Akoa tree Borrowed fromHawaiian koa .Doublet oftoa .
koa (plural koas or koa )
A large tree of speciesAcacia koa (familyFabaceae ) which is endemic to and common on the islands ofHawaii ; or the wood of this tree.2004 ,Richard Fortey ,The Earth , Folio Society, published2011 , page59 :As you get higher, native vegetation takes over, so a prospect might be framed by the dangling leaves of the beautifulkoa tree, each leaf a gently curved, trembling sickle.
2007 March 18, Anne Eisenberg, “How to Soften the Edges of Technology”, inNew York Times [1] :The outer frame is made ofkoa and maple.
2012 ,Julia Flynn Siler ,Lost Kingdom , Grove Press, page122 :At her funeral, Likelike's body was placed in a polishedkoa coffin, adorned with sprays of gardenia […].
rain Leenhardt, M. (1935 )Vocabulaire et grammaire de la langue Houaïlou , Paris: Institut d'ethnologie . Cited in: "Houaïlou " in Greenhill, S.J.,Blust, R. , &Gray, R.D. (2008).The Austronesian Basic Vocabulary Database: From Bioinformatics to Lexomics .Evolutionary Bioinformatics , 4:271–283.Leenhardt, M. (1946 )Langues et dialectes de l'Austro-Mèlanèsie . Cited in: "Ajiø " in Greenhill, S.J.,Blust, R. , &Gray, R.D. (2008).The Austronesian Basic Vocabulary Database: From Bioinformatics to Lexomics .Evolutionary Bioinformatics , 4:271–283.Cognate withGerman kein .
no ( negation of nouns and adjectives ) koa
grasshopper koa
tostitch FromProto-Polynesian *toa (compareMaori toa ), fromProto-Oceanic *toRas , fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *teRas (compareIndonesian teras ( “ heart, pith (of wood) ” ) ).
warrior koa (tree)FromProto-Polynesian *toqa (compareMaori toa ( “ brave ” ) ).
( stative ) to bebrave ,military FromChinese , probablyHokkien 卦 (kòa ).
IPA (key ) : [ˈkoa] Hyphenation:koa koa (plural koa -koa )
( gaming ) a Chinesecard game koa
horn de Goeje, C. H. (1928 )The Arawak Language of Guiana [2] , Cambridge University Press,→ISBN , page250 koa
soap ,foam ,lather