- IPA(key): /ˈkajsa/ [ˈkaɪ̯.sa]
- Hyphenation:kay‧sa
kaysa (Basahan spellingᜃᜌ᜔ᜐ)
- Alternative form ofkay sa
Possiblyuniverbation ofkay +sa.
kaysá (Baybayin spellingᜃᜌ᜔ᜐ)
- than
Mas maganda akokaysa sa'yo.- I'm more beautifulthan you.
- When the second term compared is a person, usekaysa kay. For multiple persons, usekaysa kina.
- In colloquial Manila Tagalog,kaysa is always followed bysa orkay when used to mean "than".
kaysá (Baybayin spellingᜃᜌ᜔ᜐ)
- rather than;instead of