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WOTD – 28 June 2008



Etymology 1


OfNorth Germanic origin. Perhaps related toNorwegianflanta(to show off, wander about),Icelandicflana(to rush about, act rashly or heedlessly) and then also toFrenchflâner(to wander around, loiter).

Alternatively, it could be related toSwedishflankt(loosely, flutteringly) (compareEnglishflaunt-a-flaunt), fromflanka(waver, hang and wave about, ramble), a nasalised variant offlakka(to waver), related toMiddle Englishflacken(to move to and fro, flutter, palpitate). Seeflack.

Alternative forms




flaunt (third-person singular simple presentflaunts,present participleflaunting,simple past and past participleflaunted)

  1. (intransitive, archaic) Towave orflutter smartly in the wind.
    • 1931,William Faulkner,Sanctuary, Library of America, published1985, page26:
      The house came into sight, above the cedar grove beyond whose black interstices an apple orchardflaunted in the sunny afternoon.
  2. (transitive) Toparade,display withostentation.
    She’s alwaysflaunting her designer clothes.
    • 2017 June 7, Adam Lusher, “Adnan Khashoggi: the 'whoremonger' whose arms deals funded a playboy life of decadence and 'pleasure wives'”, inThe Independent[1], London:
      Never one to miss an opportunity toflaunt his wealth, Khashoggi let his yacht be used for the 1983 Bond film Never Say Never Again.
  3. (intransitive, archaic or literary) Toshow off, as withflashy clothing.
    • 1712, Humphry Polesworth [pseudonym;John Arbuthnot], “How Bull and Frog went to Law with Lord Strutt about the Premisses, and were Joined by the Rest of the Tradesmen”, inLaw is a Bottomless-Pit. [], London: [] John Morphew, [],→OCLC,pages8–9:
      You Sot, ſays ſhe,you loyter about Alehouſes and Taverns, ſpend your Time at Billiards, Nine-pins or Puppet-ſhovvs, orflaunt about the Streets in your nevv gilt Chariot, never minding me nor your numerous Family;[]
    • 1733, [Alexander Pope],An Essay on Man. [],(please specify |epistle=I to IV), London: Printed forJ[ohn] Wilford, [],→OCLC:
      Oneflaunts in rags, one flutters in brocade.
    • 1856,Dinah Craik,John Halifax,Chapter VI:
      [T]he younger belles had begun toflaunt in the French fashions of flimsy muslins, shortwaisted— narrow-skirted.
    • 1897 October 16, Henry James, chapter XXV, inWhat Maisie Knew, Chicago, Ill., New York, N.Y.: Herbert S. Stone & Co.,→OCLC:
      [] Mrs. Wix seemed toflaunt there in her finery.
Usage notes
  • Not to be confused withflout.
Derived terms
to wave or flutter smartly
to parade, display with ostentationsee alsoparade
to show offsee alsoshow off



flaunt (pluralflaunts)

  1. (obsolete) Anything displayed for show.

Etymology 2


By confusion withflout.



flaunt (third-person singular simple presentflaunts,present participleflaunting,simple past and past participleflaunted)

  1. (proscribed) Toflout.
    • 2001, Susan Stryker,Queer Pulp, page22:
      By that late date, however, the golden age of the lurid paperback book was pretty much over, and the sort of punishment meted out to Aday and Maxey forflaunting the sexual mores of a McCarthyite culture would soon be a thing of the past.
    • 2017 January 20, David Shepardson, “Outgoing FCC chair warns against overturning net neutrality”, inReuters[2], archived fromthe original on28 November 2018:
      Wheeler said companies already areflaunting the rules by offering free or sponsored data services for some products.
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