mucker, Chicago, Ill.:A[lexander] C[aldwell] McClurg & Co., published31 October 1921,→OCLC:
      The name of the "white hope" against whom Billy was to go was sufficient to draw a fair house, and there were some there who had seen Billy in other fights and looked for a goodmill.
  13. (die sinking) A hardened steelroller with a design in relief, used for imprinting a reversed copy of the design in a softer metal, such as copper.
    Coordinate term:die
  14. (mining) An excavation in rock, transverse to the workings, from which material for filling is obtained.
    They pulled me off the main crew and had me digging in themill.
  15. (mining) A passage underground through which ore is shot.
    The geologists were responsible for keeping the work within themill.
  16. The raised or ridged edge or surface made in milling anything, such as a coin or screw.
  17. (historical) Aprisontreadmill.
    They kept us in line by threatening to put us on themill twice as long if we complained.
    • 1837, James Williams,A Narrative of Events Since the First of August, 1834, page 9:
      Next morning they put me on the treadmill along with the others: At first, not knowing how to dance it, I cut all my shin with the steps; they did not flog me then —[] They keep on putting her on themill for a week, and flog her every time[]
  18. (US militaryslang, World War I, World War II) Amilitary prison, either guardhouse orpost prison.[1]
    He spent some time in themill after that escapade.
  19. (militaryslang, World War I, World War II) Adelousing station: acootie mill.[1]
  20. (CB radio slang) Atypewriter used totranscribe messages received.
    • 1941,QST, volume25, numbers2–6, page90:
      In other words, get amill in your operating position by hook or crook and use it regularly. At the N.C.R. Radio Schools touch typing is taught at the same time code proficiency is advanced.
    • 1986,Ham Radio Magazine, volume19, page66:
      You can read it all right, but the pencil seems to be getting a little sluggish — better make a grab for a "mill."
Alternative forms
Derived terms
in toponyms of Canada
in toponyms of the United States
grinding apparatus
building housing a grinding apparatus
machine used for expelling the juice, sap, etc.
machine for grinding and polishing
raised or ridged edge or surface made in milling
manufacturing plant
building housing a manufacturing plant
establishment that handles a certain type of situation routinely
derogatory: institution awarding unofficial educational certificates
informal: engine
informal: boxing match, fistfight
die sinking: hardened steel roller with a design in relief
mining: excavation for obtaining filling material
mining: passage underground through which ore is shot
milling cutterseemilling cutter
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.
Translations to be checked



mill (third-person singular simple presentmills,present participlemilling,simple past and past participlemilled)

  1. (transitive) Togrind or otherwise process in a mill or other machine.
    tomill flour
  2. (transitive) Toshape,polish,dress orfinish using a machine.
  3. (transitive) Toengrave one or moregrooves or a pattern around the edge of (acylindrical object such as a coin).
  4. (intransitive, followed by around,about, etc.) To move about in anaimless fashion.
    I didn't have much to do, so I justmilled around the town looking at the shops.
    • 1895 November,Rudyard Kipling,The Second Jungle Book, London, New York, N.Y.:Macmillan and Co.,→OCLC:
      The deer and the pig and the nilghai weremilling round and round in a circle of eight or ten miles radius, while the Eaters of Flesh skirmished round its edge.
    • 2021 July 8, Sheera Frenkel, Cecilia Kang, “Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg’s Partnership Did Not Survive Trump”, inThe New York Times[2],→ISSN:
      As guestsmilled around them, he [Zuckerberg] described his goal of turning every person in the country with an internet connection into a Facebook user.
  5. (transitive) To cause to mill, or circle around.
    tomill cattle
  6. (zoology, of air-breathing creatures) Toswimunderwater.
  7. (zoology, of a whale) Toswim suddenly in a new direction.
  8. (transitive, slang) Tobeat; topound.
  9. To pass through a fulling mill; tofull, as cloth.
  10. (transitive) To roll (steel, etc.) into bars.
  11. (transitive) To make (drinking chocolate) frothy, as by churning.
  12. (intransitive) To undergohulling.
    This maizemills well.
  13. (intransitive, slang) To take part in afistfight; tobox.
  14. (transitive, mining) To fill (awinze or interior incline) with brokenore, to be drawn out at the bottom.
  15. (obsolete, UK, thieves' cant) To commitburglary.
    • 1611,Thomas Middleton, “The Roaring Girl”, in Arthur Henry Bullen, editor,The Works of Thomas Middleton[3], volume 4, published1885, act 5, scene 1, pages128–129:
      Ben mort, shall you and I heave a bough,mill a ken, or nip a bung, and then we'll couch a hogshead under the ruffmans, and there you shall wap with me, and I'll niggle with you.
    • 1818,Walter Scott, chapter 6, inThe Heart of Midlothian:
      And why not?—You would think little of peaching and hanging him for this Scotch affair.—Rat me, one might havemilled the Bank of England, and less noise about it.
Derived terms
grind or process using a mill or other machine
shape, polish, etc, using a machine
engrave groove around the edge of
move about in an aimless fashion

Etymology 2


Ultimately fromLatinmillesimum. The clipping comes by way of the clipped word,millimetre.

EnglishWikipedia has an article on:


Missouri mill token.

mill (pluralmills)

  1. Onethousandth part.
    1. Onethousandth of aUS dollar, or onetenth of acent.
      Alternative form:mille
      Holonyms:cent <dollar
      The U.S. has never minted amill coin, but the Coinage Act of 1792 describes this and other subdivisions of the U.S. dollar.
    2. Onethousandth part inmillage rates ofproperty tax.
      They predict that the rate will probably go up by severalmills next year.
    3. (engineering, manufacturing)Alternative form ofmil(onethousandth of aninch).
      For this task, I prefer the plastic sheeting that is 10mills thick.
    4. (informal)Clipping ofmillimeter.
      Alternative form:mil
      For this task, I prefer the plastic bars that are 10mills in diameter.
Derived terms
thousandth part

See also


Etymology 3


Clipping ofmillion.



mill (pluralmill)

  1. (informal)Alternative form ofmil(million)

Etymology 4


(Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium.)



mill (pluralmills)

  1. Aline ofthree matchingpieces innine men's morris and related games.

Etymology 5


Back-formation frommillstone, name of aMagic: The Gathering card with this effect (first printed 1994).

Alternative forms

  • Mill(in the sense of "a strategy")



mill (third-person singular simple presentmills,present participlemilling,simple past and past participlemilled)

  1. (transitive, collectible card games) To move (a card) from a deck to the discard pile.
  2. (transitive, Hearthstone) To destroy (a card) due to having a full hand.
    • 2018 October 9, Ozzie Mejia, “Hearthstone: 4 decks to watch during the 2018 HCT Fall Championship”, inShacknews[4]:
      what happens when a Quest Rogue uses Vanish and Malygos getsmilled?
Derived terms



mill (countable anduncountable,pluralmills)

  1. (collectible card games) Discarding a card from one's deck.
    • 2018 October 14, Jay Castello, “Pro Hearthstone player burns key card with perfect comedic timing”, inRock Paper Shotgun[5]:
      he’s had some fairly infamousmills in other events. Back in 2017’s Spring Championships, he burned the crucial Archmage Antonidas
  2. (collectible card games) A strategy centered on depleting the opponent's deck.
    • 2018 June 16, Wavelength, “Efficient Off-Meta Decks Spotlight”, inFade2Karma[6], archived fromthe original on28 November 2021:
      Kingsane[sic – meaningKingsbane] Rogue will forever have a negative connotation attached to it because it began as amill deck, andmill is one of the most tilt-inducing strategies in fantasy card games.
    • 2018 September 24, Collin MacGregor, “Top 10 Guilds of Ravnica Commander Cards in Magic The Gathering”, inheavy.[7]:
      Great formill, control, or even Voltron decks, Mnemonic Betrayal is a fantastic addition regardless of your strategy.
Derived terms


  1. 1.01.1Lighter, Jonathan (1972) “The Slang of the American Expeditionary Forces in Europe, 1917-1919: An Historical Glossary”, inAmerican Speech[1], volume47, number1/2, pages78–79

Further reading






Possibly fromProto-Albanian*meila(fastening (of a knife)), ultimately fromProto-Indo-European*mey-(to attach, fasten).[1]



mill m (pluralmille, definitemilli, definite pluralmillet)

  1. sheath


Declension ofmill


  1. ^Orel, Vladimir E. (1998) “mill”, inAlbanian Etymological Dictionary, Leiden, Boston, Köln: Brill,→ISBN, page266





Inherited fromLatinmilium.





mill m (pluralmills)

  1. millet

Derived terms


Further reading





  • IPA(key): [mʲiːlʲ],[mʲɪlʲ]

Etymology 1


FromOld Irishmillid(spoils, ruins, destroys).



mill (present analyticmilleann,future analyticmillfidh,verbal nounmilleadh,past participlemillte)

  1. (ambitransitive)spoil;mar,ruin
    1. ravish
conjugation ofmill (first conjugation – A)
verbal nounmilleadh
past participlemillte
presentmillimmilleann tú;
milleann sé, símillimidmilleann sibhmilleann siad;
amhilleann; amhilleas /
pastmhill mé;mhilleasmhill tú;mhillismhill sé, símhilleamar;mhill muidmhill sibh;mhilleabhairmhill siad;mhilleadaramhill /
past habitualmhillinn /millinn‡‡mhillteá /millteᇇmhilleadh sé, sí /milleadh sé, s퇇mhillimis;mhilleadh muid /millimis‡‡;milleadh muid‡‡mhilleadh sibh /milleadh sibh‡‡mhillidís;mhilleadh siad /millidís‡‡;milleadh siad‡‡amhilleadh /
mhilltí /millt퇇
futuremillfidh mé;
millfidh tú;
millfidh sé, símillfimid;
millfidh muid
millfidh sibhmillfidh siad;
amhillfidh; amhillfeas /
conditionalmhillfinn /millfinn‡‡mhillfeá /millfeᇇmhillfeadh sé, sí /millfeadh sé, s퇇mhillfimis;mhillfeadh muid /millfimis‡‡;millfeadh muid‡‡mhillfeadh sibh /millfeadh sibh‡‡mhillfidís;mhillfeadh siad /millfidís‡‡;millfeadh siad‡‡amhillfeadh /
mhillfí /millf퇇
presentgomille mé;
gomille tú;
gomille sé, sígomillimid;
gomille muid
gomille sibhgomille siad;
pastmillinnmillteámilleadh sé, símillimis;
milleadh muid
milleadh sibhmillidís;
milleadh siad
millimmillmilleadh sé, símillimismilligí;

* indirect relative
† archaic or dialect form
‡‡ dependent form used with particles that triggereclipsis

Etymology 2




mill f (genitive singularmille,nominative pluralmilleanna)

  1. Alternative form ofmeill(flabby, loose, skin; blubber lip; unshapely mouth)
  2. (botany)pendantbud orflower
Declension ofmill (second declension)
forms with thedefinite article
dativeleis anmill
leis namilleanna


Mutated forms ofmill
millmhillnot applicable

Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Modern Irish.
All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.

Further reading






Etymology 1


FromOld Irishmillid(spoils, ruins, destroys). Cognate withIrishmill andScottish Gaelicmill.



mill (pastvill,future independentmillee,verbal nounmilley,past participlemillit)

  1. destroy,ruin
  2. spoil,tarnish
  3. (as vision)blur
  4. disfigure
  5. corrupt
  6. mess,tumble,rustle
    Nymill m'olt.Don't tumble my hair.

Etymology 2


FromOld Irishmil, fromProto-Celtic*meli, fromProto-Indo-European*mélid. Cognate withIrishmil,Scottish Gaelicmil,Latinmel,Ancient Greekμέλι(méli). Akin tomillish andblass.



mill f (genitive singularmolley)

  1. honey




Mutation ofmill

Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Manx.
All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.

Scottish Gaelic




Etymology 1


FromOld Irishmillid(spoils, ruins, destroys).



mill (pastmhill,futuremillidh,verbal nounmilleadh,past participlemillte)

  1. destroy,spoil,ruin

Etymology 2




mill m

  1. inflection ofmeall:
    1. genitivesingular
    2. plural


Mutation ofmill

Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Scottish Gaelic.
All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.

Further reading

  • Edward Dwelly (1911) “mill”, inFaclair Gàidhlig gu Beurla le Dealbhan [The Illustrated Gaelic–English Dictionary]‎[8], 10th edition, Edinburgh: Birlinn Limited,→ISBN
  • Gregory Toner, Sharon Arbuthnot, Máire Ní Mhaonaigh, Marie-Luise Theuerkauf, Dagmar Wodtko, editors (2019), “millid”, ineDIL: Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language



Alternative forms





  1. (anatomy)eye






  1. Alternative form ofmil.


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