Waiter: 'Bonjour! I amle waiter on this ship! [...] Ah!Le strong silent type!'
2001 June 24, LaManna, “My Weekend...”, inalt.punk[4] (Usenet):
[…]upon arrival,le girlfriend realizes she has left her ID back at my house (a 1 1/2 hour roundtrip on the Metro),[…]
2002 December 27, Amelia, “Re: Neat things SANTA brought me...”, inalt.fashion[5] (Usenet):
And thenle boyfriend perks up and names around 8 different brands (Stila, MAC, Becca, Nars etc..) - I was *SO* proud of him!! :)
2003 January 10, johnny dupe (quoting nowhere man), “Re: I can walk with jezus...”, inalt.fan.wings[6] (Usenet):
That was always OUR song (me andle girlfriend of the time).
2012 October 1, Miranda Kenneally,Stealing Parker, Sourcebooks, Inc.,→ISBN, page63:
That's when Waitress Seductress Extraordinaire comes back and gets our order.[…] "We're sharing an order of à la Appalachia, he says, handing over the menus and turning his focus back to me.Le waitress stomps off. I ask, "Why are they called that?" "Because when they've got the fries stacked up they're higher than a mountain range." I groan and touch my stomach. "You're funny," he says, his eyes twinkling.
Marks the speaker as pretending to be stereotypicallyFrench. For additional jocular effect, may be used where neither English nor French would place adefinite article.
^Orel, Vladimir E. (1998) “le”, inAlbanian Etymological Dictionary, Leiden, Boston, Köln: Brill,→ISBN, page215
^Camarda, Demetrio (1864)Saggio di grammatologia comparata sulla lingua albanese (in Italian), Livorno: Successore di Egisto Vignozzi,page255
^Gjergj Pekmezi (1908) Grammar of the Albanian language, transl.,Grammatik der albanesischen Sprache (in German), Albanesicher Verein Dija (Albanian Association Dija), Wien - Austria, pages76-77
^Ernst Fraenkel (1962) Lithuanian Etymological Dictionary, transl.,Litauisches etymologisches Wörterbuch (in German), C. Winter, page329
^Çabej, Eqrem (1976) “le”, inStudime Gjuhësore II, Studime Etimologjike në Fushë të Shqipes, Prishtinë: Rilindja, page3120
Orel, Vladimir E. (1998) “lej”, inAlbanian Etymological Dictionary, Leiden, Boston, Köln: Brill,→ISBN, page217
AIS:Sprach- und Sachatlas Italiens und der Südschweiz [Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of Italy and Southern Switzerland] –map 56: “nascere” – onnavigais-web.pd.istc.cnr.it
If it cannot be verified that this term meets ourattestation criteria, it will be deleted. Feel free to edit this entry as normal, but do not remove{{rfv}} until the request has been resolved.
Used before the names of most countries, many subnational regions, and other geographical names including names of lakes and streets; not translated into English in most cases.
Je vais visiterle Canada l’année prochaine, surtoutl’Ontario etle Québec.
I will be visiting Canada next year, especially Ontario and Quebec.
When the articlele is preceded by the prepositionsde orà,*de le or*à le is not used (except dialectally); instead, it is contracted intodu orau, respectively. Likewise,*de les and*à les are replaced bydes andaux (except dialectally). However,la may be preceded byde andà.
Il a une cicatriceau visage. ―He has a scar on the face. / He has a scar on his face.
*de le and*à le becomede l' andà l' respectively in front of a vowel or an unaspirated h.
1On can also function as a first person plural (although agreeing with third person singular verb forms). 2Vous is also used as the polite singular form. 3Ils andeux are also used when a group has a mixture of masculine and feminine members. 4 These forms are also used as third person plural reflexive.
This term may also be part of the split form of a verb prefixed withle-, occurring when the main verb does not follow the prefix directly. It can be interpreted only with the related verb form, irrespective of its position in the sentence, e.g.meg tudták volnanézni(“they could haveseen it”,frommegnéz). For verbs with this prefix, seele-; for an overview,Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes.
le inBárczi, Géza andLászló Országh.A magyar nyelv értelmező szótára (“The Explanatory Dictionary of the Hungarian Language”, abbr.:ÉrtSz.). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1959–1962. Fifth ed., 1992:→ISBN
Third person pronominal forms used as formal terms of address to refer to second person subjects (with the first letter frequently capitalised as a sign of respect, and to distinguish them from third person subjects). Unlike the singular forms, the plural forms are mostly antiquated terms of formal address in the modern language, and second person plural pronouns are almost always used instead.
Also used as indefinite pronoun meaning “one”, and to form the passive.
FromVulgar Latin*illae, a nonstandard form ofLatinillī (dative singular ofilla). Theae inillae is modelled under influence of the dative case for first-declension feminine nouns, e.g. Classical Latinpuellae. Cognate withSicilianci.
Third person pronominal forms used as formal terms of address to refer to second person subjects (with the first letter frequently capitalised as a sign of respect, and to distinguish them from third person subjects). Unlike the singular forms, the plural forms are mostly antiquated terms of formal address in the modern language, and second person plural pronouns are almost always used instead.
Also used as indefinite pronoun meaning “one”, and to form the passive.
En 1923, se modernizo la identidad de las personas, pero a unos ermanos de mi Papule metieron en el nufus la alkunya Rodrik, i a la otra mitad de la famiya, la alkunya Rodriges.
People’s identities were modernised in 1923, but like some of my grandfather’s brothers they puthim on the Rodrik surname identity card, and as for my family’s other half, the surname Rodriges.
Transcriptions of Mandarin into the Latin script often do not distinguish between the criticaltonal differences employed in the Mandarin language, using words such as this one without indication of tone.
1874-1891 [Middle of the 15th century],Rozprawy i Sprawozdania z Posiedzeń Wydziału Filologicznego Akademii Umiejętności[13],[14],[15], volume XXII, page235:
Bo yako gymyenya wyeloscz a czczi tego swyata nabiczye cziny ludzi nadąte a pischne, tako potąpyenye a vbostwo,le skromne, czini vbogye duchem
[Bo jako jimienia wielość a czci tego świata nabycie czyni ludzi nadęte a pyszne, tako potępienie a ubostwo,le skromne, czyni ubogie duchem]
B. Sieradzka-Baziur, Ewa Deptuchowa, Joanna Duska, Mariusz Frodyma, Beata Hejmo, Dorota Janeczko, Katarzyna Jasińska, Krystyna Kajtoch, Joanna Kozioł, Marian Kucała, Dorota Mika, Gabriela Niemiec, Urszula Poprawska, Elżbieta Supranowicz, Ludwika Szelachowska-Winiarzowa, Zofia Wanicowa, Piotr Szpor, Bartłomiej Borek, editors (2011–2015), “le”, inSłownik pojęciowy języka staropolskiego [Conceptual Dictionary of Old Polish] (in Polish), Kraków:IJP PAN,→ISBN
Henrik Liljegren, Naseem Haider (2011) “le”, inPalula Vocabulary (FLI Language and Culture Series; 7)[18], Islamabad, Pakistan: Forum for Language Initiatives,→ISBN
Henrik Liljegren, Naseem Haider (2011) “le”, inPalula Vocabulary (FLI Language and Culture Series; 7)[19], Islamabad, Pakistan: Forum for Language Initiatives,→ISBN
Henrik Liljegren, Naseem Haider (2011) “le”, inPalula Vocabulary (FLI Language and Culture Series; 7)[20], Islamabad, Pakistan: Forum for Language Initiatives,→ISBN
Henrik Liljegren, Naseem Haider (2011) “le”, inPalula Vocabulary (FLI Language and Culture Series; 7)[21], Islamabad, Pakistan: Forum for Language Initiatives,→ISBN
Thoughle is usually theindirect object form of thedirect object pronounslo/la, it is often used in Spain as a direct object as well...e.g.,yo le amo(“I love him”). This phenomenon is known asleísmo.
Note that when a sentence contains a noun that is an indirect object, aredundant indirect objectle (or its plural formles) is also required; for exampleyole daré el libro aJorge(literally“I will givehim the book toJorge”), where him/le corresponds to Jorge. This type of pronoun is obligatory. Both of the object pronounsle andles becomese when followed by the direct objectlo/la/los/las; hence,yose lo daré(“I will give it tohim/her/them”) rather than*yole/les lo daré.
Like other masculine Spanish words, masculine Spanish pronouns can be used when the gender of the subject is unknown or when the subject is plural and of mixed gender.
Treated as if it were third-person for purposes of conjugation and reflexivity
Ifle orles precedeslo,la,los, orlas in a clause, it is replaced withse (e.g.,Se lo dije instead ofLe lo dije)
Depending on the implicit gender of the object being referred to
Note: This amalgamation of terms comes from a number of different academic papers focused on the unique varieties and languages spoken in the Yoruboid dialectal continuum which extends from eastern Togo to southern Nigeria. The terms for spoken varieties, now deemed dialects of Yorùbá in Nigeria (i.e. Southeast Yorùbá, Northwest Yorùbá, Central Yorùbá, and Northeast Yorùbá), have converged with those of Standard Yorùbá leading to the creation of what can be labeled Common Yorùbá (Funṣọ Akere, 1977). It can be assumed that the Standard Yorùbá term can also be used in most Nigerian varieties alongside native terms, especially amongst younger speakers. This does not apply to the other Nigerian Yoruboid languages of Ìṣẹkírì and Olùkùmi, nor the Èdè Languages of Benin and Togo.