FromMiddle English inclinacioun ,inclinacyon , fromOld French inclination andLatin inclīnātiō .Morphologicallyincline +-ation
IPA (key ) : /ɪn.klɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ Rhymes:-eɪʃən Hyphenation:in‧cli‧na‧tion inclination (countable anduncountable ,plural inclinations )
A physicaltilt orbend .Theinclination of his head increased and he awoke with a start.
Aslant orslope .The road up to the house had a steepinclination .
Atendency .Hisinclination to drink escalated to alcoholism.
( geometry ) Theangle ofintersection of areference plane Artillery must take account of a weapon's preciseinclination .
( obsolete ) A person or thing loved or admired.c. 1672-1679 ,William Temple ,Memoirs you make will be a Discovery of yourInclinations c. 1771 ,John Adams ,speaking in a trial Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, ourinclinations , or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence. slant or slope
Bulgarian:склон (bg) m ( sklon ) ,скат (bg) m ( skat ) Catalan:desnivell m ,inclinació (ca) f Czech:sklon (cs) m ,náklon (cs) m Dutch:inclinatie (nl) f ,helling (nl) ,glooiing (nl) f ,glooiingshoek m Finnish:rinne (fi) ,mäki (fi) German:Steigung (de) f Greek:Ancient:κλίμα n ( klíma ) Hebrew:שיפוע m ( shipúa ) Italian:dislivello (it) m Latin:prōpensiō f Macedonian:на́клон m ( náklon ) Polish:pochyłość (pl) f Portuguese:inclinação (pt) f Romanian:înclinație (ro) f ,pantă (ro) f ,povârniș (ro) n ,înclinare (ro) f Russian:скло́н (ru) m ( sklón ) ,накло́н (ru) m ( naklón ) ,укло́н (ru) m ( uklón ) ,отко́с (ru) m ( otkós ) ,ска́т (ru) m ( skát )
mental tendency
Bengali:প্রবণতা (bn) ( probnota ) Bulgarian:склонност (bg) f ( sklonnost ) Catalan:inclinació (ca) f Czech:sklon (cs) m ,náklonnost (cs) f Danish:tilbøjelighet Dutch:neiging (nl) f ,tendens (nl) Esperanto:emo ,inklino ,tendenco Finnish:taipumus (fi) Georgian:მიდრეკილება ( midreḳileba ) German:Neigung (de) f Hebrew:נטיה (he) ( n'tiyah ) Hungarian:hajlam (hu) Indonesian:keberpihakan (id) ,inklanasi Italian:inclinazione (it) f Macedonian:скло́ност f ( sklónost ) ,на́клоност f ( náklonost ) Maori:ngākau Middle English:talent Norwegian:tilbøyelighet Polish:skłonność (pl) f Portuguese:inclinação (pt) f Romanian:tendință (ro) f ,înclinație (ro) f Russian:скло́нность (ru) f ( sklónnostʹ ) ,накло́нность (ru) f ( naklónnostʹ ) ,(tendency) тенде́нция (ru) f ( tendéncija ) Serbo-Croatian:sklonost (sh) f ,nagnuće n Swedish:böjelse (sv) c Ukrainian:схи́льність f ( sxýlʹnistʹ )
geometry: angle of intersection
Translations to be checked
Borrowed fromLatin inclīnātiōnem . See alsoinclinaison .
inclination f (plural inclinations )
inclination (all senses)