- (international standards)ISO 639-3language code forKirmanjki (Northern Zaza).
ki-(“interrogative and relativecorrelative prefix”) +-u(“correlative suffix of individuals”)
kiu (pluralkiuj,accusative singularkiun,accusative pluralkiujn)
- who (the interrogative and relative correlative of individuals)
1973 December 29, J. C. Kilburn, “Esperantistoj! (personal advertisement)”, inGay Community News, volume 1, number28, page10:Iu,kiu dezirus korespondi kun eksterlandaj gesamseksemuloj, bonvole skribu al[…]- (pleaseadd an English translation of this quotation)
Mi jam diris, ke mia frato,kiu estis iomete pli aĝa ol mi, mortis.- I already said, that my brother,who was a little bit older than me, died.
- (relative)which
La vivo moviĝas laŭ bova rapideco sur la sunaj, ĉielgloraj deklivoj,kiuj falas de la piramidaj pintoj al la bordoj de la bluega oceano.- Life moves ploddingly on the sunny, heavenly-glorious slopes,which fall from the piramidal peaks to the borders of the big blue ocean.
- Karlo restas fama pro la influo-batalo,kiun li entreprenis kontraŭ la Parlamento de Anglio.(VP)
- Charles remains famous for the influence battle,which he undertook against the English Parliament.
kiu (accusative singularkiun,pluralkiuj,accusative pluralkiujn)
- which,what
Like other interrogative and relative correlatives,kiu can be combined withajn, the adverbial particle of generality.Kiu ajn thus meanswhoever.
FromProto-Polynesian*tiu, fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian*tiup(“blowing on”) (compareMalaytiup).
- the name of a strong, moderately cold northwesterlywind
Borrowed fromHokkien茄(kiô).
- eggplant
kiu (pluralkiu-kiu)
- The name of theLatin-script letterQ/q.
- qaf(Jawi letter name)
- ki(Indonesian)
- (Latin-script letter names)huruf;e,bi,si,di,i,ef,ji,hec,ai,je,ke,el,em,en,o,pi,kiu,ar,es,ti,yu,vi,dabel yu,eks,way,zed
- Nonstandard spelling ofkiū.
- Nonstandard spelling ofkiù.
- Transcriptions of Mandarin into the Latin script often do not distinguish between the criticaltonal differences employed in the Mandarin language, using words such as this one without indication of tone.
kiu classVII (no plural)orkiu classIX (no plural)
- thirst
- towork
- elbow