Inherited fromMalayinap, fromProto-Malayic*hinəp, fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian*qinəp.
- tostayovernight, tospend the night.
FromProto-Malayic*hinəp, fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian*qinəp.
inap (Jawi spellingاينڤ)
- tostay andsleep(in a particular place)
- Saya akanmenginap di hotel ini.
- I will bestaying andsleeping in this hotel.
Affixed terms and other derivations
Regular affixed derivations:
- penginap[agentive / qualitative / instrumental / abstract / measure] (peN-)
- penginapan[agentive / qualitative / instrumental / abstract / measure + resultative / locative / collective / variety / verbal noun / fruit] (peN- +-an)
- inapan[resultative / locative / collective / variety / verbal noun / fruit] (-an)
- menginap[agent focus] (meN-)
Irregular affixed derivations, other derivations and compound words:
- enough
1989,Buk Baibel long Tok Pisin, Port Moresby: Bible Society of Papua New Guinea,Jenesis3:1:God, Bikpela i bin wokim olgeta animal, tasol i no gat wanpela bilong olinap winim snek long tok gris.- The Lord God [had] made all the animals, but there was none of them who surpassed the serpent in blandishment.
- enough
1989,Buk Baibel long Tok Pisin, Port Moresby: Bible Society of Papua New Guinea,Jenesis2:20:Tasol i no gat wanpela bilong ol dispela samtinginap i stap poroman bilong helpim Adam.- But of these there was none which wasenough to be a companion to help Adam.
- until
1989,Buk Baibel long Tok Pisin, Port Moresby: Bible Society of Papua New Guinea,Jenesis3:19:Na bai yu hatwok oltaiminap yu dai na yu go bek long graun. Long wanem, mi bin wokim yu long graun, na bai yu go bek gen long graun.- And you will labour onuntil you die and return to the ground. Because I wrought you from the ground, and you will return again to the ground.
Usually followed bylong, which in this case takes no independent semantic meaning.