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Alternative forms




Recorded in English since 1556, fromLatinillīterātus,illitterātus(unlearned, ignorant), itself fromin-(un-) +līterātus,litterātus(furnished with letters) (fromlītera,littera(letter, character)).





illiterate (comparativemoreilliterate,superlativemostilliterate)

  1. Unable toread andwrite.
    Coordinate terms:semiliterate,subliterate
    About half of the population in Ethiopia isilliterate.
    • 1647, Theodore de la Guard [pseudonym;Nathaniel Ward],The Simple Cobler of Aggawam in America. [], London: [] J[ohn] D[ever] &R[obert] I[bbitson] for Stephen Bowtell, [],→OCLC,page37:
      If publique Aſſemblies of Divines cannot agree upon a right vvay, private Conventicles ofilleterate men, vvill ſoon finde a vvrong. Bivious demurres breed devious reſolutions. Paſſengers to heaven are in haſte, and vvill vvalk one vvay or other.
    • 1953 November, 'Erca', “Ticket Frauds in the East”, inRailway Magazine, page780:
      Not always does this ruse succeed however. The railways have undertaken publicity warning passengers about it, and have made a big difference in the appearance of long distance and short distance tickets, so that themost illiterate person can see the distinction. Some of these swindlers have been caught.
  2. Havingless than anexpectedstandard offamiliarity withlanguage andliterature, or havinglittleformaleducation.
    • 1722, William Wollaston, “Sect. V. Truths relating to the Deity. Of his exiſtence, perfection, providence, &c.”, inThe Religion of Nature Delineated[1], page81:
      Ignorant and ſuperſtitious wretches meaſure the actions ofletterd andphiloſophical men by the tattle of their nurſes orilliterate parents and companions, or by the faſhion of the country : and people of differing religions judge and condemn each other by their own tenents ; whenboth of them cannot be in the right, and it is well ifeither of them are.
  3. Notconforming toprescribed standards ofspeech orwriting.
    • 1908, “lay v.¹”, inJames A. H. Murrayet al., editors,A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (Oxford English Dictionary), volume VI, Part 1, London:Clarendon Press,→OCLC, page128:
      Now (exc. in Nautical language, see b) it is only dialectal or anilliterate substitute forlie, its identity of form with the past tense of the latter no doubt accounting largely for the confusion.
  4. Ignorant in a specified way or about a specified subject.





Derived terms



unable to read and write
having less than an expected standard of familiarity with language and literature
not conforming to prescribed standards of speech or writing
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See also




illiterate (pluralilliterates)

  1. An illiterate person, one either not able to read and write or not knowing how.
  2. A person ignorant about a given subject.(The relevant subject is usually named as anoun adjunct.)
    Their government is run by businessilliterates.
    Sometimes a mathematicalilliterate is called an innumerate.




an illiterate person

See also



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