FromMiddle Englishgrenehorn, which is attested for “horn of a recently killed animal” and as the name of a horse. It may also have been used of young horned animals. In all cases “green” refers to the idea of “fresh, young, recent”, taken from plants and used in Middle English for all kinds of things irrespective of their colour, e.g. wounds, leather, fish, cheese (seegreen cheese).[1] Figurative use for people dates from the 17th century.[2] Compare semanticallyGermanGrünschnabel(literally“green-beak”).
greenhorn (pluralgreenhorns)
- (chiefly US) Aninexperienced person; anovice,beginner ornewcomer.
1847, George Frederick Augustus Ruxton,Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains, page267:The powers of the Canadian voyageurs and hunters in the consumption of meat strike thegreenhorn with wonder and astonishment; and are only equalled by the gastronomical capabilities exhibited by Indian dogs, both following the same plan in their epicurean gorgings.
- (chiefly Massachusetts, ethnicslur, offensive) A Portuguese person.
1993,Common Lives, Lesbian Lives- Issues 47-49, page37:She lives in New Bedford, and her dad's not around much and her mum calls her boyfriend a Portagee, a fuckin'greenhorn,
inexperienced person
- Bulgarian:нова́к (bg) m(novák),аджами́я (bg) m(adžamíja)
- Catalan:passerell (ca) m
- Chinese:
- Mandarin:新手 (zh)(xīnshǒu),生手 (zh)(shēngshǒu),初學者 /初学者 (zh)(chūxuézhě),(disparaging)菜鳥 /菜鸟 (zh)(càiniǎo)
- Czech:zelenáč m
- Danish:grønskolling c
- Dutch:melkmuil (nl),vlasbaard
- Esperanto:flavbekulo (eo)
- Finnish:märkäkorva,keltanokka (fi)
- French:béjaune (fr) m;blanc-bec (fr) m,bleu (fr) m
- German:Grünschnabel (de) m(green beak),Gelbschnabel(yellow beak)
- Hungarian:zöldfülű (hu)
- Icelandic:grænjaxl (is) m
- Italian:pivello (it) m
- Japanese:初心者 (ja)(しょしんしゃ, shoshinsha),初学者 (ja)(しょがくしゃ, shogakusha),(disparaging)青二才 (ja)(あおにさい, aonisai)
- Maori:tangata ihu hūpē(idiomatic)
- Norwegian:grønnskolling (no) m
- Polish:żółtodziób (pl) m
- Portuguese:café com leite (pt)
- Romanian:mucos (ro) m
- Russian:новичо́к (ru) m(novičók),новоприбы́вший (ru) m(novopribývšij),зелёный (ru) m(zeljónyj),(disparaging, especially navy)сала́га (ru) m orf(salága),(disparaging)молокосо́с (ru) m(molokosós)
- Spanish:novicio (es) m,aprendiz (es) m orf,novato (es) m,pipiolo (es) m,bisoño (es) m
- Swedish:gröngöling (sv) c
- Tagalog:singki
- Turkish:acemi çaylak (tr)