1752 January,The London Magazine, and Monthly Chronologer, page243&244:
It was supposed to have happened thus: the cat had youngkittens, and frequently carried them mice, and other animals its prey, and among the rest a young rat: thekittens, not being hungry, played with it, and when the cat came to give suck to thekittens, the rat likewise sucked her.
1844,The Kitten, the Religious Tract Society, page1 & 2:
To the sounds, however, I paid no attention at first as I was much interested in the subject upon which I was writing; but at length my som Richard burst into my study, exclaiming that thekitten had climbed up to the top of a young ash tree, and could not get down again.
2011 December 14, Steven Morris, “Devon woman jailed for 168 days for killing kitten in microwave”, inGuardian[1]:
Jailing her on Wednesday, magistrate Liz Clyne told Robins: "You have shown little remorse either for the death of thekitten or the trauma to your former friend Sarah Knutton." She was also banned from keeping animals for 10 years.
1906, Joseph Henry Taylor,Beavers, Their Ways, and Other Sketches, page49:
The first move at beaver raising in North Dakota had its starting in the fall of 1874, when akitten beaver was taken out of Mandan Lake by the writer and given to a little Indian girl who then lived with her guardians at Pretty Point near the present village of Sanger, Oliver county.
2009, Kathryn Walker,See How Rabbits Grow, publ. by PowerKiDS press (The Rosen Publishing Group Inc.), page 10.
Rabbit babies are called kittens or kits. The mother prepares a cosy nest for herkittens.
1959,Odonata reprints: J. G. Needham collection, volume 3, page657:
Two of these formed cocoons in a manner I have not seen before. They were supplied when full-grown with plenty of rotten willow wood, which I have always found a most suitable material for insects using bark or old wood in forming cocoons such as thekittens,Apatele alni, etc., and most made the usual cycle of cocoons on it.
2015, Joubert Pignon, "Kittens", in Paul van der Steen (ed.),Negenenhalf leven. Nieuwe en klassieke kattenverhalen, Xander Uitgevers B.V. (publ.).
Telkens wanneer we in een huis kwamen wonen, zei ik tegen mijn vriendin dat dit geen huis voorkittens was, maar dat we ooit een huis zouden hebben dat geschikt is voorkittens. Ik hoopte dat we nooit in een huis zouden wonen dat geschikt is voorkittens.
Each time when we began living in a house, I told my girlfriend that this was not a house forkittens, but that we would have a house one day that is appropriate forkittens. I hoped that we would never live in a house that is appropriate forkittens.