FromAncient Greekλύσις(lúsis,“loosening, breaking loose”) +-cline.
lysocline (plurallysoclines)
- The depth in theocean below whichsolubility ofcalcium carbonate (CaCO3) increases dramatically.
2009 January 16, R. W. Wilsonet al., “Contribution of Fish to the Marine Inorganic Carbon Cycle”, inScience[1], volume323, number5912:The causes of CaCO3 dissolution above thelysocline are subject to debate and have been attributed to (i) dissolution in zooplankton guts; (ii) dissolution in microenvironments where bacterial oxidation of organic matter enhances this process; and (iii) dissolution of more soluble forms of CaCO3, including pteropods and high-magnesium calcite.