les (plural leses )
( slang , colloquial , derogatory ) Clipping oflesbian .les (comparative moreles ,superlative mostles )
( slang , colloquial , derogatory ) Clipping oflesbian .Inherited fromDutch les ( “ lesson ” ) , fromMiddle Dutch lesse , fromLatin lēctiō .
les (plural lesse ,diminutive lessie )
lesson Derived fromLatin ille ( “ that one ” ) .
them ( indirect object ) Inherited fromLatin illas .
les f pl (masculine sg el ,feminine sg la ,neuter sg lo ,masculine plural los )
( definite ) the Inherited fromLatin illās , fromille .
les f pl (masculine plural els ,masculine singular el ,feminine singular la )
the ;feminine plural definite article les (enclitic and proclitic )
them (feminine, direct object)Catalan personal pronouns and clitics strong/subject weak (direct object) weak (indirect object) possessive proclitic enclitic proclitic enclitic singular 1st person standard jo ,mi 3 em ,m’ -me ,’m em ,m’ -me ,’m meu majestic1 nós ens -nos ,’ns ens -nos ,’ns nostre 2nd person standard tu et ,t’ -te ,’t et ,t’ -te ,’t teu formal1 vós us -vos ,-us us -vos ,-us vostre very formal2 vostè el ,l’ -lo ,’l li -li seu 3rd person m ell el ,l’ -lo ,’l li -li seu f ella la ,l’ 4 -la li -li seu n ho -ho li -li seu plural 1st person nosaltres ens -nos ,’ns ens -nos ,’ns nostre 2nd person standard vosaltres us -vos ,-us us -vos ,-us vostre formal2 vostès els -los ,’ls els -los ,’ls seu 3rd person m ells els -los ,’ls els -los ,’ls seu f elles les -les els -los ,’ls seu 3rd person reflexivesi es ,s’ -se ,’s es ,s’ -se ,’s seu adverbial ablative/genitive en ,n’ -ne ,’n locative hi -hi
1 Behaves grammatically as plural. 2 Behaves grammatically as third person.3 Only as object of a preposition. 4 Not before unstressed (h)i-, (h)u-.
Borrowed fromLatin laesus .
les (feminine lesa ,masculine plural lesos ,feminine plural leses )
( law ) harmed Inherited fromProto-Brythonic *lles , fromProto-Celtic *lexstus . Cognate withWelsh lles .
les m (plural lesow )
advantage ,benefit ,gain ,profit Synonym: budh utility ,usefulness ,importance ,interest welfare Inherited fromProto-Celtic *lussus ( “ medicinal herb, vegetable ” ) .Doublet oflosow . Cognate withWelsh llys .
les m (plural lesyow )
plant Synonym: losowen Inherited fromProto-Brythonic *lled , fromProto-Celtic *ɸletos . Cognate withWelsh lled .
les m (plural lesyow )
width ,breadth les f (plural lesow )
Alternative form oflys ( “ court ” ) (Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
in case Inherited fromOld Czech les , fromProto-Slavic *lěsъ .
les m inan
forest Synonym: hvozd Declension ofles (hard masculine inanimate )
“les ”, inPříruční slovník jazyka českého (in Czech),1935–1957 “les ”, inSlovník spisovného jazyka českého (in Czech),1960–1971, 1989 “les ”, inInternetová jazyková příručka (in Czech),2008–2025 les c
indefinite genitive singular ofle Inherited fromMiddle Dutch lesse , fromLatin lēctiō .
les f (plural lessen ,diminutive lesje n )
course ,lesson See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
inflection oflessen : first-person singular present indicative (in case ofinversion )second-person singular present indicative imperative “les ” inWoordenlijst Nederlandse Taal – Officiële Spelling , Nederlandse Taalunie. [the official spelling word list for the Dutch language] Inherited fromLatin illās .
les f pl
feminine plural oflo ( “ the ” ) les f pl ( ORB, broad )
them ( third-person plural feminine accusative ) Franco-Provençal personal pronouns
singular nominative accusative dative tonic1 possessive2 1st person jo mè min 2nd person te tè tin 3rd person masculine il lo /le lui sin 3rd person feminine el la lyé 3rd person neuter o y — 3rd person reflexive — sè plural nominative accusative dative tonic1 possessive2 1st person nos noutro 2nd person vos voutro 3rd person masculine ils los /les lor lor 3rd person feminine els les lor /lyés 3rd person reflexive — sè 1 Disjunctive or object of a preposition.2 Generally preceded by a definite article.
les [3 ] in DicoFranPro:Dictionnaire Français/Francoprovençal – ondicofranpro.llm.umontreal.ca les in Lo trèsor Arpitan – onarpitan.eu les m pl
Alternative form oflos ,masculine plural oflo ( “ the ” ) les m pl ( ORB, broad )
Alternative form oflos m pl ( “ them ” ) les in DicoFranPro:Dictionnaire Français/Francoprovençal – ondicofranpro.llm.umontreal.ca les in Lo trèsor Arpitan – onarpitan.eu Inherited fromMiddle French les , fromOld French les , fromLatin illōs m andillās f which are the accusative plurals ofille .[ 1]
plural ofle :the plural ofla :the de les is never used: contracted intodes .à les is never used: contracted intoaux .les m pl or f pl
plural ofle :them plural ofla :them 1 On can also function as a first person plural (although agreeing with third person singular verb forms).2 Vous is also used as the polite singular form.3 Ils andeux are also used when a group has a mixture of masculine and feminine members.4 These forms are also used as third person plural reflexive.
^ Dauzat, Albert with Jean Dubois, Henri Mitterand (1964 ) “le, la, les”, inNouveau dictionnaire étymologique (in French), Paris: Librairie Larousse les
second-person singular present indicative ofler les
( colloquial ) first-person singular present oflesen Synonym: ( standard ) lese ( colloquial ) singular imperative oflesen Synonym: ( standard ) lies Inherited fromProto-Ugric *läćɜ ( “ hiding place; lurk ” ) .[ 1] [ 2] Cognates includeSouthern Mansi [script needed] ( lǟš- ) ,Northern Mansi [script needed] ( lāś- ) .
les (plural lesek )
cover ,hideaway ,ambush ( the place where one is concealed, in wait to attack by surprise, or the act of concealing oneself there ) Synonyms: lesállás ,leshely Hypernyms: búvóhely ,rejtekhely ,( hiding place in general ) rejtek ( hunting ) hide ,blind ( soccer ) offside Synonyms: lesállás ,leshelyzet les
( transitive ) tospy ,peep ,peek ,pry ( transitive ) tostare ,goggle ,eye ( ambitransitive ) tocheat at a test by looking at someone else's work
( ambush ) : les in Géza Bárczi ,László Országh ,et al. , editors,A magyar nyelv értelmező szótára [The Explanatory Dictionary of the Hungarian Language ] (ÉrtSz.), Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó , 1959–1962.Fifth ed., 1992:→ISBN . ( to spy ) : les in Géza Bárczi ,László Országh ,et al. , editors,A magyar nyelv értelmező szótára [The Explanatory Dictionary of the Hungarian Language ] (ÉrtSz.), Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó , 1959–1962.Fifth ed., 1992:→ISBN . les n (genitive singular less ,nominative plural les )
( linguistics ) lexeme ( set of inflected forms taken by a single word ) ( computing ) lexeme ( individual instance of a continuouscharacter sequence without spaces, used inlexical analysis ) les
first-person singular oflesa ( “ to read ” ) Égles mikið af þýskum bókum. Iread a lot of German books. third-person singular oflesa ( “ to read ” ) Pálmiles alltaf sömu söguna, þótt hann eigi margar bækur. Pálmi alwaysreads the same story, even though he has many books. Borrowed fromDutch les ( “ course, lesson ” ) , fromMiddle Dutch lesse , fromLatin lēctiō .
lès (plural les -les )
( education , colloquial ) cram school ,private tuition lès
( education , colloquial ) tocram , to study hard, tolearn atcram school Borrowed fromDutch lis ( “ reed ” ) .
lès (plural les -les )
rein lês (plural les -les )
Alternative form oflis les
( dative ) to them Precedes conjugated verbs. Can be of mixed gender (not just masculine). Inherited fromLatin illas .
les f (plural )
the Inherited fromOld Spanish les , fromLatin illīs , dative plural ofille .
les m or f by sense (Hebrew spelling ליס )[ 1]
dative ofeyos andeyas ;( to ) them ,( for ) them[ca. 1510[ 2] ] 19th century , Sa'adi Besalel a-Levi, chapter 42, in Aron Rodrigue, Sarah Abrevaya Stein, editors,A Jewish Voice from Ottoman Salonica: The Ladino Memoir of Sa'adi Besalel A-Levi [1] , Stanford University Press, published2012 ,→ISBN ,page290 :Los fraguadoresles vinokolay de tomar todas las pyedras de ensima los muertos, syendo estaskevuroth eran de los primeros djidyos ke vinyeron de la Espanya. It came easy for the builders to take all the dead's tombstones, being that these graves belonged to the first Jews who came from Spain. ^ “les ”, inTrezoro de la Lengua Djudeoespanyola . ^ Dov Cohen and Ora (Rodrigue) Schwarzwald (2019 June 19) “Coṃpendio delas šeḥiṭót (Constantinople ca. 1510): The First Judeo-Spanish Printed Publication”, inJournal of Jewish Languages , volume 7, number 1, Leiden: Koninklijke Brill NV,→DOI ,→ISSN , pages48, 50 Inherited fromOld English lēas ( “ false, void, loose ” ) .
Cognate withMiddle High German lōs ( “ loose ” ) ,Old Swedish lø̄s ( “ loose ” ) ; adoublet ofloos .
false ;lying ;deceptive les (uncountable )
falsehood ; alie 15th c. , “[ The Creation] ”, inWakefield Mystery Plays ; Re-edited in George England,Alfred W. Pollard , editors,The Towneley Plays (Early English Text Society Extra Series; LXXI), London: [ … ] Oxford University Press,1897 ,→OCLC ,page 5 , lines120–121 :He is so fayre, withouttenles , / he semys full well to sytt on des. He is so good, withoutfalsehood ; / (so) he's really suited to sit on a dais. c. 1480 , “The Creation”, inThe Towneley Plays , lines158–159 :We held with hym ther he saideleasse / And therfor have we all unpeasse. We stayed with him when he uttereduntruth , / and therefore we all feel discord. c. 1480 , “The Creation”, inThe Towneley Plays , lines193–195 :Ye shall have joye and blis therin / Whils ye will kepe you out of syn, / I say withouttenlese . You'll have joy and tranquility within / if you keep yourself out of sin, / I say, withoutlies . Inherited fromOld French les , fromLatin illōs m andillās f
les m pl or f pl (masculine singular le ,feminine singular la )
the les pl (singular lé ,and la )
Alternative form ofl's les boutons ―the nipplesles êpices ―the spicesles lédgeunmes ―the vegetablesles ridgieaux ―the curtains2013 March, Geraint Jennings, “Mar martello”, inThe Town Crier [2] , archived fromthe original on13 March 2016 , page20 :Dansles clios étout nou vait des tracteurs et des machinnes tandi qu'lé travas du fèrmyi r'prend san rhythme coumme tréjous. Inthe fields tractors and machines can be seen too as farm work picks up again as always. Norman definite articles singular plural masculine le /l' les feminine la /l' les
imperative oflese les
present tense oflesa imperative oflesa Inherited fromProto-Slavic *lěsъ .
les m inan
forest Synonym: hvozd Declension ofles (hard o-stem )
Inherited fromLatin illas andillos .
the (feminine plural oblique definite article)the (feminine plural nominative definite article)the (masculine plural oblique definite article)les (emphatic lessom )
third-person singular masculine ofla les m
Alternative spelling ofless ( “ benefit, advantage ” ) Mutation ofles radical lenition nasalization les also lles after a proclitic ending in a vowel les pronounced with /l(ʲ)-/ unchanged
Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in Old Irish. All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.
Inherited fromProto-Slavic *lě̑sъ . First attested in 1386.
les m inan
forest ,woods ( dense uncultivated tract of trees ) Pannonian Rusyn:лєс ( ljes ) Slovak:les Majtán, Milan et al., editors (1991–2008 ), “les ”, inHistorický slovník slovenského jazyka [Historical Dictionary of the Slovak Language ] (in Slovak), volumes 1–7 (A – Ž ), Bratislava: VEDA,→OCLC Inherited fromLatin illīs , dative plural ofille .
les m or f by sense
dative ofellos andellas ;( to ) them ;( for ) themc. 1200 , Almerich,Fazienda de Ultramar ,f. 2v :eſtos angeles cõ q fablo abraã. vinieron a ſodoma e loth ſedia ala puerta dela cibdat. e violos e leuátos cótra elló. e omillos troa la tierra. e dixoles priego uos mios ſẽnores. Q̃ uẽgades acaſa de ur̃o ſieruo albergar. These angels to whom Abraham spoke came to Sodom, and Lot was at the city's gate. And he saw them and he got up to greet them and groveled with his face to the ground. And he said, “I beg you, my lords, come spend the night at your servant's house.” Ralph Steele Boggset al. (1946 ) “les”, inTentative Dictionary of Medieval Spanish , volume II, Chapel Hill,page303 Compare withBengali লেজ ( lej ) .
tail Borrowed fromBulgarian лес ( les ) .
les n (plural lesuri )
( Oltenia ) thicket les in Academia Română,Micul dicționar academic, ediția a II-a , Bucharest: Univers Enciclopedic, 2010.→ISBN Inherited fromProto-Slavic *lěsъ ( “ tree, forest ” ) .
lȇs m (Cyrillic spelling ле̑с )
coffin ( regionally ) lumber ( regionally ) forest ,woods Derived fromGerman Löss .
lȇs m (Cyrillic spelling ле̑с )
( geology ) loess Inherited fromOld Slovak les , fromProto-Slavic *lěsъ .
les m inan (relational adjective lesný ,diminutive lesík or lesíček ,augmentative lesisko )
forest ,woods Declension of
les (pattern
dub )
“les ”, inSlovníkový portál Jazykovedného ústavu Ľ. Štúra SAV [Dictionary portal of the Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics, Slovak Academy of Science ] (in Slovak),https://slovnik.juls.savba.sk ,2003–2025 Inherited fromProto-Slavic *lěsъ .
lẹ̑s m inan
( uncountable ) wood Synonyms: lesovina ,lesnina ,lesna snov ( uncommon , uncountable ) trees in a forest[→SSKJ ] Synonyms: drevo ,drev ( usually in theplural , archaic or literary ) forest ,woods Synonyms: gozd ,boršt ,gmajna ,gaj ,gošča ,gozdek ,gozdič ,gozdiček ,gozdni labirint ,hosta ,lesovje ,log ,loza ,šuma ( Christianity , rare ) cross Synonyms: križ ,krucifiks The templateTemplate:sl-decl-noun-table3 does not use the parameter(s):n= Please seeModule:checkparams for help with this warning.
The templateTemplate:sl-decl-noun-table3 does not use the parameter(s):n= Please seeModule:checkparams for help with this warning.
“les ”, inSlovarji Inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU , portal Fran “les ”, inTermania , Amebis See also thegeneral references IPA (key ) : /les/ [les] Rhymes:-es Syllabification:les Inherited fromOld Spanish les , fromLatin illīs , dative plural ofille .
dative ofellos andellas ; tothem , for themLos chicos están hambrientos,les llevaré algo de comer. The boys are hungry, I'll bringthem something to eat. dative ofustedes ; toyou all , for you all (formal)Hijas, ¿quieren queles compre algo de la tienda? Daughters, do you want me to buyyou all anything from the store? ( leísmo , dialectal ) accusative ofustedes ;you all ( formal ) Synonyms: los ,las ¿Necesitan que [yo]les ayude en algo? Do you need me to helpyou all with anything? ( leísmo , dialectal , proscribed except in impersonal sentences with "se ") accusative ofellos andellas ;them Synonyms: lo ,la Seles considera unos tontos.[non-proscribed] They considerthem fools. Ayerles vi cenando en un restaurante.[proscribed] Yesterday I sawthem dining at a restaurant. ( gender-neutral , neologism ) dative ofelles ; tothem , for themLes pedí que por favor hagan silencio.I askedthem to please be quiet. Spanish personal pronouns
Not used withcon ;conmigo ,contigo , andconsigo are used instead, respectively Like other masculine Spanish words, masculine Spanish pronouns can be used when the gender of the subject is unknown or when the subject is plural and of mixed gender. Treated as if it were third-person for purposes of conjugation and reflexivity Ifle orles precedeslo ,la ,los , orlas in a clause, it is replaced withse (e.g.,Se lo dije instead ofLe lo dije ) Depending on the implicit gender of the object being referred to Used primarily in Spain Used only in rare circumstances Thegender-neutral suffix-e replaces the gendered suffixes-a and-o .
les gender-neutral pl
( gender-neutral , neologism ) the ( plural ) Les estudiantes están prestando atención a la clase.The students are paying attention to the class.Derived fromEnglish lazy .
lazy tired ,fed up les
be lazy be tired, be fed up Borrowed fromEnglish lace .
les f (plural lesau ,not mutable )
lace ( light fabric patterned with holes ) Borrowed fromMiddle English lease , fromAnglo-Norman les , fromOld French lais ,lez ( “ a lease ” ) .
les f (plural lesoedd ,not mutable )
lease See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
Soft mutation oflles .R. J. Thomas, G. A. Bevan, P. J. Donovan, A. Hawke et al., editors (1950–present), “les ”, inGeiriadur Prifysgol Cymru Online (in Welsh), University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh & Celtic Studies Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Welsh. All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.