- IPA(key): [ˈlɛda]
- Hyphenation:le‧da
- only,just
- Synonyms:jen,jenom,pouze
Leda blázen by tohle udělal.- Only a fool would do this.
- except for
Tudy se nikam nedostaneš,leda ke hřbitovu.- You won't get anywhere this way,except for the cemetery.
- (archaic)sloppily,carelessly
- Synonym:ledabyle
- unless,only if
- Synonyms:leč,ledaže,vyjma,jen
Tam se autem nedostaneme,leda bychom jeli velkou oklikou.- We won't get there by car,unless we make a big detour.
- “leda”, inKartotéka Novočeského lexikálního archivu (in Czech)
- “leda”, inSlovník spisovného jazyka českého (in Czech),1960–1971, 1989
- “leda”, inInternetová jazyková příručka (in Czech),2008–2025
Fromledo +-a.
leda (accusative singularledan,pluralledaj,accusative pluralledajn)
- leather
Borrowed from Frenchlaid, Italianlaido.
- ugly
- Antonym:bela
- Nulaled anadyuni aparas en la rakonto di Leda e la cigno. ―Nougly ducklings appear in the story of Leda and the swan.
1955,The International Language Review, page39:Es nul kauzo supozar ke irg frukto de raciono esleda, neutila, vana, senefika.- There is no reason to suppose that any fruit of reason isugly, useless, vain, ineffective.
- ledeskar(“to uglify”,intransitive verb)
- ledigar(“to uglify”,transitive verb)
- ledo(“ugly person, fright”)
- inflection ofledere:
- first/second/third-personsingularpresentsubjunctive
- third-personsingularimperative
- inflection oflede:
- simplepast
- pastparticiple
FromOld Norseliða andhliða.
leda (present tenseledar,past tenseleda,past participleleda,passive infinitiveledast,present participleledande,imperativeleda/led)
- Alternative form oflea
Fromled(“part, joint”) +-a(“-ed”).
leda (singular and pluralleda)
- (especially in compounds)composed ofparts (insequence)
See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
leda n
- definiteplural ofled
See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
leda f
- definitesingular ofled
- “leda” inThe Nynorsk Dictionary.
FromProto-West Germanic*laidijan. Cognate withOld Englishlǣdan,Old Saxonlēdian.
- (transitive) tolead
- Bremmer, Rolf H. (2009)An Introduction to Old Frisian: History, Grammar, Reader, Glossary, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company,→ISBN, page28
- (Central Greater Poland, Southern Greater Poland)Alternative form oflada
- Oskar Kolberg (1877) “leda”, in “Rzecz o mowie ludu wielkopolskiego”, inZbiór wiadomości do antropologii krajowéj (in Polish), volume 1, III (Materyjały etnologiczne), page19
- Oskar Kolberg (1877) “leda”, in “Rzecz o mowie ludu wielkopolskiego”, inZbiór wiadomości do antropologii krajowéj (in Polish), volume 1, III (Materyjały etnologiczne), page30
- genitivesingular ofled
FromOld Swedishlēþa, fromOld Norseleiða, fromProto-Germanic*laidijaną.
leda (presentleder,preteriteledde,supinelett,imperativeled)
- to (gently)lead; toguide, toconduct
- to be in the lead; to be the leader of a competition
- to guide, to direct; to be in a position of leadership
- (passive voice) to bebored
- inflection ofled:
- definitesingular
- plural
leda c
- boredom,aversion (towards something one has had too much of)