( international standards ) ISO 639-2 &ISO 639-3 language code forInterlingua . Related toAmharic እናት ( ʼənnat ) .
IPA (key ) : /iˈna/ [ʔɪˈnʌ] Hyphenation:i‧na iná f (plural inaaní f or inontí f )
mother Declension ofiná absolutive iná predicative iná subjective iná genitive iná
E. M. Parker, R. J. Hayward (1985 ) “ina”, inAn Afar-English-French dictionary (with Grammatical Notes in English) , University of London,→ISBN Mohamed Hassan Kamil (2015 )L’afar: description grammaticale d’une langue couchitique (Djibouti, Erythrée et Ethiopie) [2] , Paris: Université Sorbonne Paris Cité (doctoral thesis) ina
water M. V. Portman,Notes on the Languages of the South Andaman Group of Tribes (1898) Unknown.
ina ( from Old Akkadian on )
( place ) in ,on ,onto 𒀀𒉿𒅋𒌈 𒌑𒌌𒄿𒈾 𒀀𒊮 𒅇 𒌑𒌌𒄿𒈾 𒆠𒊑𒅎 𒊭𒀝𒈾𒀜 [awīltum ulina eqlim u ulina kirîm šaknat] a-wi-il-tum u₂-uli-na A.ŠA₃ u₃ u₂-uli-na ki-ri-im ša-ak-na-at The woman is neitherin the field norin the orchard. ( time ) on ,at ( time ) during among from ,out of ( instrumental ) with ,by means of ( material ) of ,out of ,with ( causal ) because of ,as a result of( with subjunctive ) so long as Frequently abbreviated toin with assimilation of/n/ to the following consonant (often in Old Assyrian, passim in Old Babylonian, occasionally in Standard Babylonian). Cuneiform spellings Logograms Phonetic
“ina”, inThe Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (CAD) [3] , Chicago: University of Chicago Oriental Institute,1956–2011 FromProto-Philippine *ina , fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother “Entry # ”, in阿美語中部方言辭典 [Dictionary of the Central Dialect of Amis ][4] (in Chinese), Taiwan:Council of Indigenous Peoples ,2021 Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI ina
Romanization ofᬳᬶᬦ FromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Philippine *ina , fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
Hyphenation:i‧na IPA (key ) : /ʔiˈnaʔ/ [ʔiˈn̪aʔ] inâ (masculine ama )
mother ( female (human) who parents a child, gives birth to a baby, or is pregnant ) Synonyms: inay ,mama ,nanay ,mamay Hyphenation:i‧na IPA (key ) : /ˈʔinaʔ/ [ˈʔi.n̪aʔ] inà
tosubtract , todecrease ( in number ) Synonym: restar tolessen Synonym: bawas FromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-South Sulawesi *ina , fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
ina (Lontara spelling ᨕᨗᨊ )
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
IPA (key ) : /ˈʔina/ [ˈʔ] Rhymes:-ina Syllabification:i‧na ina (Buhid spelling ᝁᝈ )
woman ;female ;girl Coordinate term: ama mother Synonym: ina uso Coordinate term: ama Casiguran Dumagat Agta [ edit ] FromProto-Philippine *ina , fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Philippine *ina , fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
Hyphenation:i‧na IPA (key ) : /ʔiˈna/ [ʔɪˈn̪a] iná
( obsolete ) mother Synonyms: inahan ,mama ,nanay Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Philippine *ina , fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Mixtec *ínà .
dog Pensinger, Brenda J. (1974 )Diccionario mixteco-español, español-mixteco (Serie de vocabularios y diccionarios indígenas “Mariano Silva y Aceves”;18 )[5] (in Spanish), México, D.F.: ElInstituto Lingüístico de Verano en coordinación con laSecretaría de Educación Pública a través de la Dirección General de Educación Extraescolar en el Medio Indígena, pages16, 115 From a Lower Chinookan noun:i-ʔína
beaver (animal)FromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI From-ino +-a .
ina (accusative singular inan ,plural inaj ,accusative plural inajn )
female ,feminine Synonyms: femala ,femina Unknown. Related to dialectalSwedish ena ,ina ; probably borrowed in one direction or another.[ 1]
Synonym ofkierrenuotta . ^ Itkonen, Erkki, Kulonen, Ulla-Maija, editors (1992–2000 ),Suomen sanojen alkuperä [The Origin of Finnish Words ][1] (in Finnish) (online version; note: also includes other etymological sources; this source is labeled "SSA 1992–2000"), Helsinki: Institute for the Languages of Finland/Finnish Literature Society,→ISBN ina
Romanization of𐌹𐌽𐌰 ín +-a ( possessive suffix )
IPA (key ) : [ˈinɒ] Hyphenation:ina ina
third-person singular single-possession possessive ofín FromProto-Malayic *ina , fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI Cognate withYoruba iná .
head louse ;lice ina (triggerseclipsis ,in regular past tenses inar )
in which ,in whom ( indirect relative; not used in the past tense except with some irregular verbs ) san aoisina bhfuil sé ―at his age (lit. in the age in which he is) an chathaoirina dúirt sé é ―the chair in which he said it “In which” may also be expressed with the indirect relative particle before the verb and the appropriate inflected form ofi in its original position in the clause:
san aoisa bhfuil séann ―at his age (lit. in the age which he is in) an chathaoira dúirt séinti é ―the chair which he said it in ina
Contraction ofi ( “ in ” ) +a (various meanings).‘in his’ (triggerslenition ):ina phóca — ‘in his pocket’ ‘in her’ (triggersh -prothesis ):ina háit — ‘in her place, instead of her’ ‘in their’ (triggerseclipsis :ina dteach — ‘in their house’ ‘in which’ (triggers eclipsis, takes the dependent form of irregular verbs):ina bhfuil sé — ‘in which he is’ Irish preposition contractions
Basic form Contracted with Copular forms an ( “ the sg ” ) na ( “ the pl ” ) mo ( “ my ” ) do ( “ your ” ) a ( “ his, her, their; which (present) ” ) ár ( “ our ” ) ar ( “ which (past) ” ) (before consonant) (present/future before vowel) (past/conditional before vowel) de ( “ from ” ) den de na desna *de mo dem *de do ded *,det *dá dár dar darb darbh do ( “ to, for ” ) don do na dosna *do mo dom *do do dod *,dot *dá dár dar darb darbh faoi ( “ under, about ” ) faoin faoi na faoi mo faoi do faoina faoinár faoinar faoinarb faoinarbh i ( “ in ” ) sa ,san sna i mo im *i do id *,it *ina inár inar inarb inarbh le ( “ with ” ) leis an leis na le mo lem *le do led *,let *lena lenár lenar lenarb lenarbh ó ( “ from, since ” ) ón ó na ósna *ó mo óm *ó do ód *,ót *óna ónár ónar ónarb ónarbh trí ( “ through ” ) tríd an trí na trí mo trí do trína trínár trínar trínarb trínarbh *Dialectal.
FromProto-Philippine *ina , fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Philippine *ina , fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Philippine *ina , fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI ina
Rōmaji transcription ofいな FromProto-Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother ( female (human) who parents a child, gives birth to a baby, or is pregnant ) FromProto-Philippine *ina , fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
( Standard Kankanaey ) IPA (key ) : /ʔiˈna/ [ʔiˈna] ( “ mother ” ) IPA (key ) : /ˈʔina/ [ˈʔiː.nʌ] ( “ mother of the speaker ” ) Syllabification:i‧na iná
mother a relationship between the speaker and any female relative at the first ascending generation ína
( specifically ) the mother of the speakerBlust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI Morice Vanoverbergh (1933 ) “ina”, inA Dictionary of Lepanto Igorot or Kankanay. As it is spoken at Bauco (Linguistische Anthropos-Bibliothek; XII)[6] , Mödling bei Wien, St. Gabriel, Österreich: Verlag der Internationalen Zeitschrift „Anthropos“,→OCLC , page187 Allen, Larry (2021 ) “iná ”, inKankanaey – English Dictionary , Summer Institute of Linguistics FromProto-Philippine *ina , fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI Hinde (1904) recordskuina as an equivalent of Englishsing in “Jogowini dialect” of Kikuyu, listing also “Ulu dialect” (spoken then fromMachakos to coastal area) ofKamba kwina as its equivalent.[ 1]
ina (infinitive kũina )
todance tosing ( Verbs )
Armstrong, Lilias E. (1940).The Phonetic and Tonal Structure of Kikuyu , p. 361. Rep. 1967. (Also in2018 by Routledge).“ina” in Benson, T.G. (1964).Kikuyu-English dictionary . Oxford: Clarendon Press. FromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI ina
( cardinal number ) two Бутанаев В.Я. (1992) Хакасско-кетские лексические параллели FromAncient Greek ἴς ( ís ,“ sinew, tendon ” ) .
īna f (genitive īnae ) ;first declension
A thinfibre inpaper First-declension noun.
“ina ”, inCharlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879 )A Latin Dictionary , Oxford: Clarendon Press ina inGaffiot, Félix (1934 )Dictionnaire illustré latin-français , Hachette. FromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-South Sulawesi *ina , fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
( obsolete ) mother Synonym: anrong Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Malayic *ina , fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
ina (Jawi spelling اينا ,plural ina -ina )
mother Synonyms: emak ,embok ,ibu ,injin ,mama ,nyak ,uai ,umm Indonesian:( dialectal ) ina Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Philippine *ina , fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Philippine *ina , fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Oceanic *ina , fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Oceanic *ina , fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
ina (mutated form nina )
mother inagu ―mymother [ 1] Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI na ( form used after a vowel ) ina
question marker for yes/no questions ( always placed after the first word in the sentence; used after words ending in a consonant ) Giwiisinina ? Are you eating? but:Gigii-anokii na bijiinaago? Did you work yesterday? FromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Synonyms: babu ,bibi ,ibu ,iduṅ ,inaṅ ,induṅ ,janmayoni ,mātā ,matuh ,rena Probablyborrowed fromSanskrit दिन ( dina ,“ a day ” ) as /d/ → /r/ (compareJavanese ꦫꦶꦤ ( rina ) ) → /h/ → ∅, hencedoublet ofdina .
sun Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Germanic *hiz .
accusative ofhē :him Old Saxon personal pronouns nominative accusative dative genitive singular 1st person ik mī ,me ,mik mī mīn 2nd person thū thī ,thik thī thīn 3rd person m hē ina imu is f siu sia iru ira n it it is dual 1st person wit unk unkero ,unka 2nd person git ink inker ,inka plural 1st person wī ,we ūs ,unsik ūs ūser 2nd person gī ,ge eu ,iu ,iuu euwar ,iuwer ,iuwar ,iuwero ,iuwera 3rd person m sia im iro f sia n siu
water FromProto-Austronesian *ina .
( vocative ) mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Philippine *ina , fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI īna
( intransitive ) tosay , tostate , toutter Ina k ne tamachtiani ka musta tikpiat se taejekulisThe teachersaid we'll have a test tomorrow ( intransitive ) tothink , tobelieve , to have the opinion thatNina ka niweli niajsi wipta ka tajkutunal Ithink I can come the day after tomorrow at noon ina f (masculine in )
( Rumantsch Grischun , Sursilvan ) a ,an ina f (masculine in )
( Rumantsch Grischun , Sursilvan ) one FromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI ina
Marks theimperative mood, for positive commands Placed before the verb. If the verb is repeated for emphasis, it is only placed before the second repetition of the verb. It may be omitted in any situation.
San Juan Colorado Mixtec [ edit ] FromProto-Mixtec *ínà .
ina (inà )
dog Stark Campbell, Sara, et al. (1986 )Diccionario mixteco de San Juan Colorado (Serie de vocabularios y diccionarios indígenas “Mariano Silva y Aceves”;29 )[7] (in Spanish), México, D.F.:Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, A.C. , page18 FromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI ina
inflection of-wa na : m-mi class subject inflected plural present affirmative n class subject inflected singular present affirmative Perhapsonomatopoeic .
ina (present inar ,preterite inade ,supine inat ,imperative ina )
( intransitive ) to make a high-pitched buzzing sound (of a mosquito in flight), towhine inande myggwhining mosquitoesConjugation ofina (weak) active passive infinitive ina — supine inat — imperative ina — imper. plural 1 inen — present past present past indicative inar inade — — ind. plural 1 ina inade — — subjunctive 2 ine inade — — present participle inande past participle —
FromProto-Philippine *ina , fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina (compareBuginese ina ,Fijian tina ,Ibanag yena ,Laboya inya ,Malay ina ,Maranao ina' ,Nias ina ,Tausug ina' ,Tetum inan ,Toba Batak ina ,Yami ina ), fromProto-Austronesian *ina (compareAmis ina ,Kulon-Pazeh ina , andPaiwan ina ).
iná (Baybayin spelling ᜁᜈ )
mother Synonyms: nanay ,inay ,inang ,nanang ,mama ,( idiomatic ) ilaw ng tahanan ,( slang ) ermat ,( gay slang ) mudra ,( archaic ) madre inâ (Baybayin spelling ᜁᜈ )
( dialectal , Quezon ) grandmother Synonyms: lola ,lelang ,impo ,inda ,inang ,( Quezon ) inana ,( archaic ) abwela ,( archaic ) agwela inâ (Baybayin spelling ᜁᜈ )
planting ofseeds closely fortransplantation uponsprouting ( with the proper growth ) Synonym: punla “ina ”, inPambansang Diksiyonaryo | , Manila,2018 Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI Manuel, E. Arsenio (1971 )A Lexicographic Study of Tayabas Tagalog of Quezon Province , Quezon City: Diliman Review,page169 FromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , ftomProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Fransiskus Monteiro (1985 )Kamus Tetun-Indonesia [Tetum-Indonesian Dictionary ] (in Indonesian), Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
ina (Batak spelling ᯤᯉ )
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI ina
four ( in abstract counting ) class 10 form of-na FromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ina , fromProto-Austronesian *ina .
mother Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*ina ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI Proposed to be derived fromProto-Yoruboid *ʊ́-nɪ̃ã́ orProto-Yoruboid *ʊ́-nã́ , cognate withIgala úná ,Olukumi úná ,Ifè iná , see Proto-Yoruboid entry*ʊ́-nã́ for more cognates. Ultimately fromProto-Volta-Congo *-na-
fire ,light Synonym: ìmọ́lẹ̀ Yoruba Varieties and Languages -iná ( “ fire ” ) view map ;edit data Language Family Variety Group Variety/Language Subdialect Location Words Proto-Itsekiri-SEY Southeast Yoruba EasternÀkókó Àkùngbá Àkùngbá Àkókó uná Ìdànrè (Ùdànè, Ùdànrè)Ìdànrè (Ùdànè, Ùdànrè)uná Ìjẹ̀bú Ìjẹ̀bú Ìjẹ̀bú Òde unọ́ Rẹ́mọ Ẹ̀pẹ́ unọ́ Ìkòròdú unọ́ Ṣágámù unọ́ Ìkálẹ̀ (Ùkálẹ̀)Òkìtìpupa uná Ìlàjẹ (Ùlàjẹ)Mahin uná Oǹdó Oǹdó uná Ọ̀wọ̀ (Ọ̀ghọ̀)Ọ̀wọ̀ (Ọ̀ghọ̀)uná Usẹn Usẹn uná Ìtsẹkírì Ìwẹrẹ uná Olùkùmi Ugbódù úná Proto-Yoruba Central Yoruba Èkìtì Èkìtì Àdó Èkìtì ụnọ́ Àkúrẹ́ Àkúrẹ́ ụnọ́ Mọ̀bà Ọ̀tùn Èkìtì ụnọ́ Ìjẹ̀ṣà (Ùjẹ̀ṣà)Iléṣà (Uléṣà)uná Northwest Yoruba Àwórì Èbúté Mẹ́tà iná Ẹ̀gbádò Ìjàká iná Èkó Èkó iná Ìbàdàn Ìbàdàn iná Ìbọ̀lọ́ Òṣogbo (Òsogbo)iná Ìlọrin Ìlọrin iná Oǹkó Òtù inẹ́ Ìwéré Ilé inẹ́ Òkèhò inẹ́ Ìsẹ́yìn inẹ́ Ṣakí inẹ́ Tedé inẹ́ Ìgbẹ́tì inẹ́ Ọ̀yọ́ Ọ̀yọ́ iná StandardYorùbá Nàìjíríà iná Bɛ̀nɛ̀ iná Northeast Yoruba/Okun Ìyàgbà Ìsánlú Ìtẹ̀dó iná Owé Kabba inọ́ Ede Languages/Southwest Yoruba Ana Sokode iná Cábɛ̀ɛ́ Cábɛ̀ɛ́ (Ìdàdú)unɛ́ Tchaourou unɛ́ Ǹcà (Ìcà, Ìncà)Baàtɛ inɔ́ Ìdàácà Benin Igbó Ìdàácà (Dasa Zunmɛ̀)iná Ọ̀họ̀rí/Ɔ̀hɔ̀rí-Ìjè Ọ̀họ̀rí/Ɔ̀hɔ̀rí/Ìjè Ìkpòbɛ́ iná Onigbolo iná Kétu/Ànàgó Kétu unɔ́ Ifɛ̀ Akpáré iná Atakpamɛ iná Boko iná Moretan iná Tchetti (Tsɛti, Cɛti)iná Kura Aledjo-Koura ɔ́ná Awotébi ɔ́ná Partago ɔ́ná Mɔ̄kɔ́lé Kandi iná Northern Nago Kambole iná Manigri iná Overseas Yoruba Lucumí Havana iñá Note: This amalgamation of terms comes from a number of different academic papers focused on the unique varieties and languages spoken in the Yoruboid dialectal continuum which extends from eastern Togo to southern Nigeria. The terms for spoken varieties, now deemed dialects of Yorùbá in Nigeria (i.e. Southeast Yorùbá, Northwest Yorùbá, Central Yorùbá, and Northeast Yorùbá), have converged with those of Standard Yorùbá leading to the creation of what can be labeled Common Yorùbá (Funṣọ Akere, 1977). It can be assumed that the Standard Yorùbá term can also be used in most Nigerian varieties alongside native terms, especially amongst younger speakers. This does not apply to the other Nigerian Yoruboid languages of Ìṣẹkírì and Olùkùmi, nor the Èdè Languages of Benin and Togo.
ẹ̀rọ amúnáwá ( “ generator ” ) ẹ̀rọ amúnáwá alẹ̀fúùfù ( “ wind turbine ” ) iná adarí ọkọ̀ ( “ stop light ,traffic light ” ) iná mànàmáná ( “ electricity ” ) paná ( “ to turn off light, stamp out, quench, put out, dampen, defuse, quell ” ) panápaná ( “ firefighter ” ) tanná ( “ to turn on light, fuel, trigger, spark, bloom, kindle, ignite ” ) Cognate withIgala íná
head lice ,lice Synonym: iná-orí ì- ( “ nominalizing prefix ” ) +nà ( “ to beat, to whip ” )
flogging ,whipping ì- ( “ nominalizing prefix ” ) +na ( “ to stretch ” )
stretching , astretch ì- ( “ nominalizing prefix ” ) +ná ( “ to spend (money) ” )
expenditure of money, the act ofspending (money)FromProto-Mixtec *ínà .
dog Beaty de Farris, Kathryn, et al. (2012 )Diccionario básico del mixteco de Yosondúa, Oaxaca (Serie de vocabularios y diccionarios indígenas “Mariano Silva y Aceves”;46 )[8] (in Spanish), third edition,Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, A.C. , page10