Belonging to thesex which typically producessperm, or to the gender which is typically associated with it.[from 14th c.]
male writers
the leadingmale and female singers
amale bird feeding a seed to a female
in bee colonies, all drones aremale
intersexmale patients
1995, Gill Van Hasselt,Childbirth: Your Choices for Managing Pain, Taylor Pub,→ISBN:
We got the hang of [caring for a baby], Kate and I, with some quiet, surprising guidance from a gentlemale nurse whose touching lack of intrusion was so instinctive as to seem part of the pattern.
Whereas many other transmale vloggers use the videos to assert a conventionally recognizable masculinity through sculpting and carrying their bodies as well as dressing and talking in masculine-coded ways, Carson explores and plays with ways of expressing femininity within (trans) maleness.
stereotypicallymale interests,an insect with typicallymale coloration
2006, Bonnie Roberts,Bruises on the Heart,→ISBN, page118:
A bright light was shone in her eye and then she heard a kind,male voice who she figured must be Dr. Smith. “Yes, let her rest now, but keep an eye on her blood pressure and her pulse. Check her about every 15 or 20 minutes. Call me if any problem occurs.”
2004, Mino Vianello, Gwen Moore,Women and Men in Political and Business Elites: A Comparative Study,→ISBN:
More than that, we cannot find the same dynamics within female career trajectories as in the other two country groups, because the time-structure of female andmale careers already shows great similarity within the older generation of elites. In addition, the pattern of the relation between female andmale careers remains the same over time.
The teacher's voice inflects the pulse ofnêhiyawêwin as he teaches us. He says a prayer in the first class. Nouns, we learn, have a gender. In French, nouns aremale or female, but in Cree, nouns are living or non-living, animate or inanimate.
2012, Sinéad Leleu, Michaela Greck-Ismair,German Pen Pals Made Easy KS3:
If you are describing a female noun, you must make the adjective feminine by adding an 'e'. If you describe amale noun, you add an 'er'. For neutral nouns you add an 'es'.
(of bacteria) Having theF factor; able to impart DNA into another bacterium which does not have the F factor (afemale).
1967,Symposium on Infectious Multiple Drug Resistance: Genetics, Molecular Nature, and Clinical Implications of R Factors, May 25, 1967, page 7:
Furthermore,male bacteria with fi + R factors, which inhibit the function of F (fi fertility inhibition) (Watanabe et al., 1964a), cannot form specific cell pairs at high frequencies. On the contrary, the formation of[…]
(Can wedate this quote?),The genetics problem solver, Research & Education Assoc.,→ISBN, page443:
Male bacteria having the sex factor, also known as the F or "fertility" factor, are termed P if the sex factor exists extrachromosomally. F+ bacteria can only conjugate with F, the female counterparts, which do not possess the F [factor].
(figuratively) Of instruments, tools, or connectors: designed to fit into or penetrate afemale counterpart, as in aconnector,pipe fitting or laboratoryglassware.[from 16th c.]
1982,Popular Science, page119:
Male adapter connects female pipe threads to polyethylene cold-water pipe; [...] female flare coupling connectsmale pipe threads to flared copper or plastic;
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.
2001 August 1, Harrison G. Echols,Operators and Promoters: The Story of Molecular Biology and Its Creators, Univ of California Press,→ISBN, page45:
During mating, F+ male bacteria transfer the F factor to the recipient females, transforming them into F+males.Males also retain a copy of their F factor for themselves (left). When Hfr (or high frequency recombination)males mate[…]
2021 February 26, Gregor Majdic,Soul Mate Biology: Science of attachment and love, Springer Nature,→ISBN, page10:
In this process, one bacterium designated the male bacterium transfers its DNA into the female bacterium. Bacteria are determined to be male or female by a small piece of DNA, called F-plasmid, or sex factor. Bacteria with this small piece of DNA are labeled asmales, and bacteria that do not have this factor are considered females.[…] Nevertheless, in addition to a small piece of DNA, male bacteria have some unique characteristics. They can make a special protrusion on their surface, called F-pilus. Pilae (plural for pilus) are hair-like structures that cover the[…]
Work another rubber washer over the threads of the male adapter that is now sticking out of the bucket.[…] cut out with an X-acto knife, then thread the female fittings to themales.
Similar to objections over the usage offemale(s) as a noun, some people find it dehumanizing to refer to men as "male(s)" due to its zoological use, especially in non-technical contexts. It is frequently used in policeblotters, dispatches, reports, and legal, medical, or physiological documents to encompass boys and men, further fueling aversion through this association with criminality and/or vice.
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.
Mohamed Hassan Kamil (2015)L’afar: description grammaticale d’une langue couchitique (Djibouti, Erythrée et Ethiopie)[1], Paris: Université Sorbonne Paris Cité (doctoral thesis)
“male”, inCharlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879)A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
“male”, inCharlton T. Lewis (1891)An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
"male", in Charles du Fresne du Cange’sGlossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition with additions by D. P. Carpenterius, Adelungius and others, edited by Léopold Favre, 1883–1887)
Carl Meißner, Henry William Auden (1894)Latin Phrase-Book[3], London:Macmillan and Co.
(ambiguous) to deserve ill of a person; to treat badly:male mereri de aliquo
(ambiguous) to have a good or bad reputation, be spoken well, ill of:bene, male audire (ab aliquo)
(ambiguous) to inculcate good (bad) principles:bene (male) praecipere alicui
(ambiguous) a guilty conscience:animus male sibi conscius
(ambiguous) a moral (immoral) man:homo bene (male) moratus
(ambiguous) to bless (curse) a person:precari alicui bene (male) oromnia bona (mala), salutem
(ambiguous) to manage one's affairs, household, property well or ill:rem bene (male) gerere (vid. sect. XVI. 10a)
(ambiguous) to buy dearly:magno ormale emere
(ambiguous) to win, lose a fight (of the commander):rem (bene, male) gerere (vid. sect. XII. 2, noterem gerere...)
(ambiguous) I am sorry to hear..:male (opp.bene)narras (de)
Aleksander Saloni (1908) “male”, in “Lud rzeszowski”, inMateryały Antropologiczno-Archeologiczne i Etnograficzne (in Polish), volume10, Kraków: Akademia Umiejętności, page336