Borrowed fromFrench liaison ( “ binding ” ) , fromLatin ligātiō (stemligātiōn- ; whence the Englishdoublet ligation ), derived fromligō ( “ I bind ” ) , fromProto-Indo-European *leyǵ- ( “ to bind ” ) .
( UK ) IPA (key ) : /liˈeɪˌzɒ̃/ ,/-ˌzɒn/ ,/-z(ə)n/ ,( nonstandard ) /laɪˈeɪˌzɒn/ ,/-zən/ ( US ) IPA (key ) : /liˈeɪˌzɑn/ ,/-ˌsɑn/ ,( nonstandard ) /ˈlaɪ.ə.sən/ Rhymes:-eɪzɒn ,-eɪzən Hyphenation:li‧ai‧son liaison (countable anduncountable ,plural liaisons )
Examples (pronunciation of a normally silent consonant) The pronunciation of the ⟨n⟩ in Frenchbon appétit
Communication between twoparties orgroups .Cooperation , working together.Arelayer ofinformation between two forces in anarmy or duringwar . Any person whorelays information between twogroups ororganizations .Synonyms: go-between ,mediator As a communityliaison , I work to make sure the general public knows about our organization's work.
Atryst ; aromantic meeting. ( figuratively ) Anillicit sexual relationship oraffair .2020 August 4, Richard Conniff, “They may look goofy, but ostriches are nobody’s fool”, inNational Geographic Magazine [1] :ostriches in breeding season are relentlessly promiscuous, with both males and females seekingliaisons with multiple partners.
( phonology ) Fusion of two consecutive words and the manner in which this occurs.Hypernyms: sandhi ,intrusion ,linking ( phonology ) Thepronunciation of a normally silent finalconsonant when the next word begins with avowel .communication between two parties or groups
co-operation, working together
a relayer of information between two forces in an army or during war
a tryst, romantic meeting
an illicit sexual relationship or affair
Estonian:salasuhe ,armuseiklus Finnish:rakkaussuhde (fi) ,salasuhde (fi) French:liaison (fr) f German:Liaison (de) f ,Liebschaft (de) f ,(außereheliche )Affäre f ,außereheliches Verhältnis n Greek:ερωτοδουλειά (el) f ( erotodouleiá ) Russian:рома́н (ru) m ( román ) ,любовное похожде́ние n ( ljubovnoje poxoždénije ) ,любо́вная интри́га f ( ljubóvnaja intríga ) ,любо́вная связь f ( ljubóvnaja svjazʹ ) ,( hanky-panky ) шу́ры-му́ры (ru) f pl ( šúry-múry ) ,ша́шни (ru) m pl ( šášni ) ,аму́ры (ru) m pl ( amúry ) Spanish:aventura (es) f
Translations to be checked
liaison (third-person singular simple present liaisons ,present participle liaisoning ,simple past and past participle liaisoned )
( proscribed ) Toliaise .Inherited fromOld French , fromLate Latin ligātiōnem , derived fromLatin ligō ( “ bind ” ) , or formed fromlier +-aison based on the Latin word. Compare alsoOld Occitan liazó, liazon .
IPA (key ) : /ljɛ.zɔ̃/ ~/lje.zɔ̃/ (he pronounces it like liaithon)liaison f (plural liaisons )
link ,bond friendship liaison ( romantic encounter ) liaison ( communication ) ( linguistics ) liaison ( phonological phenomenon ) ( chemistry ) bond