Popularized in computing contexts by theTech Model Railroad Club's 1959Dictionary of the TMRC Language, which incorporated it into a parody of the Hindu chantom mani padme hum,[1] possibly under the influence of WWII military slangFUBAR, which had been repopularized byJoseph Heller'sCatch-22.
2020, J. Lewis Johnson,A Dark Night in the Fieldhouse:
[page 10:] "I knew you'd be scared," Reggie laughed. "What are you doin',foo? You must be crazy. You don't scare me." "Then why did you almost fall out of that chair? I scare everyone." [page 38:] "This is coo," said Fred. "It's almost like being there." "We are there,foo!" said Reggie as the boys slapped palms.
Shirley Burtch (1983)Diccionario Huitoto Murui (Tomo I) (Linguistica Peruana No. 20)[1] (in Spanish), Yarinacocha, Peru: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, page91
Katarzyna Izabela Wojtylak (2017)A grammar of Murui (Bue): a Witotoan language of Northwest Amazonia.[2], Townsville: James Cook University press (PhD thesis), page145